How do I clean and wash my feather pillow?

The pillow is the key to quality and healthy sleep. It is the feather pillow that is rightfully considered the most comfortable and soft. But the disadvantage of an accessory with this type of filler is that the feather actively and quickly absorbs various liquids: moisture, sweat, sebum.
Such a pillow needs high-quality and proper disinfection. It should be noted that not all cleaning methods are suitable in the case of feather filler. It is necessary to understand the features of each of them before cleaning the thing. Otherwise, it may be damaged.

How often should I clean my pillow?
During the operation of the pillow, the question arises about how often you need to wash it. Experts recommend cleaning your feather pillow at least 3-4 times a year. Moreover, one of them should include the so-called deep cleaning.

But this opinion is not universal for all cases, since the degree of pollution of the pillow depends on several factors:
- climate (with a regular high air temperature, a person sweats more, therefore, bedding becomes contaminated faster);
- individual level of sweating (depends on the characteristics of the human body, as well as on the presence of diseases in which there is increased sweating);
- the regularity of taking a shower (if a person takes water procedures every day before going to bed, then the pillow will become dirty more slowly).
The absence of visual contamination on the surface of an accessory does not mean that it is clean.Even if there are no stains, the pillow should still be cleaned at least 3 times a year.

How to steam clean?
In order to use this cleaning method, you need to purchase a steam cleaner or at least an iron that has the same effect in its functionality. Beforehand, the pillow case is removed from the pillow, since it is washed separately from the main accessory.
Then the pillow must be hung with clothespins on a rope or put on a dryer. It must be steamed on all sides. In time, this process should take at least 20 minutes.

Then the pillow must be hung out to dry in fresh air. Then you can dry it at home (if cleaning was carried out in the autumn-winter period). After the procedure, the feather must be beaten well with your hands, but without strong and sudden movements. The advantages of this cleaning method are as follows:
- elimination of unpleasant odor;
- removal of germs;
- destruction of feather mites.
In addition, this method is convenient in that the cleaning of down pillows in this case takes place at home. After completely dry, you can put on a pillowcase on the pillow and use it for its intended purpose.

Dry method
The most popular for cleaning feather pillows is dry method... It is noteworthy that it can be produced both at home and using the services of a third-party organization.

At home
You can dry clean the pillow at home. But there are also nuances here. The simplest method is to simply knock out the dust using a so-called beater. To do this, the pillow must be put in a suspended state and actively clapped from all sides for several minutes. In winter, the pillow can be placed on the snow.

The advantages of this method are the simplicity and efficiency of dust removal from the accessory. But if there are mites or some other microorganisms in the feather filler, then they cannot be expelled with a regular beater. There is another more complex dry processing method. In order to put it into action, you need to prepare:
- deep pelvis;
- baking soda;
- tea tree oil.

It is easy to guess that the main active ingredients in this case will be soda and tea tree oil. Each of them has its own specific purpose: soda eliminates yellowness and stains, and tea tree oil is necessary to combat feather mites and other microorganisms. To clean an old pillow in this way, you need:
- pour 100 g of baking soda into a deep basin with a wide bottom;
- then you need to add 12 drops of tea tree oil and mix very well until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
- the mass should be applied in a thin and even layer on the surface of the pillow, paying special attention to the contaminated areas;
- in this state, the pillow must be left for 40-60 minutes, it is believed that during this time all microbes will die, and the stains are washed off.
An important point! Do not add a large amount of oil to the mixture, as in the end the mixture should not be very liquid, and at the end of the procedure, dry on a pillow. The last step is to shake the pillow well. You can even vacuum it. It is noteworthy that you do not need to wash it after such cleaning.

Dry cleaning
If you do not want to use home dry cleaning, then you can turn to specialists for such a service. There are two types of treatment: with chemicals and with air. Each of the proposed options has its own advantages and disadvantages.
The essence of dry cleaning is that the product (often in the presence of the client himself) is processed by a specialist on equipment. First, the napert is unpicked on the product, and the filler is shaken out into a special container. There it is processed using disinfectant chemicals. Additionally, processing is carried out against harmful microorganisms.Then the contents are sewn back into the updated pillowcase.

