Tableware brands: rating of the best manufacturers

Today, almost every housewife is faced with a sharp, but very important question: "How to choose a suitable and high-quality tableware?" This is not so easy to do, especially considering the fact that advertising of many brands is blatantly lying.
It is about the best firms engaged in the production of quality kitchen products that the article will discuss.

Just before submitting a list of the best brands and manufacturers, they should be divided into several classes, namely:
- premium;
- average;
- economy
In each of these classes, you can find truly high-quality and durable dishes, however, the utensils from which segment to buy is a purely individual decision.

Cookware of this type is considered the most expensive and luxurious of all other classes. This is explained not only by the material from which it is made, but also by the manufacturing method.
Elite cookware has a number of important features.
- The edging of this kitchen utensil is usually made of stainless steel.
- The most durable and durable product is considered to be dishes made of cast iron. In addition to its high strength, this option is also distinguished by its extremely simple maintenance.
- Premium cookware has the thickest and most durable base.
- It is known that the elite category cookware allows you to cook various dishes without adding oil. Thanks to the thick walls and dense bottom, the food does not burn and, during processing, retains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which is an undoubted advantage. It is also worth noting that any food cooked in oil is considered more harmful and high in calories.
- In addition to the fact that such dishes allow you to cook the most correct and wholesome food, it also makes it possible to do it quickly and easily.Cooking on such utensils is much faster, and there is no need to look after the food.
- Unlike the middle class and economy, premium tableware undergoes thorough quality control, therefore, as a rule, defective tableware does not go on sale.
- The materials used to create these products are considered very expensive. These include: silver, crystal, porcelain, cast iron and some others.
- Not deprived of quality and expensive materials and accessories for dishes. The quality and appearance of the small parts give the appliances a more sophisticated look.
- We cannot ignore the design developed by professionals specifically for the elite class products. This fact is also related to the fact that these dishes are always sold in sets, so that the devices do not lose a single style.
It is the high-class utensils that are used to prepare elite dishes in luxury restaurants. The choice in favor of such kitchen appliances is based not only on the quality of the products, but also on the history of all brands.

Having learned more about the type of this tableware, you can go directly to the rating of the best brands.
- Skeppshult. This manufacturer is famous for its unique products made of cast iron - a durable and stainless alloy.

- Staub. It is engaged in the manufacture of cast iron appliances, but its prices are slightly lower than those of Skeppshult.

- Moneta. The Moneta brand is the perfect choice for housewives looking to purchase non-stick products. Apart from Moneta, manufacturers such as GreenPan and Fissler are also good.

- Emile Henry. This company creates incredible ceramic tableware.

- Bohemia. The brand is famous for the best glass and crystal tableware.

- Japonica. This Japanese brand is considered the best among all other manufacturers of porcelain items.

This class differs from the previous one in a lower price and materials used. Nevertheless, such dishes have no less features than elite ones.
Devices of the middle price segment have their own specifics.
- In the manufacture of such dishes, stainless steel and some other fairly strong metals are usually used.
- The bottom thickness of such products is slightly less than that of premium tableware - about 3 millimeters, the wall thickness is half as much - about 0.5 millimeters.
- All fittings are attached by welding and do not attract special design attention to themselves.
- A middle class kit usually consists of 3-4 items.
- The appearance of the entire product has no peculiarities and pretentious design.
- A non-stick coating is usually present. The same applies to the special holes on the lid for steam release.
- The price for such dishes ranges from 5 to 12 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that when choosing kitchen appliances of this class, it is best to purchase porcelain or glassware, since these materials are the most durable among others.
It is undesirable to take the ceramic version, because, despite its solid appearance, it does not differ in particular strength, and it is extremely difficult to take care of it.

If middle class cookware is the most suitable option for you and you want it to last as long as possible, it is better to choose trusted manufacturers.
- Metrot. Excellent enamelled kitchen products are available from this company.

- Pyrex. This manufacturer guarantees the quality of the glassware produced.

- Scovo. This brand is famous for its high quality pots, pans and other metal products.

- Tefal. Quite a sensational and popular company that produces appliances with a non-stick coating.

- Tramontina, MiEssa. These companies are renowned for their amazing stainless kitchen gadgets (and knives as well).

As for crystal and porcelain products, it is rather difficult to attribute them to the middle class. As a rule, only elite brands are engaged in their production.
The time has come to tell in detail about such a very cheap and least quality option as economy class cookware. Despite the fact that such products are considered outdated and far from the best quality, they are still bought and actively used.
Cookware of this class has its own characteristics.
- Due to the extremely low quality and durability of the dishes, the price for it is quite low (no more than six thousand rubles).
- There is practically no non-stick coating, therefore, food prepared with the help of such devices turns out to be burnt and of poor quality.
- Thin sides and bottom, which also reduces the quality of the food.
- Absolutely all manufacturers of cheap dishes never design and do not pay special attention to the appearance of appliances.
- Poor fittings and other utensil parts that can cause a lot of inconvenience in the cooking process.
- For regular use, such dishes will be just right.

Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and the countries of the Middle East are actively producing such products. However, the most popular Russian firms are rightfully:
- "Aelita";
- "Gourmet";
- "Amet";
- "Caste".

How to choose?
You can choose truly high-quality and durable products even among the economy class options. In this case, it is important to adhere to the recommendations and rules.
- Any high-quality cookware should have fairly thick sides and bottom (at least 2 millimeters). Such devices last much longer, and their quality is much higher.
- It is not bad if the cookware has additional safety devices.
- It is recommended to avoid products with poor fittings, because such seemingly insignificant trifles as a plastic handle can cause a lot of trouble.
- The same applies to painted products, because paint is not the most harmless coating.
- When choosing, it is important to consider the manufacturing method. Thus, devices created by casting distribute heat more evenly.
- Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of the products - the general design, the absence of chips and the symmetry of the edges.

Sooner or later, every housewife has a need to purchase new and truly high-quality kitchen utensils. Choosing a specific manufacturer from all of them is not an easy task.
However, having familiarized yourself with all the features of each class and remembering the general rules for choosing, you can purchase truly high-quality and durable cookware.
An overview of pans of the "Moneta" trademark of the "Hercules" series is waiting for you further.