Choosing holofiber pillows

Synthetic fillers are very popular in the pillow making process. Due to their practicality, durability and affordable cost, they have become a preferred option over natural counterparts. One of the most optimal synthetic fillers is holofiber, which has established itself as an irreplaceable solution for a comfortable pillow.

Advantages and disadvantages
Holofiber is obtained by thermal treatment of polyester, which provides safety of its use... Due to the fact that the elements of this material are distinguished by their small dimensions, the resulting bedding boasts softness and elasticity.
This favorably distinguishes holofiber against the background of padding polyester and other similar materials.

The huge popularity of holofiber is dictated by a number of its advantages, among which the main ones can be distinguished.
- Hypoallergenic... The substances and components included in the material are not capable of causing allergic reactions even in young children.
- Durability and wear resistance... Even with active use, holofiber pillows can maintain their attractive appearance and shape for a long time.
- Lightweight and breathable, which provides a high level of comfort during use.
- Ease of care and environmental friendliness. The composition does not include any harmful components.

Another advantage of the material is that it is not electrified and is not a refuge for bacteria and parasites.
The holofiber also has some drawbacks. It is unable to absorb moisture, which will bring significant discomfort for people who often sweat at night.... In addition, the material is distinguished by its high cost in comparison with synthetic winterizer and other fillers.
Bedding with this filler will be an excellent solution for people who suffer from various allergic diseases, take care of their health and buy only practical things.

Dimensions (edit)
A large selection of sizes allows each person to choose the most optimal solution for him. The standard for an adult is a pillow with dimensions 70x70 cm. Recently, however, pillows have also become very popular. 50x70 cm, which will be the perfect decoration for minimalist interiors. In addition, rectangular options are more in demand for quality sleep.

Holofiber is actively used in the process of creating decorative pillows, the parameters of which are 40x40 and 30x30 cm. A product with such a filling weighs about 600 grams. If you need a heavier pillow to support your neck while sleeping, then it is best to choose models with sizes 68x68 and 35x90, the mass of which ranges from 800 grams to a kilogram, depending on the density of the materials used.

The design of pillows in modern interiors is extremely important, because it is thanks to them that it is possible to correctly place accents. If the product is used in a bedroom and only for sleeping, then it is best to select monochromatic options that will be combined with the color scheme of the walls and the general concept of the room.

In addition, products with various prints will be an excellent solution. This can be floral themes, ornaments or patterns. For children, pillows with cartoon characters and fairy-tale characters are presented on the market.

If the pillow is used as a decorative element, then the design is extremely important. For an interior in the style of minimalism, an accessory in a dark color scheme is suitable, but rooms decorated in the Provence style need light accents.

How to choose?
The pillow directly affects the quality of sleep and the health of the spine, so close attention must be paid to the correct choice of product. In this case, some tips will help.
- First, you should study the quality certificate... This will ensure that the product fully complies with the regulations. This will allow you to pick up a quality item, and not a fake with bad filler.
- It will not be superfluous to determine the size and weight of the pillow.... These are extremely important indicators, because the elasticity of the pillow and its ability to keep its shape depend on the amount of filler. The ideal height of the pillow is the length of the shoulders of the person who will lie on it. Usually this indicator varies in the range of 10-14 cm.
- The shape of the pillows. There are many models on the market that are made in square, rectangular or triangular shapes. You can also find decorative items in the shape of a heart or a circle. Such options will be an excellent solution for room decoration and use at home.
- The density of the pillow affects your sleeping posture. If a person often sleeps on his back, then a product of medium hardness will be the ideal solution for him. For those who like to lie on their side, it is best to select dense supports, but for a person sleeping on their stomach, a soft pillow will be most comfortable, which is easy to whip if necessary.

In the process of choosing the most optimal pillow, close attention should be paid to the cover, after all, it is he who provides an attractive appearance of the product. It is best to choose options from natural materials, as they provide an excellent tactile sensation. Due to the zero static electricity, these covers provide a high level of comfort.Detachable pillow cases are also preferred as they can be washed separately.

If a holofiber pillow is bought not for sleep, but exclusively for decorative purposes, then it is best to purchase a product with foam crumbs. It is more dense, so it will be able to maintain its shape and original appearance for as long as possible.

How to care?
In order for the holofiber pillow to maintain its attractive appearance and cope with the tasks set for as long as possible, you need to pay close attention to the care of the product.
If you wash the pillow in a washing machine, then the filler will instantly deteriorate and it will not be possible to return it to its former shape. And it is not so easy to restore such a product, and it is not cheap.
Spinning at high speeds is also contraindicated, since it negatively affects the structure of the viscera.

Among the basic tips for proper care of a hallfiber pillow, the following are worth highlighting:
- for washing it is best to use special liquid or shampoo, they are able to penetrate the material and quickly be removed;
- the pillow can only be washed by hand in a basin, the water must be not hotter than 30 degrees;
- before washing, the product must soak for 30 minutes, and only then wash and wring;
- rinse best in running water, changing it until it becomes transparent, if the pillow is electrified, then you can add conditioner to the water;
- dry the pillow should be in a ventilated area in a horizontal position.

Review overview
Judging by the reviews, holofiber pillows are of high quality and reliability.... Most users note their ability to maintain their shape even with prolonged use. The most popular are the rigid options that provide optimal neck and back support.
Thus, holofiber pillows are of high quality, reliability and affordable cost.
Due to their long service life, unique technical characteristics and attractiveness, such products stand out against the background of pillows with other fillings.