All About Balancing Pads

In most cases of health problems, doctors not only prescribe treatment, but also unanimously repeat - strengthen the muscles, increase the tone. This does not always mean exhausting long daily workouts.
One of the simple but effective simulators that helps to strengthen muscles, increase their tone, and even improve posture and correct gait is a balance pillow. About what it is and how to use it, as well as about many other things, read this article.

Characteristics and purpose
The balance cushion is an inflatable disc ball (usually blue) with spikes. They can be located on the outside, inside, or absent / be on both. The surface of the pillow is wedge-shaped; the pillow is slightly swollen in the center. It is a massager, but it is also used as a fitness trainer and not only. Standard sizes: diameter 33 cm, thickness 5 cm. There are also products similar to a balance cushion - a large yoga platform, a balance sphere or a balance board, which perform the same function.
The trainer is used for balancing and pumping stabilizer muscles. Simply put, the training takes place as follows - you need to sit or stand on the massager, and then try to maintain balance. Massage (it becomes this way thanks to the presence of soft spikes) balancing pillow is useful for the back (it improves posture and strengthens the muscles of the back), for the legs (reduces the likelihood of injury) and generally increases vitality. It has also been noticed that after regular exercise with a balance cushion, the gait becomes more beautiful and easier.
Office workers can use it to sit on a chair during office hours. It trains your posture and prevents some back problems, as well as increases the overall tone of your back muscles.

Brand overview
The Yamaguchi balance cushion can be considered a classic. It is a blue inflatable disc, the full name is Yamaguci Balance Disk. Price - 1900 rubles. According to the manufacturer, the main task of training with a balancing pad is to train the vestibular apparatus. Due to its compact size, it can be used as a trainer for office workers. The main material of the product is ecoplastic, the weight of the product is 1 kg.

Models of the Israeli brand Bradex received good reviews. The average price of products is 800 rubles. The price range is average, not exceeding 1000 rubles. It is noted that Bradex balance pads are durable. They can also be inflated almost to the size of a ball. The exercise machine is great for children. Among the models that have received recognition are Bradex SF 0020, Equilibrium (balance disc), Bradex SF 0238, Bradex SF 0375.
The latest model is a balancing board and is called "Balance Board". Typically used for children, it trains the vestibular apparatus and strengthens the muscles.
Especially relevant for those who are involved in team sports (hockey, football, and so on).

It is impossible not to mention the manufacturer Torres. Despite being made in China, the product (inflatable massage platform) has received good reviews. The weight of the product is only 600 g, the price is 800 rubles. The full name is Pilates Massage Platform. In addition to Pilates exercises, it is usually used to treat flat feet and massage the feet. Sold complete with a pump. Manufacturing material - polyvinyl chloride.

US Medica
The products of the manufacturer US Medica are also of good quality. The full name of the product is US Medica Balance Disk. According to the manufacturer, the main task of the simulator is to combat "seasickness". The product is distinguished by a bright green color, a large carrying capacity (almost 130 kg), and an environmentally friendly manufacturing material.
The weight of the product is 1 kg, and the price can go up to 2000 rubles. The product has a high level of quality and can be used in gyms or fitness centers, as well as in training for professional athletes. Thus, for sports, it is best to purchase this model.

Trives and its M-512 model gained popularity among domestic manufacturers. The product is a massage pillow, used to massage the feet or train the spine by sitting on it. The manufacturer claims the pillow is also used for trauma rehabilitation. The brand itself is engaged in the production of medical equipment.

This product has a simple design and is well suited for both children and adults in terms of training. Choosing a balance pad is not difficult, but the following criteria must be considered.
- Dimensions. The larger the pillow, the more air it contains, and the harder it is to maintain balance on it. Trained people are better off choosing more “airy” cushions, while beginners are better off choosing smaller and flatter models. In this sense, pillows are universal, the amount of air in which can be adjusted using a pump. This is usually indicated on the packaging of the simulator, and a pump is also included with them.
- The weight that the pillow can support. It is clear for what reasons this criterion must be taken into account - otherwise the pillow will not last long. Usually, such simulators can withstand 100 or more kg.
- Manufacturing material. Better, of course, to choose products from environmentally friendly materials. Allergy sufferers are advised to purchase products made from hypoallergenic materials.

Terms of use
One of the advantages of the product is that the pillow can be used on any surface. It does not scratch and at the same time does not slip. Thus, it can be used both indoors and outdoors. You can inflate the pillow with a pump. It is best to buy a separate small pump for her - so you can inflate the pillow anywhere and pretty quickly. The use of other (not included) pumps is allowed. As stated in most directions for use, leave the pillow at room temperature for 1 hour before inflating. This is necessary so that the material for making the pillow becomes soft.
Deflating a pillow is more difficult than pumping air into it. To do this, you first need to unscrew the needle from the pump and wet it with soapy water. The needle is then inserted into the valve of the pillow. When you press on the product, air will escape through the needle. After the required amount of air has been squeezed out, it is necessary to carefully remove the needle from the valve. The main task in training with a pillow, as already mentioned, is to maintain balance. It is especially useful to get up on it regularly with flat feet. In no case should you jump on it, even children. You can use a pillow for children from any age, but always under the supervision of adults.
Cannot be used by people with disabilities. Do not heat the simulator or dry it on batteries.

Getting the balance cushion right isn't difficult, but it does take patience and perseverance. The benefits of regular exercise are great - you can improve the overall muscle tone and train coordination of movements, although outwardly this is not always noticeable.
- The simplest exercise is sitting on a cushion. The best way to do this is while working on your computer. First you need to sit for 20 minutes, and then increase the time as you get used to. At the same time, it is important not to strain the neck, but to keep your back straight, not to fall to one side, forward or backward.
- Another simple yet effective exercise is balance training. To do this, you need to stand on the pillow straight and raise your arms parallel to the floor. Thus, you need to stand for a few minutes. The exercise may seem simple, but it requires tension from the muscles. After this exercise began to work out without difficulty, you need to complicate it. The next step is to put your hands on your belt, then on your chest. Later, you can start standing on one leg.
- You can use the pillow during fitness activities to increase the load. It is necessary to sit on the simulator and do twisting in this position or swing the press, raise your legs. You can also place the pillow under your knees, stomach, head and back.
The pillows are also used for crossfit, pilates and yoga classes. In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is best to keep the simulator at home in a conspicuous place - this is more likely that it will be used.