Interesting and beautiful names for the cockatiel parrot

Australian cockatiels are gaining popularity among domestic birds. And this is no coincidence. Recent studies have shown that an adult is in no way inferior to a preschooler in mental abilities. Therefore, the owner of such an unusual bird should take a responsible approach to choosing a name for his talkative pet.
It must be original and reflect the individual characteristics of the character of the parrot.

Character traits
Before choosing a truly suitable and beautiful name, you should observe it for a while in order to find out the frequently occurring behavioral signs inherent in this particular parrot of yours. The following behavioral features are known for this breed.
- The crest, which is on the head of these birds, can rise and fall depending on the disposition of the spirit.
- The male is more active than the female. It chirps loudly and often knocks on the cage with its beak. The female is distinguished by a calm character.
- These parrots are madly in love with their owners and are always open to communication with them. But attention deficit badly affects their behavior - they can easily run wild and even become aggressive.
- The Corellas are extremely curious. If the owner sits down next to read a book, then the parrot will definitely look into it. And he is also interested in watching all the movements of a person around the room. On a joint walk, the Corella will not leave its owner a single step.
- These birds love the sounds of a female voice, it is easier for them to perceive and assimilate. Therefore, it is often women who become their “favorites” among family members.
- Parrots love to play, so it is better to take care of creating a special corner for them with a ladder and a swing.
- Corella love not only to talk, but also to sing.This is a rather noisy bird and is not suitable for every owner.
But she is able to give a lot of positive emotions and good mood. With such a pet you will never be bored.

What is the name of a parrot?
These birds learn quickly and are always ready to maintain communication with the owner. They remember their nickname first of all, so it is important to choose an interesting nickname for them. Check out the general guidelines for choosing a name for your parrot.
- The name must be original. The nickname "Gosha" and the like are no longer considered interesting, besides, each owner of such a bird will want to distinguish his pet from thousands of others, giving him an unusual nickname.
- Despite the originality, you shouldn't choose a too tricky name. In an attempt to stand out, you can go so far that the parrot simply cannot pronounce its own nickname. Therefore, the name should be easy for the pet itself. It is better that the nickname contains a hissing and sibilant consonant ("s", "h", "w", "u"), a voiced "r", as well as the letters "k", "f", "g". As for the vowels, "a", "y", "i", "e" will do. Parrots really like this sound sequence, so they will begin to pronounce their name with ease and undisguised pleasure.
- The nickname must be short. It is better to have one or two syllables in it. This will be more convenient for the bird and for the owner himself. But, of course, there are exceptions. If Corella has extraordinary learning abilities, then you can call it a longer name, consisting of three syllables.
- Experts do not recommend giving nicknames with letters that are difficult for a bird: "l", "n", "y", "c", "z", "o", "u", "e", this also includes the combinations "j" or "dz". These birds do not have vocal cords, their tongue helps them imitate sounds, so it will be physically difficult and even impossible for her to pronounce some letters.
- And also do not call the bird a double name. The parrot simply will not accept the second nickname and will not pronounce it. And after a while, the owner himself will begin to shorten these two names when talking with a parrot. To avoid confusion, it is better to dwell on a simple nickname in one word.
- Corella learns well the intonation of the owner and copy it when pronouncing words, especially her name. Therefore, it is important to clearly pronounce the pet's nickname, not to swallow sounds, otherwise the bird will copy the slurred pronunciation, then it will be difficult to retrain it.
- Names for cockatiels are selected depending on gender - it is a boy or a girl. If it is not possible to determine the gender, then the name must be chosen neutral, for example, "Busya" or "Ruri".
- You should not rush to choose a nickname, you need to study the habits of a new feathered friend for some time. Otherwise, calling the parrot Grumpy, you can get into a mess if he does not have such a quality of character. You should also not attribute far-fetched behaviors to the bird. It is better to emphasize the individual traits with the name.
- Experts in ornithology do not recommend naming a parrot after any family member or any close family or friends. The bird should understand that you are referring to her, and not to dad, child or a neighbor who came to visit.
- There is no need to name the bird after some modern politician, for example, "Zhirik". It so happens that the popularity of these people fades, the nickname becomes not only irrelevant, but even unpleasant for the owner. This means that he will rarely pronounce the name of the cockatiel, thereby leaving the bird without communication and dooming it to loneliness.

Names of "idols" for cockatiels
The list of nicknames that are somehow related to the interests of the owner deserves a separate mention. It has already been said that it is not worth calling the bird the name of some modern leader, but the names of politicians, revolutionaries and other personalities who have already firmly entered history will do. Therefore, you can safely call your parrot "Caesar" or "Fidel". Here's another list of ideas.
- If the owner likes science, then it would be appropriate to name his feathered pet. in honor of certain scientists, for example: "Socrates", "Columbus".
- Great nicknames for parrots in honor of fairy or cartoon characters. For example, "Remy" (in honor of the hero of the cartoon "Ratatouille") or "Aurora" (princess from "Sleeping Beauty"). Sometimes the name in the family is chosen by a child who understands cartoons and fairy tales better than adults. Do not forget about the movies, there are also examples of good names for birds, for example, "Harry" or "Zorro". It so happens that the owners may name the cockatiel after their favorite actor or actress, for example, "Kurt" (Kurt Russell) or "Monica" (Monica Bellucci).
- A creative person will probably want to give an equally creative name for their feathered pet. They usually call the cockatiel in honor of an artist or writer, for example, "Picasso", "Rubens", "Dickens".

Names for boys and girls
Corella must be named based on gender. If the owner is at a loss with the choice of a name, here is a list of some original nicknames that will help to name the boy Corella: Apricot, Alf, Aristarchus, Arnold (Arnie), Archie, Borya, Billy, Venya, Vitya, Hans, Dan, Longtail, Jet, Duck, Dolchi, Erema, Jacques, Zeus, Iris, Karl, Lucas, Lelik, Mitya, Motya , Mickey, Nobel, Nick, Petya, Pegasus, Raf, Styopa, Totosha, Tim, Fedya, Forest, Caesar, Chuck, Shustrik, Elvis.
Here are the most common and suitable nicknames for a girl cockatiel: Asya, Alice, Aphrodite, Britney, Varya, Grace, Jolie, Dory, Eva, Zhuzha, Zita, Spark, Toffee, Kiwi, Clara, Lara, Mira, Monroe, Niagara, Oda, Pandora, Penelope, Paradise, Rose, Snow, Sabrina, Tori, Fury, Chloe, Chunya, Sherri, Shusha, Elzya, Yasya.
If the owner has two cockatiels, then paired original names will be appropriate. For example, you can call birds Lelik and Bolik or Tristan and Isolde.
The choice of a name for a cockatiel depends on fantasy, personal preference and the nature of the bird. The main thing is that the owner should like the nickname, then the parrot himself will definitely like it.

In the next video, you will find even more information about this species of parrots.