All About Emoji Pillows

Smiley pillows are a fun and unusual option for decorating a room. Such a thing can become an unforgettable and pleasant gift. The design of pillows in the form of emoticons has its own characteristics, in this article we will look at different options and some tips for choosing.

Images of small faces with one emotion or another entered our life at about the same time when social networks began to actively develop. Their main role, according to psychologists, is to partially compensate for visual information that occurs during communication, access to which we completely lose, starting a conversation with someone in written or auditory form.
Now emoticons can be found almost everywhere: from icons and accessories to items of popular brands. Specifically, smiley pillows began to be especially in demand with the beginning of their active release based on the smiley sketches of the popular VKontakte network. They are relevant in many age categories.

Smiley pillows are usually produced in a round shape, less often in a square or other complex shape. The face has the clearest outline, it is important for designers that the emotion is read quickly and is absolutely understandable. There are also options when the smiley is in the heart of a flower with multi-colored petals, which are also made from voluminous fabric parts.
The benefits of emoji pillows include:
- the opportunity to express your feelings;
- emotionally paint the room;
- complement the interior of the room;
- it is a memorable and useful gift;
- a fashionable and original accessory can cheer you up.
The pillow can be used not only at home, but, for example, in the car. Such a little thing will keep the child on a long trip and make it more comfortable.

Materials (edit)
High-quality pads are made of hypoallergenic materials, they are odorless. Such materials are usually durable and environmentally friendly, do not change after washing. The structure of the outer fabric is very soft to the touch. Most often, in the manufacture of such accessories, the following are used:
- velours;
- velvet;
- fleece;
- plush;
- sometimes flax.
These are the most pleasant to the touch and suitable in terms of density, fabrics that lend themselves well to decoration and stitching. They also paint well, for example, with acrylics.

The usual synthetic fluff is used as a filler. Its structure and qualities allow the pillow to be elastic, but at the same time soft. The material is safe and easy to use.
Also, its advantages include:
- ease,
- water resistance (it has a special waterproof coating, due to which moisture evaporates quickly after washing),
- breathability,
- resistance to deformation,
- antistatic (does not accumulate static electricity).
Its analogues are: synthetic winterizer, holofiber, holofitex.

A small but very cute smiley pillow - the cherry on the cake in the shape of a sofa. She will transform even the most simple and uncomplicated room, brightening up everyday life with positive emotion and raising your spirits.
Such pillows have gained particular popularity in children's rooms. They can be fun to line up to create a little story. The size of the pillows allows you to use them for their intended purpose - for sleeping.
In relation to the color, the pillows are most often yellow.

The most popular models include products that carry this or that action or emotion:
- smile,
- teaser;
- embarrassment,
- wink,
- kiss,
- love,
- astonishment,
- dream.

The shape of the pillow can be not only round: faces are added to hearts, stars, and other objects. Girls fell in love with cute accessories: an inexpensive purchase makes the room positive and elegant.

Also, pillows based on designs and other icons from social networks are quite popular, for example, monkeys "I don't hear, I don't say, I don't see" and others.

How to choose?
The face pillow is easy to find in the vastness of online stores, as well as in shopping and entertainment centers.
When choosing a pillow, be guided by the following points:
- the texture of the pillow should be pleasant to the touch;
- materials should be considered only dense, abrasion-resistant and necessarily those that can be washed;
- size vary from 15 to 40 cm and more, specifically for sleeping, pillows from 45 cm are better suited;
- the pillow should look aesthetically pleasing, that is, please its owner and bring comfort to the house.

If the pillow is for a boy or young man, good options are:
- "Cool" smiley with glasses;
- crying with laughter or grinning emoticons;
- surprised smiley;
- smiley with tongue sticking out.

If the pillow is intended for a girl or a girl, you should pay attention to the following options:
- an emoticon sending a kiss;
- in love smiley;
- winking emoticon.

If you order a product online, purchasing an item from China, pay attention to studying the reviews. Some models may appear large in the photo, but turn out to be quite small pads.
Lovely pillows presented as a gift will leave warm memories and pleasant emotions. By using these pillows as accessories, you can take beautiful and fashionable photos.
If, alas, you have not found a suitable option, you can always make a pillow with your own hands: the variety of possible techniques gives everyone a chance to try to realize their creative ideas.

How to sew a pillow in the form of emoticons with your own hands, see the next video.