Pin up posters

Pin-up posters are not the most popular option for decorating modern houses and apartments, but they did not deserve this attitude. Pin-up posters of the USSR (on the Soviet theme) and American posters can equally become a good filling of rooms if you think over the placement of retro posters, and also make the right selection.

When characterizing pin-up posters, it is worth emphasizing that it is hardly appropriate to see them as cheeky vulgarity, as some moralists sometimes believe. This is a completely legitimate and solid direction in art. Not every image with a characteristic plot can belong to this genre. The strictest interpretation refers to it only works of American graphics of the middle of the twentieth century and its exact imitations. A broader understanding allows us to consider other posters or paintings as pin-ups if they are made in strict accordance with the principles of the genre.

Accurately translated from English, this term means just "pin". Female characters depicted in such paintings:
- always well-groomed, have impeccable (without the slightest hint of vulgarity) makeup;
- with carefully styled hairstyles;
- dressed in clothes of a simple (and even laconic) cut;
- shown on vacation, at home, on a walk or in another common situation;
- sometimes they do housework, bathe, fix cars, ride motorcycles.

What are posters?
It is well known that authentic pin-up posters of the USSR period simply did not exist, because no one was interested in this direction. But there are later images made on the Soviet theme - so they turn out to be quite good in appearance. Many such pictures were invented by Valery Barykin, who made a great contribution to the popularization of such a mixture of stylistics.

Attention is attracted by:
- a poster based on the theme of "Worker and Collective Farm Woman";
- the painting "The sky is calling";
- "Sit down, I'll give you a lift";
- poster "Happy New Year".

And yet the most authentic images are American predominantly. It is they who look as organic and original as possible, significantly surpassing imitations. Optimally, the original American style of the mid-20th century looks in retro-style rooms. Of particular interest are:
- the famous "Girl with Binoculars";
- painting "American Beauty";
- plot "The Girl on the Boat".

There are quite a few options. For example, a charming witch on a broomstick, drawn against a background of a full moon and a dark blue sky, is well received. Rolling down the stairs looks original (without banality).
Girls on traditional pin-up posters can do the following:
- relaxed and pretentious to lean on the car;
- lead a dog;
- sit and look extremely surprised, turning towards the beholder;
- water skiing;
- repair the antenna on the roof of the house.

If this is not enough, then it should also be mentioned:
- a blonde with a telescope;
- talking on the phone;
- composition with a target.

How to post?
It is often practiced to display posters or paintings in a horizontal row format. This approach is good if you need to equip any empty space.
It is highly recommended to use an odd number of posters. The focus is on maintaining balance. It is also worth considering that the composition should have an expressive volume.

In rooms with high ceilings, it is more logical to hang pin-up posters in a "quadrangle". Then the characteristic visual weaknesses of such a room are very effectively extinguished. By bringing together parts of the composition, the effect of a "solid window" is obtained. If posters with similar pictures are selected, it is advisable to use a symmetrical system of their arrangement. If the size of the products is very different, it is more correct to resort to an asymmetric scheme. In any case, posters should be hung on a monochrome wall so that nothing distracts from them.