Features of fur pom-poms

Fur pom-poms always look good and neat, so this is a good alternative to such familiar thread pom-poms. The article will discuss how you can quickly and easily make a pom-pom from fur for a hat or keychain with your own hands at home.

Advantages and disadvantages
Pom-poms are accessories that make our life more interesting and brighter. In principle, you can do without them. But with them it is more interesting and more fun. Pom-poms are made of fur and thread. Fur pom-poms have become more relevant lately, so it's worth considering their pros and cons.

There are many advantages to such a product.
- It so happened that fur pompons are at the height of fashion today, so any such accessory immediately rises in value. However, it is possible to save money by performing this accessory yourself.
- A pom-pom from a piece of fur is made much faster than from woolen threads. At the same time, the result is always perfect, which cannot be said about a thread product.
- The original look of a fur pom-pom immediately transforms any product that decorates or complements.
- Long service life of such a pompom. Depends on the material, natural fur or artificial.

There are also disadvantages, but there are not many of them.
- It is not always possible to find material to fulfill. Or it may not be enough.
- It takes time to make.
- Loss of lint that will remain on clothing.
- The appearance of static electricity (relevant for synthetic fur coatings).
- Any fur, even such an insignificant fragment, under the influence of sunlight will gradually fade, changing color.
- Capable of accumulating dust inside.
- The fur surface quickly absorbs and retains odors for a long time.

Fur pom-poms can be divided into two large groups. These are products made from natural or artificial raw materials.
In turn, natural fur accessories can be made from almost all types of fur: foxes, arctic fox, silver fox, mink, rabbit, raccoon, muton and so on.

As for faux fur, its main difference is in a variety of any colors. And also it does not come out, it is quite easy to work with the material, it can be washed both by hand and in a typewriter. Of course, an accessory made from a natural product will look richer.
However, the modern textile industry, the latest technologies are able to produce artificial fur, almost indistinguishable in appearance from natural.

And also pom-poms are large and small, of different colors, with a long nap and a short one. There are many varieties, you can choose according to your taste and in accordance with the product for which it is intended as decoration.

How to do it yourself?
A fur pompom is pretty easy to make with your own hands. It should be noted right away that the manufacturing technology of the accessory is the same both from natural fur and from an artificial analogue.

Here's what we need.
- Fur flap. First of all, the cut should be of the size that is required for a particular product.
- Round base. It can be anything: a foam ball (by the way, it can be purchased at handicraft and art stores), crumpled paper that must be wrapped with threads for strength, a ball of batting or padding polyester.
- Strong threads, thick needle, blade, scissors.

It is quite easy to make a fur pompom, it will take a minimum of time, the main thing is that it will be inexpensive. For example, many needlewomen knit hats themselves, and absolutely any fur can be used. As already mentioned, you can take a piece of faux fur or natural fur for a pom-pom. It can be anything like an old fur hat or collar, faux fur lining, and more. By the way, as far as artificial material is concerned, you can always go to the store and buy 10 centimeters of fur.
This strip will be enough to model a dozen pompoms.

Consider a small master class on how to sew a fur pompom.
- As for the natural material, you still need to choose the material that will not have visible damage, and also so that the fur does not "come out".
- Next, we determine the dimensions of the future product. Then you draw a circle on the material. We draw only from the inside out. To make an even circle, you should use any stencil, including a saucer or, for example, a mug, or you can do it with a compass.
- Now the most important thing is cutting. It is necessary to cut only on the seamy side with a blade or a sharp clerical knife. Scissors are not suitable here, as they can grab and cut off the pile itself, and the integrity of the fur will suffer.
- The rest is simple. Small stitches are made along the edge of the inner base with a thread and a needle. It is very important to take a sufficiently strong thread, as it will further tighten the edges of the fur.
- We begin the thread pulling itself already when applying the stitches. This must be done without effort in order to preserve and not damage either the thread or the basis of the very basis of the fur.
- When this stage is completed, we take a filler ball. Most often, a synthetic winterizer is taken as a pom-pom stuffing. And you can also replace it with foam rubber or cotton wool. We place this improvised ball inside the fur blank, then tighten the thread tightly, but carefully.
- The thread has completely pulled off the fur, after which you should get a round and beautiful pompom. The thread should be fastened, and the pompom should be fluffed up. All is ready. By the way, the same thread is often used to attach the product directly to the hat.

For a more detailed video on making a fur pompom, see below.
Use cases
If a few years ago only knitted hats were decorated with fur pom-poms, today you can see them everywhere: on bags, on key chains, even on shoes, slippers.
The imagination of creative-minded needlewomen knows no bounds, and she could not stop at the only option for using such a spectacular thing as a fur pompom.

Let's see what else you can think of, how to use this cute decor element.
- Small fur pom-poms can be used to create a whole scarf. This accessory will not only be warm, but also fashionable. Even a luxurious stole will turn out from a large number of fur details.
- Brooch. Any thing, even the most unloved one, can immediately transform and turn into the most wearable wardrobe item if it is decorated with such a pom-pom brooch.
- Keychain for a bag, backpack. A fluffy pom-pom keychain will not only decorate any bag, it will also soothe its owner, because it is so pleasant to stroke it.
- Of course, such cute pussies in a children's wardrobe are more than appropriate. It will be fun to decorate with them a scarf, mittens, a hat.
- And what scope for creativity in the use of fur pom-poms opens up in the decor of the interiors of an apartment or house. A few small pompoms - and they already fit into the design of a pillowcase for a sofa cushion, blanket and other home textiles.
- From pompons, it is easy to build a small (or maybe large) rug for the bedroom or bathroom.

But that is not all. Elastic bands or hairpins for hair, headbands with ears with fur pom-poms, earrings with pom-poms and a lot of things you can think of, for creative people nothing is impossible.