Parrot cages: requirements, types, selection rules

Not only convenience and comfort, but also health, as well as the life expectancy of the feathered pet, depend on how correctly the cage for the parrot is chosen. When choosing a cage, some inexperienced breeders of these funny birds often pay attention to the aesthetic component, evaluating, for example, how it can fit into the interior of an apartment. Other novice parrot owners believe that the main parameter of a good cage is the high cost. What criteria should you pay attention to when choosing a cage for a parrot?

General recommendations for selection
When choosing a cage for a feathered pet, it is important to be guided by a number of significant criteria concerning not only the size and structure of the structure, but also the individual characteristics of the parrot. So, some birds are distinguished by mobility and increased activity during the day, while others are sedate and inclined to solitude. It is customary to refer to the general criteria that it is desirable to be guided by when choosing a dwelling for a parrot:
- a kind of feathered pet and its features;
- type of cage (floor, table, hanging);
- the size and shape of the cage;
- arrangement of functional parts (roofs, doors, sides, pallet);
- materials from which the parts and body of the product are made;
- manufacturer's name.

The purchase of additional accessories and accessories requires special attention.
In an empty cage, in which there are no toys and all kinds of entertainment devices, the feathered pet will be bored, which he will definitely try to inform his owner about.
Trying to diversify the leisure of the parrot with the help of play accessories, it is important to maintain a balance, avoiding cluttering up the space. Also, when choosing a home for a feathered pet, it is necessary to pay attention to the functionality of the structure and the features of its device. The convenience of cleaning and washing the cage, removing debris and cleaning the pallet will depend on these parameters in the future.

Among the general requirements that a birdcage must meet, experienced breeders note the following:
- reliability;
- security;
- durability;
- hygiene.
The reliability of the structure should not be in doubt. This applies to the strength of the structure and its functional elements. The cage should be securely locked without leaving the parrot to get out of it on its own. The same condition applies to the size of the cells of the cell. If the cells are too large, the feathered pet will be able to get through them to the outside. In addition, it is known that parrots really like to test the strength of the cage rods, and some individuals sometimes even manage to gnaw through them. For this reason, in choosing a bird's dwelling, it is worth giving preference to structures with strong and moderately thick rods.

The parrot cage must be safe. This also applies to the environmental friendliness of the materials from which it is made, and the features of its device. In the internal space of such a structure, there should be no elements dangerous to the pet, about which it can get hurt. The cage's durability depends on the quality of the materials from which the cage is made. It is preferable that the structure is made of materials that are resistant to moisture, light, corrosion and decay processes. The resistance of materials to mechanical stress is also important.

Hygiene is another significant requirement for the design of a bird cage. This design should be convenient for washing and removing debris. If the configuration of the bird dwelling will include complex functional elements, this will significantly complicate the procedure for cleaning the cage.
Sizes and shapes
In modern sale you can find birdcages of all shapes and sizes. When evaluating a potential home for a pet according to these parameters, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of a parrot. In their natural habitat, these creatures are able to travel great distances during the day, therefore, capacious cages are most preferable for keeping them. In very small dwellings, parrots feel depressed, are more likely to get sick and even suffer from depression.

The size of the cage should not limit the physical activity of the bird. For this reason, when buying a structure, it is important to assess the volume of its internal space.
It should be sufficient so that the parrot can move freely, fly from perch to perch, flexing its wings. It is worth considering the number of pets that are planned to be kept in one cage. The size of the dwelling even for a pair of small birds should be significantly larger than for one individual. It has been noticed that in cramped cages, parrots not only experience severe discomfort, but also more often fight with each other.

Even if the owner plans to further provide his pet with the opportunity to fly around the apartment, using the cage only as a place to sleep, the structure should still not be small. The internal space of the bird's dwelling should be enough for the parrot itself, and for functional accessories (drinkers, feeders), and for toys.
The shape of the cage is also important, which, according to experienced owners of parrots, is also capable of influencing the psychological state of birds.
It is generally accepted that parrots feel most comfortable in rectangular and square cages, in which they can hide in a corner in case of danger.

Round cages, according to breeders, are not able to provide feathered pets with a sense of security.
If the bird is afraid of something, then in a round cage it will rush for a long time in search of a secluded corner, so it will be difficult to calm it down.

Parrot breeders recommend positioning the cage so that one of its sides is adjacent to the wall. This arrangement also affects the psychological comfort of the birds. In the case of a round cage, this condition cannot be met. Polygonal structures also disorient feathered pets in space. Their other disadvantage is the difficulty in washing and cleaning up debris that accumulates in hard-to-reach places. At the same time, the angular shape of the dwelling for a feathered pet is considered preferable to a round one.
Materials (edit)
Most common in the manufacture of bird cages materials such as:
- wood;
- plastic;
- metal.

Each material has its own specific advantages and disadvantages. So, wooden cages are considered the most environmentally friendly and quite durable, but the least practical and durable. Wooden pallets and rods of such structures are capable of accumulating moisture, which over time leads to deformation and destruction of elements. The irreversible deformation process, in turn, is the reason for the skew of the entire structure and, as a result, the need to buy a new cell. Other disadvantages of cells with functional elements made of wood are usually the laboriousness of washing and cleaning. In addition, wood swollen from moisture is a favorable environment for the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Plastic cages are more convenient to wash and clean. They are easy to clean, treat with detergents and disinfectants. Another advantage of plastic structures is their low weight. The disadvantages of plastic dwellings for feathered pets, in turn, are usually attributed to increased fragility and vulnerability to mechanical stress, as well as sensitivity to high temperatures. If handled carelessly, plastic pallets often crack and break.

