Colanders: what is it and what are they?

In order for the cooking to be of high quality, take as little time as possible, and also contribute to the comfort of the cook in the kitchen, there must be a lot of household appliances and utensils. In addition to pots, pans and other similar items, the dining room should be equipped with a colander.

What it is?
A colander is an indispensable kitchen item that looks like a large saucepan with holes of different sizes. It is mainly used for filtering food. The main purpose of this utensil is to separate the product from the liquid. With its help, the hostesses perform the following tasks:
- washed vegetables, fruits, berries;
- draining pasta;
- draining canned food, such as peas, corn.

The above work can be carried out without a colander, but with its help you can do everything faster, better and safer. Washing off pasta without this utensil can burn your hands. A colander is considered a kitchen item that can reduce injuries in the dining room.
A colander is considered an inconspicuous and at the same time indispensable item in the dining room. Currently, each housewife can choose the best option for cooking pasta, rice, cereals. Models are divided by hole size:
- with small holes great for washing berries, since they do not miss even the smallest of them, they also sift flour, bulk products, filter sauces with the help of mesh utensils;
- with large holes used for washing large fruits, as well as for draining water from dumplings, dumplings and much more.

Popular varieties of colander include the following options.
- Folding. Such a colander looks like a flower with perforated petals, which tend to open spirally, thus forming a cup-shaped shape.
- With handlesthat add up.
- Flat. This type of colander looks like a perforated plate with a crescent shape. It is removable, as it can be put on pots and cans for subsequent draining of liquid. With the help of such colander, berries and greens are washed. In this model, the handles are folded, after which it turns into a box.
- Suspended mesh model has the ability to be fixed on the edges of the shell, it is characterized by the presence of rubberized legs, which contribute to the stability of the structure.
- Colander - the lid is put on cans or pans with compote. Such utensils contribute to the fact that only liquid is poured out.

Materials (edit)
Like any other household item, The colander can be made from a variety of materials.
- Galvanized. This colander option is considered the cheapest and not particularly high quality. Such utensils in a short period of time rusts, and also, when interacting with other substances, releases toxic substances.

- Enameled. An item made of this material is safer than a galvanized one. If it is used carelessly, the colander becomes chipped, and this threatens a person with danger.

- Plastic - the most suitable option for straining cottage cheese, washing fruits and vegetables. The disadvantage of this utensil is that hot liquid cannot be drained through it, since plastic tends to melt and at the same time release toxic substances.

- Ceramic colander not often on sale. Its advantage is safety, versatility in use, and its disadvantage is fragility, the impossibility of using boiled liquid for draining.

- Aluminumas well as a stainless steel colander is considered the best option. Metal utensils are used for hot and cold water procedures. This type of kitchen assistant is the safest due to the fact that it does not corrode.

- Copper, iron. Such options are not often found on sale.

- Silicone A colander is a worthy option for kitchen utensils, it is practical and completely safe.

Sizes and shapes
Colanders come in a variety of sizes and capacities. The standard model of this kitchen item has a volume of 1 and 1.5 liters, while having a diameter of 0.15 - 0.25 m.There are situations when such utensils turn out to be small or, conversely, large for procedures that the hostess conducts, therefore More than one sieve bowl can be purchased.
Items that have a large and small capacity, while being fixed on the legs, are very popular now. In this case, the double saucepan can be used disassembled, that is, each mesh separately.

On sale you can find colanders of this shape:
- round, they are considered a classic option, therefore they are most common;
- rectangular, square are not as common as the previous ones, however, they are considered more convenient for pouring berries, pasta into a dish, such an assistant in the kitchen is characterized by stability and compactness;
- oval ones usually have legs that allow you to place the colander in the sink without holding it;
- conical and conical.

Criterias of choice
When choosing a colander, you should not pay attention to its appearance, this criterion does not play an important role when using an item. This kitchen assistant is chosen for a specific functional purpose, therefore, first of all, it must be safe and convenient. Also, the hostess should pay attention to the fact that the handles of the utensils should be made of a material that is resistant to heat, so as not to get burned when using it.
When buying a colander, you first need to decide for what purposes it will be used., after that pay attention to the size of the holes on the sieve. Knowing the volumes of dishes that are prepared daily, you need to buy utensils with the appropriate volume and size. This kitchen assistant should not be bulky and take up a lot of space.
One of the most important points to consider when buying is the choice of material, it should not quickly deteriorate and release toxic substances.

Operating tips
Every housewife knows how to use a colander. This kitchen item is widely used by housewives:
- for washing products;
- to drain the liquid after boiling flour dishes;
- for sieving bulk products;
- for steaming food;
- for the preparation of puree from vegetables and fruits.

This multifunctional item, depending on the shape, attachment and presence of legs, is installed in the sink and used for its intended purpose. This kitchen utensil must be cleaned after each use with special products. After washing, the colander should be rinsed well under running water.
An overview of the colander from IKEA awaits you further.