Anti-stress pillows

It's no secret that modern life is closely related to stressful situations. Almost every adult (and not only) is exposed to this feeling on a daily basis. One effective way to help yourself is to reduce it through physical interaction. An anti-stress pillow can help with this. About what its peculiarity is, how to take care of it, how to pick it up, read this article.
Features and purpose
The antistress pillow got its name due to the massage effect it has. And it is also called a pillow-cushion or crush. The product helps to relax, distract from routine or unpleasant affairs, increases efficiency, improves overall well-being. It can be used both for the head and only for the neck, as well as just hold and wrinkle in your hands. Some people specifically purchase such items for pillow fights. They are more decorative elements than a sleeping accessory. They develop fine motor skills, excite nerve endings. They often have a striking design and unusual shape.

Nowadays you can find a pillow-cushion in almost every supermarket. The range of such products is growing every year. Dealing with it is not always easy. Such products can be classified according to several indicators.
By surface material
As a rule, the manufacturer chooses a fabric that is pleasant to the touch. Most often it is polyester, velor, fleece, less often cotton fabrics. In addition to the above, a variety of materials are used, the main requirement for them is high elasticity. For example, supplex, which is almost 80% lycra. This fabric does not wrinkle, dries quickly and, of course, stretches perfectly.Recently, fabrics with carbon yarns have become popular to resist static electricity. It is rather difficult to divide pillows conventionally according to the type of fabric, since most of the samples used have similar properties. - they do not wrinkle, do not wear out, do not shrink, dry quickly.
Almost all materials used are hypoallergenic and do not irritate children.

By type of filler
Usually pillows are filled with polystyrene balls. These balls are light, moisture resistant and do not become a habitat for various kinds of living creatures (ticks and others). They are also durable and relatively durable. Another popular filler is silicone balls. They are soft and washable. The pillows are also filled with natural materials. It is believed that they have a beneficial effect on the body and make the course of diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis and others easier. Among natural fillers, buckwheat husks and even natural wool can be noted. The most commonly used camel.
In most cases, any filler inside the pillows is in the form of round granules. It is the balls that are able to be evenly distributed under the influence of pressure, to maintain the shape that they have given to the case.

To size
Pillows are available in a classic square or rectangular shape, there are also triangular, round, oval models. All of these models in various shapes are usually produced in two main categories - for adults and children. The smallest are toy pillows, a little larger are neck pillows, there are also large models for pregnant women, small ones for supporting the necks of babies, there are models of full human height. The sizes of pillows for nap or rest are different from pillows for sleeping at night. Pillows in sizes 70x70, 50x70 and 50x50 cm are designed for sleeping.
It is best not to use all oversized pillows for a night's rest.

By cover design
Most of the assortment of such pillows comes in the form of various animals, the most common are fish, caterpillar, dog, cat, owl, pig, hippopotamus, crocodile, tiger and so on. These pillows are more like a toy. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that some of the animals can be very realistic (for example, fish), while the rest are painted in bright colors (owl, caterpillar, and others).
A separate class is represented by toys in the form of various cartoon characters. The most popular at the moment are minions, comic book superheroes, the main characters of children's cartoons. And also themed pillows can be produced - New Year's, for Halloween, for Valentine's Day and other holidays.

Popular brands
Among domestic manufacturers, whose products are available and on sale, Comfort Line can be noted. The company is engaged in the manufacture of mattresses, but also produces other products, including anti-stress pillows. The main production and warehouse are located in Moscow, it is possible to make products to order.

Another product that has received good reviews is produced by the "Union of Toy Manufacturers" firm and has the sonorous name "Things to which handles reach." Production is located in the city of Ivanovo. Products have a budget price - about 400 rubles. It is noted that these pillows do not smell of dyes, and they tolerate washing well.

If you want to buy a gift, then you can stop your choice on models from the FixPrice store. Often the manufacturers are Chinese companies. Despite this, the products are quite capable of fulfilling their function (relieve stress), and also have a pleasant appearance.

Unfortunately, the products of the Israeli company Bradex received bad reviews. The filler is too fine and spills out. The vibrating device inside the pillow also does not give a pleasant sensation.
Thus, the choice of a pillow should be based on convenience and personal preferences, and not on the price and manufacturer.

Criterias of choice
Since the pillow is not a basic necessity, the factors influencing its choice are blurred. As mentioned above, the main ones are personal preferences. Nevertheless, several points can be highlighted.
Purpose. You need to immediately understand for yourself how you will use the pillow. The lumbar models are different from the head models. Some types of pillows for children may differ significantly from models for adults. Such products are a good gift even for official meetings; you can place company logos on them to order.
Convenience. If you choose a pillow for sleeping, then the main criterion should be the rigidity of the product. As a rule, it is most comfortable to sleep on square, rectangular models, less often on bolsters or in the shape of a semicircle. Models for the neck are most often purchased for those who are on frequent flights or travel.
Design. It must be taken into account if you are choosing a pillow for the interior. It has been noticed that bright models with a simple and laconic design and discreet patterns fit perfectly into almost any interior.

Care Tips
The most common problem with this type of pillow is the rapid appearance of surface stains. It is not necessary to rush to wash the product in the washing machine right away; you can try to wipe the stain with a sponge with detergent. In this case, it is best to use soft sponges that will not damage the surface. After that, it is imperative to rinse the product under running water. The pillow covers can be washed separately. First you need to remove the filler.
The entire pillow can be washed once every few months with regular use of the product. Washing should be done on a delicate cycle, while the water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. However, it is recommended to hand wash the pillows. Drying is carried out horizontally.

Easy and simple to wash off silicone or polyurethane bead filling. It is enough to collect water in a container so that it covers all the balls, mix them thoroughly and several times, then pour out the water and rinse everything in clean water. If necessary, you can repeat this procedure several more times. You cannot wash the buckwheat filler; you must first remove it to clean the cover.
In case of loss of filler, you can always purchase a new one. Usually this product is available for free sale.