All-metal bird cages can also be found in the assortment of modern pet stores. Their indisputable advantages are durability, practicality, reliability and durability.
The best, according to experts, are nickel-plated designs. Among the disadvantages of metal dwellings for feathered pets, noticeable weight, bulkiness and noise are usually noted. In addition, the price of such structures is quite high.
The best option, according to experienced breeders of parrots, are combined cages, which combine plastic and metal elements. Such models are easy to use, practical, hygienic and affordable. The lower part, including the pallet, in the combined models is made of plastic, the rods are made of metal. All this leads to a low weight of the structure, simplicity and ease of washing and cleaning.

It is preferred that the rods of the cage are made of steel and coated with a non-toxic and resistant lead-free paint. Cells with rods covered with gold and white paint look spectacular. Structures with rods made of copper are strictly not allowed for keeping birds.
Oxides of this metal are deadly to birds. It is not allowed to use for keeping parrots and cages with galvanized rods.
How to choose?
When choosing a suitable cage for a feathered pet, one should be guided by its size. So, for keeping one small bird (budgerigars, lovebirds), the recommended cage dimensions (length, width, height) are at least 40x30x30 centimeters.For a parrot of average size (nandaya), it is preferable to purchase a dwelling with dimensions of at least 50x40x60 centimeters. For the maintenance of larger feathered pets (cockatoo), cages are recommended, the dimensions of which are at least 70x60x60 centimeters.

The largest and most spacious cages are required for very large parrots - macaws. The recommended length of their home should be at least a meter with a height and width of 80 centimeters. The thickness of the rods of the structure should also be determined in accordance with the size of the feathered pet. So, for budgerigars, a dwelling with metal mesh rods, the thickness of which varies from 1.5 to 2 millimeters, is suitable. In this case, the distance between the rods should be no more than 15 millimeters.

Birds of medium size need cages, the thickness of the rods of which is at least 3-4 millimeters. The gap between the rods in this case should not exceed 20 millimeters. Given that parrots are extremely mobile and active creatures, they need to be able to move around the cage in all directions.
For this reason, you should pay attention to the fact that the rods in the structure are located both vertically and horizontally. Thanks to this arrangement of the rods, it will be easier and more convenient for the birds to master the inner space of the cage.

When choosing a suitable home for a feathered pet, you should pay attention to the doors. Their structure, size and shape vary. The best option, according to experienced breeders of ornamental birds, are simple doors that swing open to the side and are equipped with a reliable latch or latch. The dimensions of the door must be such that a hand and a bird can pass through it without hindrance. Most birdcage models are equipped with retractable trays. This functional detail greatly simplifies the cleaning procedure for your feathered pet's home. The most practical pallets are plastic ones, which can be easily washed with warm water and cleaned from dirt with a scraper or brush.
Studying the features of the cage you like, you should pay attention to the height of its sides. High sides in the future will significantly reduce the amount of debris flying around the bird's dwelling. Another aspect that deserves attention when choosing a bird cage is the name and authority of the manufacturer. Quite well-known brands are the Italian manufacturers Marchioro and FOP, the Belgian company Savic. In addition, the well-known European brand Ferplast offers quality products.

Cages from Chinese manufacturers, affordable and characterized by quite decent quality, are also in demand. However, when choosing Chinese models, you should still independently assess the strength of the product, analyze the composition and environmental friendliness of the materials used. Experienced ornamental bird breeders do not recommend purchasing suspiciously cheap models. Even a very beautiful cage, sold at a dubiously low price, can conceal many threats to the health of a feathered pet. When buying a home for a parrot, it is advisable to worry about purchasing a special cover. This accessory is often very useful in keeping hyperactive and fearful birds.

How to equip?
In order for the parrot to feel comfortable and not get bored during the day, one should approach the arrangement of his home with responsibility. Mandatory details of the birdcage interior are perches, a house, a drinking bowl and a feeder. Drinking bowls and feeders are positioned so that bird droppings cannot get into them. Other desirable accessories and attachments are:
- mirror;
- bell;
- ladders;
- rattles;
- ropes;
- swings and rings.

Many types of ornamental birds, including parrots, are very fond of water procedures. Bathing not only gives the feathered pets tremendous pleasure, but also helps prevent the appearance of parasites in them. For this procedure, it is recommended to purchase a capacious container that is suitable for the size of the parrot. Bathing models that are hung from an open door are very convenient to use.

It is not recommended to keep a bath with water inside the cage at all times.
When arranging a parrot's home, you must carefully monitor his reaction to new objects. Some birds may be very frightened by the reflection in the mirror, the noise, or the sound of a new toy. If an unfamiliar thing causes anxiety and panic in a feathered pet, it is better to hide it for a while.
Where to install?
It is very important to find a suitable place in your home to place your bird cage. It should be a bright, dry and warm area, protected from drafts. It is not allowed to place the cage near heating radiators, televisions and radios. You can not place it on windowsills, where the bird can catch a cold due to a draft or overheat in the sun. Another extremely inappropriate place to place a cage with a parrot is the kitchen. Most often, this room is the hottest and most stuffy in the house. In addition, during the cooking process in the kitchen, odors and unpleasant sounds begin to appear, which can cause stress in the indoor bird.
Experienced parrot owners claim that these creatures really enjoy watching their owners. For this reason, it is best to place the bird cage in a room where family members spend most of their free time. In this case, it is desirable that the cage is approximately at the level of human eyes, due to which constant visual contact will be maintained with the pet. If there is no place in the house of a suitable height where you can install a cage with a feathered pet, the problem can be easily solved using a special stand. Modern models of such accessories not only allow you to place the bird's dwelling in the most suitable place, but also help to diversify the familiar interior of the apartment.

For information on how to choose a cage for a parrot, see the next video.