How to determine the age of a cockatiel parrot?

Cockatiels are unusual parrots with bright cheeks and a tuft on their heads. Everyone pays attention to these details of their appearance, and no one remains indifferent. But not only the visual appeal should be decisive when purchasing a pet. The main factors of choice are the age of the parrot and the state of its health.

What you need to know when purchasing a cockatiel
Each future owner wants to know the age of his new pet and also wants him to live with him as much time as possible.
At what age is it better to get yourself a bird? The most suitable period is age up to 14 weeks (3.5 months). At this point, they best tolerate environmental changes and more easily adapt to other conditions before the first molt.

What is the duration of their life, it is impossible to say for sure - it all depends on the conditions of their detention. The average duration is 15 years, but if they live in dignified conditions, in love and care, then the figure can increase up to 20 years. Conversely, if the conditions are bad, then the parrot will live much less.
Therefore, we must remember that everything depends only on you, what conditions you will provide to your friend. Of course, Corella is unpretentious in every sense, but do not neglect the elementary rules of care and maintenance. Both stress and illness can shorten the lifespan.

What you should look for when buying to understand the age of the selected cockatiel parrot:
- head;
- eyes;
- beak;
- paws;
- plumage;
- behavior.
Now we will tell you about all the items from the list in order.
A young bird has a small, not fully developed crest on its head. It consists of two or more straight feathers. Unformed feathers look like small feathers that have not yet fully opened. But adults have already formed, open, long, beautiful crests.

Also, in adults, the ends of the feathers may be slightly bent. And in old birds, a bald spot may be located under the tuft.
Young representatives have black shiny eyes. With age, they fade, and the iris turns brown. In very old individuals, the eyes become light brown with splashes of light yellow.

By the beak, you can also determine whether an adult parrot is or not.
The young have a light gray beak, and they have it even. There is no mechanical damage or delamination. Also, small parrots have larger nostrils than adults. Their wax is light gray, with a slight pink sheen.
The older the parrot gets, the darker the beak becomes. By old age, it acquires an almost black color. Also, damage, delamination and layering appear on it. The wax becomes wrinkled and gray in color.

Young cockatiels have light skin on their paws, with a pinkish tint. They are also covered with a very thin layer of barely visible scales. At the ends of the fingers there are small and neat claws of a light shade. The scales become coarser with age. Wrinkles appear on the legs. The color darkens, acquiring a brownish tint. Claws lengthen and gradually darken, and then become almost black.

Chicks are not very attractive in appearance. Newly born crumbs have rare unopened feathers and a small down. On the tail there are small, short feathers, but in adults, on the contrary, long, graceful feathers. The color of the feathers before the first molt (3-4 months) is not very bright. And only by the year, when the molt ends, and the feathers are replaced by others, the parrots acquire an adult color. And individuals that have a mutational color acquire their final color only by 2 years.

During the molting period, birds very often try to speed up this process by plucking their own feathers. But here, too, you should be very careful, since sick birds are also engaged in this.
Pay attention to all the components of the state. If the bird does not have a very good appearance, then you should give your preference to another. And it would be even better to go to another pet store, since almost all bird diseases are very contagious and are quickly transmitted to the rest of the birds.
Very young cockatiels are poorly able to fly, and in this regard, they are mainly located at the bottom of the cage. They also do a poor job of cleaning feathers, because of which they can be stained in waste products. A juvenile can also be identified by the fact that they have poor balance and, as a result, may not be very confident in keeping on their paws. This can be seen from careful movements.

Proper care and maintenance
The cage is one of the main points, it must be selected correctly so that the bird is comfortable there.
- The size of the cage must be large enough. But there are minimum dimensions that you can focus on: 45x45x60 cm. The shape should be square or rectangular, the main thing is that corners are present, and the bird can hide or rest there.
- The distance between the rods should be no more than 2 cm. They should also go horizontally so that the parrot is comfortable grabbing them with its paws and beak.
- For your convenience, it will be better to have a pair of doors in the cage. This will make cleaning very easy.
- The grill on the pallet should not be installed as the bird may get hurt. You will need bedding to keep it clean. For her, it is better to use sand, paper towels and special filler. It is strictly forbidden to use sawdust and plain paper.
- Plastic perches must be changed to wooden ones, with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm. For this, birch, linden and maple are well suited.
- In the cage, you will need to install 2 feeders for dry and wet food, as well as a drinker.
- It is worth adding toys so that the bird can have fun. Do not forget about the accessories that you can chew on: chalk figurines, twigs with fresh buds, special bird treats.
- It is better not to install a mirror, as many birds are afraid of their reflection. However, you can try bringing it up to see how your cockatiel will react.
- The location of the cage is also important. It should be installed against the wall, the place should be well lit, but direct sunlight should not enter.
- It is forbidden that there are excess odors in the room where the cage is located.
- To prevent the bird from feeling lonely, it is worth placing the cage where you are most often.
- It is strictly forbidden to install the cage on the floor or hang it from the ceiling. It is worth placing it on a table or dresser so that it is approximately at the level of your eyes.
- If you plan to release the parrot from the cage, you will need to install a small play complex in the room for him.

Before buying a parrot, you need to think over all the details so that later there will be no problems. And, of course, all the "dowry" should be purchased in advance.
To make your pet happy with its liveliness and cheerful character from year to year, do not be too lazy to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of its choice and content before purchasing it. Remember that you are not buying a toy, but a friend - and then he will repay you with sincere and pure love.
How to determine the age of a cockatiel parrot, see below.