DIY tutu skirt for girls

A skirt called a tutu is one of the options for a tutu skirt. For sewing such a pretty skirt, tulle of medium hardness of different shades is used. Each girl in a tutu skirt looks adorable and elegant.

Spectacular images
A tutu skirt is most often chosen for a holiday, for example, for a New Year's matinee, for prom, for a birthday or on March 8th. Also, this skirt is used for family photo sessions.

The smallest girls wear a bodysuit or a T-shirt with a tutu skirt. Older young beauties can combine a variety of tops with such a skirt - tops, turtlenecks, shirts, blouses, T-shirts and other options. You can wear such a translucent skirt with both tights and leggings.

Which gum should you choose?
To make a tutu skirt with your own hands, use a wide elastic band. Its width is 2-3 centimeters, and the length of the elastic is calculated by subtracting 4 centimeters from the girl's waist.

How much tulle do you need for a tutu skirt?
Tulle, from which the tutu skirt is made, is cut into stripes. The width of such strips will be 15 cm, and to calculate their length, take twice the desired length of the skirt plus 2 cm. If desired, the edges of the tulle strips are cut off with a corner. If you need a skirt with a waist circumference of 50-60 centimeters, then for such a product you will need about 60-70 strips of tulle.

Although plain tutu skirts are very common, a product made of tulle of several shades looks very interesting and bright. If you want to make such a multicolored version, you should purchase tulle cuts of different shades.

How to sew with your own hands?
Necessary materials:
- Tulle cut into strips.
- Elastic.
- Satin ribbon and other decoration materials.

Master class without using a sewing machine
Creating a tutu skirt without sewing takes only 1-1.5 hours, and the process itself is so simple that any mother can handle it:
- Sew the ends of the prepared elastic by hand or with a machine to form a ring.
- Place this ring over a chair or rolled up blanket.
- Twist a small roll from each strip of tulle, find the middle and tie the rolled tulle around the elastic with a regular knot. You need to be careful not to pinch the elastic and at the same time tie the tulle so that its strip does not dangle. In addition, the ends of all tulle cuts should be obtained after tying the same length, if you do not intend to make them different.
- Continue until all the strips are tied around the elastic.

More complex sewing with a lining
For such a skirt, the tutu needs to have some sewing skills, since the process of making it includes cutting and sewing the lining.
The stages of making such a skirt will be as follows:
- Preparation of the necessary materials - tulle, elastic and fabric for lining.
- Creation of a pattern of a "sun" style skirt, according to which the blanks will be made.
- Cutting out several tulle skirts "sun".
- Cutting out a blank for the lining skirt. Its length should be shorter than the length of the tulle details, and the edges must be processed with a zigzag or overlock.
- Sewing an elastic band into a ring.
- Sewing to the elastic band of all tulle skirts.
- Sewing the resulting structure to the lined skirt.
- Finished skirt decoration.
See a short video tutorial below.
How can you decorate a skirt?
Decorating a tutu skirt for a girl is possible with:
- Bows.
- Webbing.
- Artificial flowers in different sizes.
- Tapes.
- Glue or sew-on rhinestones.
- Beads and beads.
- Embroidery.
- Lace.

The most common decoration for such a skirt is a ribbon on the belt, to which a bow or flower is sewn.