Description of bed linen Mona Liza

It is still rare to find enterprises on the domestic textile market that fully successfully compete with foreign firms. In this sense, perhaps the exception can be called the Russian brand Mona Liza, under which textiles of excellent quality are known.
An extensive and demanded assortment of the enterprise, high quality products in all parameters required by the market, a well-organized service system "from the buyer" have won the respect and recognition of the consumer both here and abroad. This also applies to bed linen produced by the company.

Mona Liza is one of the leading companies in Russia with a high industrial culture, producing bed linen and home textiles. For almost a quarter of a century, TD Mona Liza has delighted adherents of home comfort and modernity with its products, which have few high-quality analogues on the domestic market. Inexpensive bed linen Mona Liza is in no way inferior to foreign products of this kind.
“Good quality firm” - this is how domestic consumers call the company. Initially, the company aimed to surpass the leading foreign brands in bedding production both in quality and design.
Now colleagues and experts of the textile market admit that the manufacturer has succeeded in many ways. This is evidenced by the numerous awards received by the representatives of the company, for example, "The Best Trademark of Russia", "The Golden Trademark of Russia", etc.

The secret to the brand's significant success lies in its core formula.
- The current assortment of bed linen (sets: 1.5 sleeping, 2.0 sleeping, "Euro", family, children).
- Constant replenishment of the assortment. The design team of the company regularly, closely follows fashion and persistently adheres to world trends.Bed sets are offered in all variety of colors, styles and tones - from classic variations to 3D effect. For the consumer, there are CPBs of monochromatic variations, pastel colors, various geometric patterns, floral motifs, landscapes, and original designs.
- Regular control over the quality of raw materials, tailoring.
- Affordable prices with excellent quality.
- Extensive assortment.
The company uses environmentally friendly raw materials and materials (satin and coarse calico fabrics) - these are the very fabrics that “breathe”, are practical to care for, and do not lose their original color when washed. The significant success of the company is evidenced by numerous positive responses from consumers both in Russia and abroad.

Facts about the brand's high quality products:
- the use of exclusively purest cotton for the CPB (coarse calico, satin, satinjacquard, jacquard-tuton - 80% tuton, 20% microsilk);
- canvases for the production of CPB are supplied to the enterprise only by manufacturers with world brands;
- use of safe and reliable dyes;
- the use of only wide fabrics, which allows you to avoid unnecessary seams in the process of sewing products;
- products are sewn exclusively using linen seams and strong threads to match the sets;
- each CPB follows a step by step quality control (in all production phases).
In the course of sewing, high-quality fabrics are used that can withstand more than 3000 washes, ensuring the durability of the products.

Let's look at the characteristics of fabrics by collection:
- deluxe - satin with embroidery;
- elite - satinjacquard, tuton;
- royal - satinjaccard of one tone;
- sergLook (Chalet, Sketch Art, Gardens), Alena Akhmadullina, satin with unusual prints;
- premium satin;
- "Batiste" - plain weave fabric from high quality raw materials;
- classic improved coarse calico, with anti-pilling and softening treatment, which prevents the formation of hairiness.

Premium class cabins undergo additional finishing - special artistic stitching is performed on the pillowcases (“ears”). Duvet covers are made in different variations: with zippers (Delux collection), with ties (Chalet SergLook), with buttons (SergLook, Alena Akhmadullina, Elite, Classic, Premium, Royal, Batiste). All CPBs are sold in separate packages, consisting of two halves ("books"). Except for Delux, where a metallized box with a handle is used. Products of the Batiste collection are placed in mono-PVC bags.
The price range for products is quite extensive - 1900-9800 rubles. In specially published, well-structured by the company booklets, subsections dedicated to a detailed description of all products manufactured by the brand with gradation by purpose, materials, colors, novelties, etc. are highlighted. The company's products are presented in detail on the Internet.

Assortment of linen
With the Mona Liza brand, CPBs are produced with a wide variety of prints, made from a wide range of fabrics. All bed linen is divided into 9 categories:
- Alena Akhmadullina;
- Mona Liza 3D;
- Delux;
- Premium;
- Royal;
- Classic New;
- Classic;
- Elite;
- Light.

Any of these names corresponds to the excellent quality characteristics of the products and transparently indicates their high level. Classic, Classic New and Light belong to the categories of inexpensive options, they are really in great demand. Delux is a great gift option for any celebrations.
All categories of products received original names corresponding to female names (Eva, Adele, etc.), and the names of various states (Chine, Italy, etc.) are often used. The main canvases used in production cycles are:
- satin (density 135 g / m2);
- satin with embroidery (140 g / m2);
- satinjacquard (142 g / m2);
- satin print (145 g / m2);
- imported coarse calico - ranforce (130135 g / m2);
- jacquard tune;
- cotton with polyester (110-116 g / m2).

