Parrot lori: features of the species and rules of maintenance

If you want to have a pet and add bright colors to life and good mood, it's time to think about parrots. The loris parrot can become a cheerful friend, but first you need to study the features of the species and the rules for keeping these birds.

Feature and Description
Its plumage amazes with its rainbow colors. The “clothes” of this amazing bird may contain blue, red, green, orange, and yellow. Their bright color helps to camouflage among tropical flowers and plants in their natural habitat. Its body length can be 20–40 cm. There is also such a variety as lorikeets, and they can be much smaller than their counterparts in size. In total, loriae have about seventy species.

The loris parrot has a long tail that is almost half the length of the body. The bird's beak is small and flattened on the sides. Some species of this family are distinguished by a tassel at the end of the tongue, others by a papilla. These adaptations are essential for parrots to eat, they help to facilitate the absorption of the liquid that parrots naturally obtain from the exotic fruits they eat. In addition, insects and their larvae, flower petals, berries become their prey.

The most common species is the pointed-tailed loris. The back, abdomen and wings are green, the head is blue on top, and purple on the back; the breast is red with blue, white and yellow spots are present on the wings. Popular species also include rainbow lorikeet, glitter loris, and red lorises.
The name rainbow lorikeet speaks for itself. The color contains red, yellow, green and blue colors, there are black feathers. This species is often kept at home. Shiny lorises look interesting and especially distinguish the cardinal lorises from this type. The bright red plumage has unusually beautiful tints.

Red lori plus to the main color (red) it also has blue and black shades. Any species of loris parrots has a weak beak, their food is mostly soft and juicy, but not solid.
These parrots are very noisy, so you need to be ready for this, they love to play, communicate, and draw attention to themselves. They are able to imitate human speech and memorize up to 70 words, if given time.
A distinctive feature of their behavior is considered slovenliness. Therefore, the owner must be prepared for the fact that leaving will take time, like for any other pet.

Selection Tips
Before buying a chick, you need to weigh the pros and cons and make a decision. With the acquisition of a feathered friend, life in the house will change and you need to be prepared for that you will have to face certain difficulties, as it should be in the upbringing and maintenance of any pet.
- When buying a chick, you need to pay attention to its appearance. He should have healthy legs, without cracks, damage and any growths. The beak should be smooth, even, without the slightest sign of damage. Feathers must be clean and bright.
- It is worth paying attention to the eyes: they should be clean and clear, without any hint of clouding.
- A plump, well-fed chick is a good sign, its breast should be full.
- And, of course, the parrot must be clean. If he is even a little dirty in the droppings, this indicates that he has health problems. Perhaps he is not being fed correctly.
- The chick should be active, agile, showing interest in everything that happens around. A calm and quiet parrot should alert, it is better to refuse such an acquisition.
- The optimal age for a chick to purchase is 1-1.5 months. These babies are easy to teach right from the start.
If you regularly communicate and study with them, they quickly begin to repeat the words after the owner.

Care features
There are no pets that could take care of themselves and not cause any trouble to the owner. And the parrot is no exception.
- Lorises have one peculiarity - their droppings are liquid, since they mainly feed on the pulp of fruits. So you will have to clean the cage often, as well as clean up the space around it. So that the cage does not have to be cleaned too often, you can place sawdust on the bottom, which will absorb excess moisture and get rid of the unpleasant odor for a while. But this does not mean that the cage can not be cleaned - it just does not have to be done every day. You can also put a paper covering on the bottom, but place a grate on top, otherwise the parrot will tear the sheet. This will also help in cell cleaning and speed up this process.
- A parrot of this species is quite large, therefore, it needs a large cage to be comfortable. In addition, it will need to be released periodically, because the bird needs to fly from time to time, even if it lives at home. It will be just an ideal solution if you manage to organize an aviary for him, where he can live and fly.
- Lori needs to be kept in a warm climate, so a comfortable temperature for him will be +25 degrees. He needs high humidity and water nearby. Therefore, he definitely needs a container of water where he will swim.
- The cage should not be placed near radiators and heaters, as well as on windows from which cold air can flow. It is not recommended to place the cage where there are often foreign odors or loud sounds.
- A feeder, a drinking bowl, a bathing container must be placed in the cage, and they are supplied with all kinds of perches and other devices such as a swing and a mirror so that the parrot is not bored. For a comfortable pastime inside the cage, you need to install a small house where the pet wants to hide at night.
- The cage should be chosen with a pull-out tray - this will facilitate cleaning and will allow you to do it as often as the need arises.
- Parrot loris will like fresh juicy fruits such as grapes, oranges, apples, pears, bananas, you can give grated carrots. Since the loris needs to be fed with liquid food, and he loves sweets, he gladly absorbs cereals with sugar or honey, he will like baby fruit food. Dry food, consisting of cereals, is rarely given and in small quantities. You should always check that there is clean water in the drinker. The bird will also not refuse fruit juices.
- For a parrot to be healthy, not so much is needed: take good care of it, feed it properly, regularly clean the cage and wash all the equipment that the parrot uses. Otherwise, there is a danger of catching some kind of disease. Determining that a bird is sick is not difficult. It is worth being wary if the pet refuses to eat, is sad and behaves quietly; if they have cloudy eyes or fall out feathers, shortness of breath, or coughing. If there is at least one symptom, you should contact your veterinarian who will determine the ailment and prescribe treatment. Self-medication is dangerous in this case, since an exotic bird, if improperly manipulated, can simply die.
- If there is a desire to engage in offspring, you can have a female and a male. They will have more fun in a pair. They reproduce well, but for this a cozy nest must be equipped in the cage.
It should be located at a height and have a depth of at least thirty centimeters; sawdust mixed with turf is usually placed on the bottom in order to protect the chicks from moisture.

Learning and communication
Over time, such a pet becomes practically a member of the family. With proper care and good nutrition, the parrot can live up to twenty years. The parrot loves to play and fly. He needs to be released from the cage, but at the same time control his walk. Remove all objects that he inadvertently can break or stain, as well as those that pose a threat to him - heating devices, sharp accessories.
In the family, he will definitely choose a pet for himself, whom he will obey and treat with love. A parrot can be taught to talk by repeating the same word several times during the week, giving it a certain amount of time. When the parrot learns to speak it clearly enough, you can move on to another. And so gradually complicate the tasks. In the end, it will be possible to move on to phrases. And then - to whole phrases.

Of course, a feathered friend feels when he is loved and treated well, so you need to remember to praise the bird, talk to him, comb the feathers, play, pamper your pet with treats.
Of course, both when caring for a parrot and when raising it, you need to be patient. Over time, cleaning the cage will become a habit, and activities with a parrot will bring joy. A bright, cute bird will delight with its presence for many years.
In the next video, you can take a look at the black-capped loris parrot.