Loft style posters

Loft-style posters can be a real decoration for different rooms. But for them to fulfill this function, it is necessary to properly evaluate black and white posters on the wall and other types of posters for the interior. A separate important topic is the selection and placement of such posters.

Pictures and pictures can fill any room with an unusual color. However, it is necessary to be very careful in choosing specific subjects and their presentation. Loft style posters can easily:
create the desired atmosphere;
highlight the visual benefits of a particular room;
express the taste priorities of the owners.

But not every picture is suitable for saturating a loft space. It should match the mood of the room, demonstrate severity and coldness. Execution in the spirit of a minimalist aesthetic is very important.
You cannot use too many decorative elements, as this directly violates the canons of style. It is imperative to strive for a sense of spaciousness and comfort.

Loft style wall posters are usually made from a variety of materials. Plots decorated on frosted or structured glass are very expensive. It is more beneficial to use linen canvas, chipboard or planks. But the main thing in aesthetic terms is not the material, but the execution of the picture. And reducing the entire loft style to traditional black and white plots is hardly reasonable.

There is a much more interesting solution - the use of abstract motives. They can also be black and white or in vibrant colors. The choice of paints is entirely up to the designers. An abstract plot is easy to implement with your own hands. It can represent:
a pile of geometric shapes;
wavy details;
various illustrations.

But modular posters are a good option. A group of symmetrical areas forms a complete image. A good solution is to use separate fragments at different levels. A popular subspecies is a diptych in the “rusty picture” format. And also deserve attention:
graffiti posters;
posters with inscriptions, various icons;
vintage posters;
graphic illustrations with motives of urban architecture and landscapes.

Accommodation options
But it is not enough to simply pick up “graceful pictures”. Good location is also very important. The classic museum approach requires displaying images at eye level for most people, that is, 1.52-1.55 m. But in a particular apartment, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the room, and the nuances of perception, and the growth of specific residents. Usually they stand opposite the wall where they plan to hang the poster, and highlight the place where the gaze rushes naturally.

Posters can also be placed above the bed. They are placed so that it is comfortable to sit reclining, without resting on the frame, but too high an arrangement is unacceptable. If the poster is hung over a sofa, then the dimensions of this sofa are taken into account. The most organic, in the opinion of designers, is the image in 2/3 of its length. Experts believe that the most profitable solution is to install posters over:
chest of drawers;
the working area of the office;

Beautiful examples in the interior
The plots of the painting in the loft style can be varied. Looks very good, for example, such a poster against the background of a brick wall above the sofa. The skillful combination of color and black-and-white parts is perceived as extremely attractive.
A retrospective, including one with the image of old cars, can also be a good option. Intelligently selected lighting also plays an important role in this decision.

And also it is worth taking a closer look at such options:
mesh structure against the background of a brick wall;

- still life;

- an image of an old nameplate with an address;

- Portrait in the old-fashioned style.