Large parrots: description, types and features of the content

There are a huge number of parrot breeds in the world. Each of them has characteristic features and differs in size, shape and plumage. By purchasing a tropical feathered pet, each of us hopes to have a beautiful bird, which will also be an excellent companion. But do not forget that large-breed parrots require the necessary care. Therefore, before buying, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of keeping feathered pets.

Advantages and disadvantages
Buying a parrot requires an objective assessment. You should soberly assess the situation and weigh the pros and cons before introducing a tropical bird in your home. It is worth emphasizing that large parrots require more space, so it is best to place them in aviaries.... Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of keeping feathered pets.
- Large parrots are very attached to their owners and become their best friend.
- Sociability. Tropical birds can easily learn to imitate speech.
- Most of the species have a very contrasting color of plumage, which is pleasing to the eye.
- Large parrots are easy to train. If you give them a little time, they will learn not only to talk, but also to perform various tricks.
- In comfortable conditions and with proper care, such parrots can live for more than a dozen years.
- These feathered pets are distinguished by their cleanliness. You do not have to constantly clean up due to the actions of the bird.
- There is practically no need to walk a tropical bird.

- Buying a large parrot can be very expensive.
- Some species are considered quite rare on the domestic market, and sometimes it is very difficult to acquire them.
- In case of illness, it is very difficult to find specialists for the treatment of a parrot, and the price for an appointment is exorbitant.
- Due to its size, the parrot requires a sufficient amount of space, the minimum is an aviary, the maximum is a separate room. It is also recommended to install perimeter perimeters for birds to sit.
- Loud noise. Large parrots are quite loud in their speech, so lovers of silence are not recommended to have such birds at home.
- Parrots are very active birds, so the possibility of damage to furniture or clothing is not excluded.
- Changeable mood. In a state of aggression, birds can inflict various injuries on their owner.
- Large parrots require a lot of attention. With a lack of communication, they may become depressed. In some cases, it can reach self-pinching. The consequences of this can be tragic.

There are not many varieties of large parrots that can survive at home. Each of them has a unique character and requires an individual approach.
Among the large feathered macaws, it is considered the largest species of parrots. The natural habitat of tropical birds is the central and southern part of America. In the form of a pet, it is quite rare due to its size (from 50 to 100 centimeters).
Such birds are very difficult to keep indoors because of their loud voice and powerful beak, which can ruin many things in the house. These birds are considered smart enough, but it takes a lot of time and effort to teach them to speak.

For keeping in the house, it is best to purchase the following types of macaw parrot.
- Red... The length of the body can be up to 85 centimeters. It got its name from the bright red plumage.
- Blue-yellow. Body length can vary from 80 to 86 centimeters. The parrot itself is colorful. The abdominal part of the body is colored yellow, while the back and wings are blue. The feathers located on the forehead are tinted green.
- Hyacinth... In length, it can reach one meter, the plumage has a rich purple color with blue tints.

The natural habitat of this breed of parrots is Australia and Oceania. The body length can reach 50 centimeters, and the body weight - up to a kilogram. It has a powerful beak and a bright tuft. Cockatoo live in flocks, so at home they will be very attached to all household members.
These artistic birds love to be given a lot of attention and will never make their owners bored. Parrots are also very sociable and easy to train.
Due to the unstable nervous system, they are prone to sudden mood swings.

- Mourning... The price for such a bird is very high, and the species itself is rare. The color is black. For males and females, the presence of a red stripe on the tail is characteristic. Females differ in that there are yellow spots on the black plumage.
- Black... These large parrots can weigh up to one kilogram and can be 80 centimeters long. The plumage is green and black. It is not recommended to keep it at home.
- Yellow-crested... Easy to train. Learns to speak quickly. The length of the body can be up to 50 centimeters. Average weight is 1 kilogram.
Unlike other colored parrots, these birds have a modest white color. The crest is colored yellow.

Unlike previous species, the size of these birds is much smaller (30-40 centimeters). Amazons have green plumage. In the wild, these large parrots live on the South American continent. The life span of birds is long and can reach 70 years. A parrot can be easily taught to speak. Amazons are restless and curious birds. A parrot of this breed will become the best friend for its owner.
The most popular types.
- Yellowhead... The body length can reach about 40 centimeters. The plumage of the parrot is green. The crown of the head is yellow.
- Blueface... The size of the case can be up to 45 centimeters. The plumage of parrots is also green. The feathers on the head have a bluish tint. Blue-faced birds are an endangered species.

Chinese ringed
This type of parrot is quite large. The length of the body can reach 50 centimeters, most of it falls on the tail. The bird weighs about 350 grams. The plumage on the head of a Chinese parrot is blue. It flows smoothly onto the abdominal part of the body. The plumage on the wings and back is green. His head is characterized by the presence of black stripes. By the beak, you can determine the sex of the parrots. In males, the upper part of the beak is red, while in females it is painted black. Birds are highly intelligent and need constant attention.
The natural habitat of the Chinese parrot is China and India.

Content rules
If you are still ready to have a large breed parrot in your house, then you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for caring for feathered pets. According to statistics, at home, the life expectancy of a tropical bird is significantly reduced due to improper care.
Due to their size, large parrots require a lot of food. It is recommended to feed them no more than twice a day. We bring to your attention a diet for feathered pets:
- nuts;
- seeds;
- cereals;
- berries;
- fruits;
- greens;
- vegetables;
- porridge without salt;
- dairy products.
It is strongly discouraged to feed your parrot with foods from your own diet. The forbidden list includes meat, fish, and smoked products.
Remember to include enough water in your bird's daily diet.

Large parrots need a lot of space. It is best to place feathered pets in an aviary or give them a separate room in an apartment. You can also put a cage for the parrot, taking into account the fact that the bird will spend more time outside its small home. The parameters of the cage should be 100 * 100 * 170 centimeters. For the rods of the cage, a heavy-duty metal material is used. Their thickness must be at least 5 millimeters. This is necessary so that the parrot cannot damage the structure.
It is also recommended to install a good and reliable lock. Due to its intelligence, the feathered pet can easily open the cage. You can also not paint the structure.

Accessories are a necessary component in arranging a home for birds. pets.
- Trough... It is recommended to buy a feeder exclusively from a material such as stainless steel. It must be durable and quality.
- Wooden perches and perches. These accessories can be made from any material. Most people prefer wood. But there is a nuance here - they will have to be changed often. This is because pets are simply gnawing at them. A more economical way is to make your own perches.
- Drinker... This accessory is placed directly inside the aviary. The owners of such pets recommend buying closed bowls with a pocket on the bottom, otherwise the water will become polluted very quickly.
- Mineral stone. This item is needed in order for the bird to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. It is advisable to place the stone inside the cage.
- Toys... Feathered pets require a lot of attention and do not like to be bored. It is recommended to buy various toys for your pet to fully meet the needs.
- Butterfly net... It will be needed at first, until the parrot is tamed.
- Bathing suit... For bathing feathered pets, you must install a special container. Parrots are very clean birds, therefore, water procedures must be carried out regularly.

See below for more details.