How to sleep properly on an orthopedic pillow?

A person should get enough sleep, because a lack of sleep causes various diseases. A pillow is an important part of good sleep. More and more people are abandoning the classic options for pillows (down and with synthetic filler) and opting for orthopedic ones, because they better support the neck and spine. In this article, we will talk about how to use such a sleeping accessory correctly, in what position to lie down, when to choose a pillow with a notch and a roller. You will also learn about useful tips for using the orthopedic pillow.

In what position to go to bed?
During sleep, you should lie in such a way that the neck does not bend, and therefore you need a pillow to support it. Podiatrists put the emphasis on this: use the pillow more for the neck, not for the head (the head does not need to be lifted and supported in the same way as the neck). When a person sleeps on his back, he lies on the pillow only with his head and neck, and the shoulders remain unused. But if you chose a product with two rollers (two planes that differ in height), then the neck rises due to the high roller, and the head goes down.

The same happens when sleeping on the side: the shoulders should be under the pillow (if it is an ordinary pillow), and when the support has two planes, then the low roller is for the head, and the high one for the neck. Many people like to sleep on their stomachs, although experts do not recommend doing this.

However, if you are in the category that only falls asleep on your stomach, buried in a pillow, you will need a soft gel model with a regular shape.
When falling asleep, make sure that the cervical spine is comfortable, otherwise, at best, you simply will not get enough sleep, at worst you can earn osteochondrosis.

Healthy sleep is when it is possible to achieve the anatomically correct position of all important parts of the body: to correctly position the head, neck, and the entire spine. This is your main assistant - an orthopedic pillow.

How to use the pillow correctly?
You need to learn to sleep on an orthopedic pillow on your own, understanding which shape is more suitable for which sleeping position. So, the simple classic rectangular pillow is versatile and suitable for everyone. But those who like to sleep on their side need to choose a pillow with a recess for the shoulder.

Such products have an increased height and it will be comfortable for overweight people to sleep on them. For adults, there are also orthopedic pillows with bolsters. They are suitable for those who sleep on their backs or often turn to their left or right side. The last two options are very popular: pillows with grooves and pillows with rollers of different heights.

Let's consider them in more detail.
Such specimens are designed to sleep on their side. The notch helps to fix the cervical spine evenly, which creates comfort during rest. The height on the side of the notch is slightly higher, and this is what helps to correctly position the head and neck. It is very comfortable to lie in this position and you can sleep all night long. And in order to achieve ideal comfort, it is better to choose an orthopedic product with memory effect and anatomical notch.

When using such a pillow, observe the following rules:
- do not put your hands under the pillow;
- the accessory is used only in a horizontal position, it is not placed vertically;
- sleep exclusively on the convex part;
- if you sleep on your back on such a pillow, then it will need to be turned so that the notch is at the top, since it is designed so that the shoulder takes a comfortable position while sleeping on its side.

With rollers of different heights
The standard dimensions for such an accessory are 44 cm wide, 28 cm long and 6 cm high. It is convenient to put it under your head when sleeping on your back. In this position, it is ideal to use a pillow with bolsters, which significantly reduces the load on the spine. You will get an even distribution of weight and will be able to fully rest.

This position improves blood circulation in the head. But sleeping on your side will be more difficult, although it is also permissible. For this it is better to lie on a hard mattress. There are several rules for using orthopedic pillows with rollers of different heights.
- The accessory is designed to support only the neck, not the head.
- When buying a product, please note that it is double-sided (with two rollers). One roller is different in height, the other will be lower. But the choice of the roller always depends on your position during sleep.
- When sleeping on your side, put a low roller under your head: in this case, the neck will be at a height. Do the opposite if you sleep on your back.
- With the correct use of orthopedic pillows of this type, the load on the head and spine should be relieved, while the neck will bend only in its natural position.
For those who suffer from osteochondrosis, such pillows are also recommended, but not for sleeping on the stomach. You can adapt the product by choosing the position of the embryo, resting on its side or face up: how can anyone sleep comfortably, so long as the spine is not tense.

Helpful hints
At first it may seem to you that sleeping on such a pillow is uncomfortable, but you should not immediately give up this useful accessory for sleeping. Experts say that this is normal when moving from a classic pillow to an orthopedic one. It will take time for you to get used to the new conditions, and the body and body - to the correct position. After a couple of months, you will feel the difference and see the benefits of such a product, and the primary discomfort will be replaced by a healthy sleep.

The maximum benefit can only be achieved with the correct use of the orthopedic pillow. Remember that only the neck and head should be placed on it, and for the shoulders, choose a model with a special notch. Such a pillow should not be turned upright for convenience while watching movies or reading novels, otherwise you will get yourself a headache and be shattered due to the tightness of the blood vessels in the cervical region.

If you have already started using orthopedic pillows, then sleep on them daily. They will prevent the onset of musculoskeletal diseases, as well as alleviate these problems if an unpleasant ailment has already overtaken you. Moreover, such products contribute to long-term youthfulness of the neck and face, preventing the formation of premature wrinkles. You can sleep on orthopedic products not only at night: they are also quite suitable for daytime rest.
If you decide to accustom yourself to proper and healthy sleep, then do not change pillows: rest on the same model day and night.

And in order to choose the right pillow option, pay attention to its size and proportions of your body. The support for sleeping should be tailored to the individual characteristics of your body. To calculate the correct height for the accessory, measure the distance from the base of the neck to the end of the shoulder. Literally a couple of centimeters are added to the result obtained (sometimes even one centimeter is enough) to find out what height to buy an orthopedic product. It is difficult for broad-shouldered people to choose an individual option, they are advised to buy the highest pillow (14-16 cm) and, if necessary, put an additional roller under it, twisted, for example, from a towel.