Orthopedic memory foam pillows

A comfortable pillow is one of the most important components of good sleep for any person. Recently, more and more people are abandoning the usual down products in favor of innovative models with a memory effect.

What it is?
Memory Foam bedding is also called memory foam pillow. It means that innovative materials used for them seem to remember and then repeat the individual characteristics of the body. As a result, the sleeping person feels the maximum comfort. The composition of the heat-sensitive filler may vary depending on the manufacturer, but the essence of its action remains unchanged. When a person's head is lowered onto the support, the filler immediately responds to body temperature and pressure.

The material is rolled until it adapts to the body of a particular person, flowing around its every bend. Instead of back pressure on the vessels, only almost imperceptible support is felt at the necessary points. If the lying person changes position in a dream, then the pillow will also be rearranged in accordance with it. After he leaves the sleeping place, the product will take its original form in a couple of seconds.

By the way, such an original pillow in most cases has a completely banal rectangular shape, but with elevations along the edges and a central depression. Its height is selected depending on the width of a person's shoulders.
The main results of regular use of the innovative pillow are normalization of blood supply to the head and relaxation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, which means that sleep is significantly improved, strength is restored faster. Memory pillows are mainly made from polyurethane foam, latex or silicone. In production, the material foams, as a result of which microscopic air bubbles are formed in it, separated by thin membranes. When heated under the warmth of the body, part of the filler becomes plastic, but the remaining unheated retains elasticity, providing support to the muscles.

Depending on the shape of the memory foam pillow, it is customary to divide it into several categories. The classic product is flat and is made not only in the shape of a rectangle, but also in the shape of a square, circle, oval or even a star. If the packaging indicates that the product is orthopedic, inside, most likely, there will be a rectangular pillow with a one-sided roller. Ergonomic models have a pair of rounded bulges of different sizes or a recess for the head and shoulders. For travel, usually purchased "horseshoes" and "bagels" filled with Memory Foam, and for daytime rest - rollers and half-rollers.

Advantages and disadvantages
A memory foam product has many benefits. Exactly repeating the individual structure of the body, it correctly supports the head, reducing pain in the cervical spine. The material used is hypoallergenic and does not cause dust mites. It also does not accumulate dust or dirt. The pillows are very easy to care for, they do not build up dust, do not absorb odors and, by the way, do not create unpleasant sounds during squeezing. The service life is at least 5 years.

Memory Foam helps with neck injuries, headaches, osteochondrosis and spinal diseases. Innovative bedding is indispensable if a person is constantly in a sitting position at the computer or is engaged in heavy physical work. It prevents snoring during sleep and has a unique healing effect. The cellular structure is responsible for heat transfer, and the specificity of the material itself protects against moisture absorption.

However, such pillows also have a number of disadvantages. For example, they smell unpleasant right after purchase, and they also have a high level of hardness. It is impossible not to notice that the air circulates poorly inside the filler. Finally, such models are quite expensive. Orthopedic pillows are not recommended for newborns or people who are sensitive to chemicals.

It should also be mentioned that unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes save on high-quality polyurethane foam, diluting it with dangerous additives, for example, formaldehydes.
Innovative bedding usually cannot be washed, and improper care leads to the disappearance of the memory effect. You have to get used to them, and at first unpleasant sensations are quite likely.

Memory foam pillows have different degrees of rigidity, and also have different fillers in their composition.
By materials of manufacture
Most orthopedic pillows are stuffed with Memory Foam - polyurethane foam. For budget products, a thermoplastic filler is used, and for higher quality products, a viscoelastic filler. A cooling gel pad is often included with Memory Foam. Bedding can be made and based on Ormafoam - orthopedic hypoallergenic foam with similar properties. Finally, The latex support, which is based on natural rubber filler, also has a memory effect.

The structure of such a filler resembles a honeycomb and has increased elasticity. The creators of orthopedic pillows also use artificial Memoflex and Memoform are polyurethanes with low elasticity, which have different components in the composition... Polyester balls are often found in the filler, making products comfortable and hygienic, as well as allowing them to be washed and dried.

According to the degree of hardness
According to the degree of rigidity, there are three main types of pillows. Soft suitable for people who prefer to sleep on their stomach and tough - for those who like to sleep on their side. For a classic sleep on your back, it is better to choose bedding medium hardness.

Rating of the best models
The ranking of the best manufacturers of memory foam pillows includes companies TRELAX, "Ascona", Tempur, Sleep Professor, Fosta and many others... So, the model gets good reviews Fosta F 8021... The rectangular memory foam pillow is hypoallergenic and has a long service life. It's easy to clean, and the durable cover can withstand 200 washes or more. The filler of the product is not afraid of temperature jumps or moisture ingress.

The Celebrity model from the American brand Sleep Professor is filled with elastic foam with a cooling gel. Its service life reaches 5 years. In addition to thermoregulation, the product also provides cooling during sleep, and also distributes the load between muscle groups.
Model Anatomic 11 from an italian brand Technogel Anatomically shaped to provide moderate neck and shoulder support. The height of the rollers is 10.5 and 11.5 cm. The double pillowcase is made of cotton fabric.

Criterias of choice
To choose a head support for sleeping, you should rely on personal preference. So, for those who sleep on their side and back, a wavy product with a pair of rollers is recommended. If most of the night is spent on your stomach, a low, nearly flat, rectangular or star-shaped pillow should be preferred. It is more comfortable to rest on your back on a model with one or two bolsters. For children, only special orthopedic pillows are allowed, the purchase of which is previously discussed with the doctor.

The size of the bedding under the head is calculated based on the width of the shoulders. A baby pillow usually does not go beyond 20x30 or 40x40 centimeters. The adult pillow for those with an average build has sides of 60 and 40 centimeters. For people of strong constitution, it is better to choose a product with an area of 50x70 centimeters.
A clear plus of the product will be the presence of a pillowcase or removable cover. Travel pillows, as a rule, come with a knitted cover impregnated with an antibacterial substance.

If the filling of the pillow is polyurethane foam or viscoelastic foam, then it cannot be washed - even manual processing will quickly destroy the partitions of the cellular material, due to which the unique properties of the product will disappear. Bedding should be cleaned by dry cleaning, but it is also allowed to wipe the surface with a damp cloth or cloth. The pillow should be ventilated every three months in the fresh air. Removable pillowcases and a cover are loaded into the drum of the washing machine, provided that the temperature is selected no more than 40 degrees and the delicate mode.

How to sleep properly?
The orthopedic pillow should always be on a level surface. A person who goes to bed places only the head and neck on it, and presses the shoulders tightly against the sides of the structure. In the presence of two rollers, the soft one is intended for the head, and the harder one is placed under the cervical region.

Review of effect reviews
In general, reviews of pillows with Memory Foam filler confirm the therapeutic effect of the memory effect: it is noted that the neck really stops hurting and swelling, sleep becomes stronger, and headaches go away. Changes are especially noticeable in people suffering from various problems of the spine. However, many reviews contain a complaint that over time the effect of the product weakens, the pillow cakes, and the memory effect disappears, and this happens even before the expiration date.
The high cost of sleeping accessories is also considered a definite disadvantage.