All about green parrots

Green large parrots are a very beautiful species, they are even called noble, since these birds know how to behave with dignity and practically do not cause inconvenience with their behavior, they get along well with people.
The Latin name is Eclectus roratus, they come from Australia.

Green parrots, or eclectus, are quite large in size - they can grow up to almost 40 cm, and weigh more than 0.5 kg. Their color is also quite original:
the color of the males is green, the wings are bluish, the tail is yellowish;
most of the female's feathers are cherry red, with a blue edging along the edge of the wings and abdomen.
They look so different that experts have considered the female and male eclectus to be different birds for many years. The differences also concern the beak, black in females and light uneven in males. Parrots of this species live up to 50 years.

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Since these birds are polygamous by nature, even if you buy a pair of parrots, they may not have a connection, and the relationship of the individuals will remain at the level of quite friendly and neighborly.
Parrots of this breed are very intelligent, they think well and appreciate a benevolent attitude.
Owners need to learn about the diet and maintenance of large green parrots before adopting a pet.

They eat often, mainly food should consist of vegetables, fruits, berries, excluding avocado - this fruit can even cause death. Experts recommend very rarely feeding eclectuses with lean minced meat - in small quantities, since in nature birds eat a large number of insects, this can serve as some kind of compensation. Small parrots are fed with a spoon or syringe.
The diet of birds should consist of the following components:
germinated grain;
porridge (children can be used);
vegetable and fruit salads;
low-fat cottage cheese;
muesli without sugar;
rye flakes.

Since Eclectus food requires cooking, it is often made for future use and frozen. With regard to cereal mixtures, there are 3 types, and all of them must be present in the diet:
It is strictly forbidden to feed the parrot only with solid food and dry mixture.
About once every 7 days, you need to give a couple of grams of activated charcoal to prevent various kinds of disorders.

As for the conditions of detention, you should definitely pay attention to the following points:
the most suitable temperature is around +20 C;
the cage or aviary should be spacious;
periodically rearrange everything in the bird's home, change toys, you need to do this at least once a week, otherwise the eclectus will start to get bored;
Parrots love to swim, so give him a shower of rather warm, almost hot water with the addition of brewed chamomile, so the feathers will be healthier and shine;
often let your pet go around the room, as they love to fly, it is useful for them to move.

Raising an Eclectus is a pretty interesting experience. It is easier and faster to establish relationships with the male and tame him, while the females are too suspicious and are cautious for a long time. Once the bird begins to trust you, the relationship will be very touching, regardless of gender.
These birds are extremely quick-witted and clever, they memorize phrases in their entirety, they know how to shoot them quite to the point, they sing songs... Often there are neat birds, they put food in bowls, after playing, they return the toys to their place. They perfectly learn rituals and follow them, easily learn tricks. They get along with pets quite peacefully, but they can bite them if they want to drive them away.

Reviews of the owners of this breed of parrots are mostly positive.... Most often, it is noted that birds are distinguished by a peaceful disposition, curiosity, get along well with people and become faithful companions in life for their owners.
Breeding features
Mating games for parrots begin with finding partners. They choose, as a rule, those hollows that are high, which means they are safe. For almost a month, the female will prepare the nest for the unborn baby, and all this time she will not leave the nest for a long time. When the time comes for laying eggs, she will hide in a hollow and remain there, the male feeds her all this time. After the chicks have hatched, he feeds them too. The female incubates most often 1-2 eggs for about a month, after which the birds hatch, completely unable to exist on their own. The female continues to take care of the babies until they can take care of themselves, the male carries them food throughout this period. Most often, it lasts about 3 months, and the male can simultaneously help other females and chicks, strangers, not related to him.

Diseases and their prevention
In order for the parrot to develop well, be healthy and cheerful, it is necessary to monitor its appearance and behavior. Proper nutrition, good grooming and the ability to move will make the bird feel great.
If the bird is healthy, it is difficult not to notice, it:
rejoices in you, behaves actively;
chirps, talks, hums a lot;
plumage shines, lies smoothly;
no refusal to eat;
no sleepiness;
in a dream rests on one paw.

What symptoms should alert you right away:
refusal to eat, or poor appetite;
the eyes are cloudy;
the bird moves a little, is not in the mood;
breathes quickly and intermittently;
sleeping too long;
rests on two legs while sleeping.
If you have no experience in raising birds or have noticed negative changes in the behavior and appearance of your feathered friend, it is better to contact your veterinarian right away. When going to the doctor, take the litter for analysis.
Diseases are divided into 3 main groups.
Non-infectious... For example, vitamin deficiency. Most often, the cause of such diseases is a malnutrition, monotonous food. In addition, injury is possible, especially if you do not follow the safety rules when letting the bird fly. Curtains and mirrors must be closed. The treatment is quite complicated, since parrots pluck out their feathers after processing and applying ointments, and tear off the bandages.
Infectious... Here the reason is in viruses and bacteria, which can be in food, eaten droppings. It is important to clean the cages on time and not to feed the bird with poor-quality, moldy food.
Invasive... They are caused by parasites such as salmonella, which can also harm the bird owner. Timely referral to a specialist for treatment is very important here.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the symptoms of the most common and dangerous diseases in parrots, having noticed which, you should immediately contact your veterinarian:
psittacosis: eyes swell, runny nose and discharge from the anus appear, no appetite, apathy - treated with antibiotics;
salmonellosis: the first sign is diarrhea, after which you must immediately contact a specialist, as this is dangerous not only for the pet, but also for the owner;
roundworm: parasites that infect the intestines, cause stool disturbance, refusal to eat, weight loss, pain when touched - disinfection and treatment is required;
scabies: the area around the eyes and beak becomes inflamed, depressions appear on the beak, breathing is difficult, the scales on the legs grow rapidly - it is treated with aerosol preparations;
gout: white knots on the fingers, weakness and lethargy, then increasing, then decreasing appetite, diarrhea and thirst - if you do not take action in time, the bird will die in a matter of days.
Particular attention should be paid to a symptom such as diarrhea. It can kill the parrot, as it most often indicates a serious illness. If the parrot is at the same time quite vigorous and active, then we can conclude that the food is of poor quality and try to cure the parrot on its own. If diarrhea is combined with other symptoms, immediately contact your veterinarian. In the case of a banal eating disorder, the following treatment is prescribed:
activated carbon, crushed;
small dosage of phthalazole;
fruit-type tree branches;
proper nutrition.

Eliminate salad, plantain, cabbage, green food from the diet.
You can learn more about green parrots in the next video.