Advantages this method lies in the efficiency and simplicity of the process itself. As disadvantages, it should be noted the relatively high cost, as well as the presence of a chemical preparation. For people with allergies and children, this method of cleaning may not work. In addition, if a dry cleaner chooses the wrong solution or mixes up the proportions, the filler can shrink, and the product will never return to its former appearance.
Another good option is air cleaning... The essence of this processing method is that the product is placed in a special apparatus, where it is affected by a sufficiently powerful air flow. The advantage is that the product gets rid of dust and the feather becomes softer. Disadvantages: high cost, the machine can deform the pillow.

Rules and methods of washing
If you need a wet wash, then in this case there are also two possible options: hand wash or in an automatic machine. Each of the methods has positive and negative points.
In the washing machine
In order to wash the pillow in the car, the pillow case must be ripped open, and the contents poured into a tight bag (preferably white) and sewn up well. The napernik is washed in the same way, but separately from the filler. The sewn bag must be placed in the washing machine and select the mode:
- delicate;
- the water temperature should be no more than 40 ° C;
- without spinning.
The powder must be free of bleach. After the machine has finished washing, you need to take out a bag with a feather and hang it out to dry in the sun.
An important point! Damp wash of feather pillows is best done in summer, as you can dry in the sun. When the fluff is completely dry, it must be moved back to the pillow case. It is better not to violate this technology, then the product will not deteriorate.

The best way to hand wash feathers is in the bath. If it is not there, then a large basin can be used for the same purpose. The feather must also be removed from the pillow case. Pour a sufficient amount of warm water into the prepared container and add a soapy solution there. Helpful advice! A soapy solution can be made quickly by rubbing a bar of soap on a grater.
It is necessary to lay a feather in this water in parts and leave it there for several hours (5-6 will be enough). After this time, the filler can be fished out with a regular colander. Then it must also be rinsed in a colander under running water. It is not recommended to squeeze especially hard by hand. First you need to sew a bag of several layers of gauze. The feather should be shifted there as it rinsing. The bag is hung in the sun until completely dry. Then the pen must be put back in the pillow case and sewn up.

"Solarium" for pillows
The so-called feather pillow solarium is a relatively new cleaning technique, but very effective. The creators of this method are of the opinion that any exposure to moisture, as well as any chemicals, is detrimental to the feather filler.
When feathers get wet, they can deform, and dust removal will not be as efficient and even as planned. The essence of this method is that the filler is processed using ultraviolet radiation. The pillow is placed in a special apparatus equipped with UV lamps. Processing takes place there.

This processing method has a number of advantages, which include:
- harmlessness to the product itself;
- the absence of any chemical preparations during the processing;
- short time (all cleaning takes no more than 8-10 minutes);
- the device for cleaning consumes a minimum of energy.
It is noteworthy that from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, a large number of harmful microorganisms die, which can start in the filler:
- dust mites;
- fungi;
- viruses;
- bacteria.
Flaw this method only comes at a high cost. Processing one pillow can cost about 500 rubles (the price is not final).

Helpful hints
In order not to spoil the product during washing or other cleaning methods, it is important to observe some nuances.
- Each pillow must be washed separately. It is impossible to mix because the original volume can be disturbed.
- Under no circumstances wash the entire pillow: that is, the pillowcase and the filling together.
- When washing feather filler, do not use aggressive products, including those with a bleaching effect.
- It is not recommended to dry the pen on a battery, as this drying method will lead to strong adhesion.
- Do not hang the washed pillow in the rain for the purpose of additional rinsing.
- The pen cannot be machine washed without using a special protective bag.
If you follow these recommendations, then cleaning the pillows will take place without much time and money, and the result will be positive. The choice of the washing method depends solely on material possibilities and individual preferences.
If, when choosing home washing options, you have doubts about the correctness of the actions or there is a high risk of damage to the product, it is better to contact a dry cleaner.