Czech dishes "Geese"

Tea and dining sets from the Czech Republic are considered one of the most demanded in the world. High quality, interesting design and long service life of porcelain sets are attracting more and more customers. An interesting and unusual variant of Czech dishes is "Geese". In this article, we will look at the history of the appearance of a porcelain kit, talk about the advantages and give some tips for caring for the products of this line.

History of appearance
At the very end of the 18th century, kaolin deposits were discovered in Karlovy Vary. The high quality of the material, combined with German technology, made it possible to manufacture products that had no equal in those days. The first batch of tableware was a huge success, it was decided to further develop production, but at an accelerated pace. So, at the beginning of the 19th century, dishes from the Czech Republic stood on a par with German and English counterparts, but the cost of the products was much lower, which made them even more attractive in the eyes of buyers.
The next step of the factories was the decoration of models with painting, gilding or embossing.
Many of the products created at that time are popular and relevant to this day, and the most demanded ones began to be produced in series.

One of these is the Geese collection. This decor originates from the distinctive Czech sign - blue speckled bows, which were depicted on baking saucers. The author of the drawing is a street artist who depicted it in his painting. Quite by chance, craftsmen from the factory passed by, who liked the drawing. They decided to transfer it to the dishes, which subsequently became a huge success among the inhabitants.
Stylistic attachment to Provence, uncomplicated design with a white background and painted geese, blue edging with bows - all this gives the dishes a certain "zest" and a touch of sophistication.
To this day, the Czech dishes "Geese" are on a par with the respectable "Madonna" and the rich "Okhota".
The presence of products from this line will say a lot about the mistress of the house, especially people who understand porcelain products.

"Geese" symbolize the high quality materials and technologies inherent in the best factories in Europe. For over 200 years, Czech patterned porcelain sets have represented wealth, prosperity and good taste. The affordable price of tea and dining sets has allowed many housewives to acquire their dream crockery. The high quality of workmanship makes it possible to use the devices every day, without hiding them in the showcase until the guests arrive. An interesting drawing will appeal not only to adults, but also to children, they will enjoy their meals with delight.

A big plus of the Czech dishes "Geese" is the ability to purchase products both individually and as a whole set.
Initially, it was planned to sell each model individually, but later the factories revised their position in this regard, and began to produce series, while not abandoning a single release. Every year the lineup is becoming wider.
Interesting oil cans, pepper shakers, slides, salt shakers, napkin holders, cake scoops and much more can be purchased in addition to the main set or even form a set to your liking. This approach, combined with a wide range of products, gives each housewife the opportunity to independently complete the set for her family according to her needs.

A huge advantage of the "Geese" series, in comparison with other Czech dishes, is the complete absence of gold or silver rims. This feature of the decor allows you to use products in a microwave oven or oven.
Porcelain is resistant to high temperatures, so you can reheat cooled food in the microwave without worry. Many housewives will be delighted with the opportunity to wash "Geese" in the dishwasher, without fear for the safety of the pattern. It will not wear off, and the color saturation will not fade and will remain original for many years.
An additional advantage of Czech services is absolute environmental friendliness of devices. The material for the production is natural and safe for health. The surface does not react with food, so you can even cook in the models of the series.

Today crockery with a bird's pattern is produced by several Czech factories, each of which occupies a leading position in its niche. Leander, BOHEMIA Fine Porcelain, Lubiana, Ceský porcelán, Moritz Zdekauer - all these brands have their own history of making tableware with a goose pattern in blue handkerchiefs.
Together they created a real symbol of European culture, which to this day does not go out of style.
As a rule, sets of dishes "Geese" of all brands have a similar configuration. The table set for 6 persons contains 25 items:
- a soup tureen for 2.5 liters;
- oval dish - 36 cm;
- round dish - 30 cm;
- 2 salad bowls;
- salt shaker;
- gravy boat with a stand;
- 6 dessert plates;
- 6 plates for main courses;
- 6 deep soup bowls.
The set for 12 people consists of 43 items similar to the previous one, the only difference is the number of plates: there are 12 of each type.

Tea and coffee sets are also designed for 6 and 12 persons, and consist of 15 or 27 items, depending on the configuration:
- kettle for 1.2 liters;
- milkman;
- sugar bowl;
- 6/12 cups;
- 6/12 saucers.
Optionally, each of the sets can be expanded by purchasing additional items.

How to distinguish from a fake?
Unfortunately, some unscrupulous manufacturers began to counterfeit Czech porcelain dishes using low-quality materials.
Real bone china has a snow-white color with a slightly milky sheen.The body of the products should be thin and slightly translucent in the light.
The surface of the products is absolutely smooth.

Care and storage rules
In order for porcelain dishes to serve for a long time, certain rules must be observed that will help to extend the service life by more than ten years. Due to the peculiarities of the decor, "Geese" can be washed in the dishwasher, however, not every detergent is suitable. It is recommended to choose products without abrasive substances in the composition, as they can scratch the surface.
When washing by hand, use a soft sponge, and be sure to remove rings and bracelets, as they, like a metal sponge, can scratch the pattern.
Clean dishes must be wiped dry immediately with a soft kitchen towel, as the frozen drops later turn into ugly stains.
In case of loss of snow-whiteness, it is enough to swipe the tampon with tartaric acid over the plates, and they will shine like new again. If there are dark marks from hot drinks on the cups, simply remove them with vinegar or soda dissolved in water.
For an overview of the "Geese" cookware, see below.