The design idea and its implementation in the company is so diverse, professional and tailored to the consumer that it causes him a completely justified feeling of gratitude. Thus, the Delux collection is dominated by floral themes, realized in a monochromatic manner, and the elements of volumetric embroidery bring products closer to works of art. This significantly raises and strengthens the statute of the collection. Light shades are usually used here, since accents are made on a variety of embroideries. The Elite trend is characterized by solemn play on the background of ornaments. The main tone of the products in the collection is beige, graceful, soothing, creating a feeling of coziness.
In the Royal collection, noble canvases come first. The CPBs have an attractive sheen, remarkably highlighting the solemn ornaments in the idea of floral motifs, monograms and waves that blend harmoniously with the base. Here you can feel the delicate taste of the fashionable designer A. Akhmadullina, who is known to us from Olympic clothes (Vancouver), the colorful design of plastic cards for the RAIFFEISEN BANK brand. The collection is characterized by unusually patterned birds of paradise and unique places, so inherent only to this talented designer.

The "Premium" direction concentrates the style solutions of products on plant themes, dominated by juicy, warm and light summer tones, with which it is pleasant to wake up even on a cool and gray morning. The categories of KPB 3D (Classic, Light, etc.) are diverse in terms of design, where geometric patterns, natural landscapes and elements of abstract art are harmoniously combined. Speaking about the types, we note a number of variations of products that are in special demand. KPB with the name Sofi is positioned in one of the most honorable places in the Delux direction, attracting attention with its exuberant luxury. The dominant tone is steel beige.
Drawings of irises and unexpected configurations in volume modestly decorate the items. They look absolutely harmonious, and are combined quite attractively. CPBs are made of satin fabrics, and embroidery is presented in a three-dimensional style. Due to the special interweaving of the fibers, the fabrics are extremely resistant to wear and tear after many washes, keeping completely their original colors.
PBCs are sold in beautiful packaging - an excellent gift option for any celebrations. The packages contain all information about the company, fabric parameters and rules for the care of the product.

There is also a separate brand - Alena Akhmadullina, which appeared in 2001, it is developing productively to this day. New design samples in various niches attract the attention of both professionals and consumers. Feather bedding sets are an original blend of floral and bird themes, akin to artful and eye-catching optical illusion. The motives are borrowed by the designer from Italian frescoes. Satin was used in the production of canvases. The original interweaving of fibers contributes to the appearance of a soft and pleasant fabric shine and high quality factor of products. The kits are placed in special PVC packages.
Systematically monitors and produces Mona Liza and children's novelties. And in this niche, the brand is flourishing. The PBC is also divided into directions - "nursery" and "garden". In the direction of "nursery" products for babies are produced for the sizes of cribs:
- for duvet covers - 110x145 cm;
- for sheets - 100x145 cm;
- for pillows - 40x60 cm.

The directions are especially in demand by the consumer - "Disney nursery" and Disney baby. KPBs are made of the purest cotton linen (115 g / m2). The products are universal, suitable for both boys and girls. They are produced with drawings of favorite children's characters: Bambi, Mickey Mouse and little Nemo.
For older children, there are a number of other categories (some of them):
- Boofle;
- Me to You;
- My little pony, etc.

In any of these collections, there are a number of additional variations of lingerie with different colors. Coloring is carried out using special safe methods. The dyes used are meticulously checked - they are environmentally friendly, absolutely do not include foreign additives and impurities. When choosing a PBC for boys, we recommend evaluating the sets:
- Chuggington;
- Transformers, etc.
Girls will definitely be pleased with the products:
- My little pony;
- Winx Club.

The production of universal lines has been established and fully functioning:
- Disney;
- Chupa Chups.
Coarse calico fabrics (110 g / m2) are used here for production, giving babies a quick fall asleep and delightful sleep, without frustrating their delicate skin - the sheets in these sets are made without seams. CPBs from TM Mona Liza are famous for the detailed thoughtfulness of the sets, performed with a competent cut and perfect invisible stitches. Children's variations are produced with the parameters of a 1.5-bed set:
- for duvet covers - 145x210 cm;
- for sheets 150x215 cm;
- for pillowcases - 50x70 cm.

Review overview
Customer reviews of Mona Liza's activities and results range from discreetly positive to admiring, which is very rare today. Many buyers who have become adherents of the brand note a well-thought-out, “for all occasions” assortment. Others, dwelling on the quality of the products, emphasize this very aspect and the practicality of the products, saying that the quality from the brand "never fails."
The judgments about the "delightful", "fantastic" design of the bedding sets produced by the company remain unchanged. Reviews of Alena Akhmadullina, Delux, KPB 3D (Classic, Light) and many others are received in a special, positive way.
There is also a high production culture and a well-thought-out service system.