Highlights of the Beurer electric sheets

Our ancestors warmed themselves on the Russian stove, and the modern generation knows more about electric sheets. We will tell you what it is and what models of heated sheets Beurer offers. Let's find out which one is better to choose - single or double, and whether the heat from the electric sheets can actually cure.
general description
The Beurer electric sheet, like the same product from other manufacturers, can be classified as both bedding and household appliance. On the one hand, this is really something you can lie on and sleep on, on the other, it will only warm you if you plug it into a 220 V.
Such a product is light, it can be quickly folded for transportation, it is also stored folded, the sheet can even be washed. It heats up pretty quickly, giving off warmth to the one lying on it and providing a sound sleep.

Experts note that the electric sheet has a therapeutic effect:
- gently warms up the spine;
- heat has a good effect on ligaments, joints, muscles;
- improves blood circulation.
Resting on a heated sheet, a person relaxes, tension leaves his body, his metabolism is normalized.

There are single and double products of this type.
- Single electric sheets are produced in the following sizes: 1.5x0.8 m; a more compact version - 1.3x0.75 m (suitable for short people and children); there are also non-standard varieties, for example, 2x1 or 1.98x0.92 m. The main size range of single bed sheets from Beurer is 1.5x0.8 m, and 1.8x0.5 m is also found.
- Double bed sheets are available in the traditional 1.5x1.6m format, but Beurer has products in sizes 1.5x1.4 and 1.4x1.5, as well as 1.6x1.5m.
A large panel is designed for heating two people and fits on a double bed, but each user may have their own control over their half. There are at least 3 temperature modes, but in more modern models there are more.
The warm-up time of the device is half an hour, but with the "turbo" mode it is reduced exactly by half. Beurer sheets are available with basic functionality and advanced settings. The material on the case is natural, there is a fleece base.

Variety of models
The German manufacturer Beurer produces electric heated sheets, which have gained popularity among consumers in different countries - these are single and double warm products. Let's talk in detail about some of the models.
- Beurer TS19 measuring 1.3 x 0.75 m designed for a single bed, has a protection system and automatically shuts off when overheated. Consumes up to 55 W, has a 3-mode timer for turning on the temperature, which works from the control panel. This electric sheet can even be washed in an automatic machine (30 degrees mode), the wire is removed, which makes washing absolutely safe.
The only drawback of this model is that it is not used for children.

- Sanitas SWB50 - a non-standard version with the dimensions of a single bed sheet 1.5x0.8 m, but with two control panels. It is convenient for spending the night in the country, you can take it with you on a trip, has automatic protection against short circuits and overheating, therefore it is allowed for use in a children's room. The fleece cover adds extra softness and softness while you sleep.

- Beurer UB66XXL size for a double bed 1.5x1.4 m is designed for two sleeping with the ability for each to adjust their side in terms of temperature. There are 2 remote controls, it consumes 60 watts. The product is protected from overheating, and voltage drops do not threaten it. The warmth with a therapeutic effect is recommended for elderly people and people with disabilities. The product is easy to fold and can be washed.

- Beurer TS26 - another double model with a size of 1.4x1.5 m is suitable for people with circulatory disorders. The cover is sewn of soft and pleasant fleece material. The inside of the product comes with flexible heating elements and an overheating protection system, which makes such a sheet completely safe and also easy to wash in an automatic washing machine.
This model is allowed to be connected in children's bedrooms as well.

- Beurer UB56 from the XXL series with a size of 1.6x1.5 m with a soft microfleece surface. The required temperature mode can be selected from 4 options using the backlit remote control. During sleep, such an electric sheet itself is able to switch to the desired mode, and after 12 hours of operation, it will turn off automatically. There were no drawbacks to this model during operation, it is recommended for all ages and married couples.

You can sleep on all Beurer electrosheets because the products are washable and the covers are soft and cuddly enough to give you extra comfort while you sleep.
Review overview
Customer reviews are almost all positive, which speaks of the safety of using Beurer electric sheets. People in their comments confirm the therapeutic effect of heated products, on which you can fall asleep without anxiety and improve your health during sleep.
So, there are many reviews that after regular sleep on electric underwear, blood circulation is normalized, joints do not hurt so much. Consumers are satisfied that the device can be easily adjusted to the desired temperature, it takes little electricity during operation and is safe to use.