Earthenware: types, rules for selection and care

For many centuries, earthenware dishes have been considered one of the most convenient and presentable. True, many consumers very often confuse earthenware with porcelain products, but these are completely different things, despite the fact that they look approximately the same and are made of ceramics. Faience products were produced in the territory of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, although their appearance at that time was far from perfect.
Only a few centuries later, the first earthenware dishes appeared in the Italian city of Faenza. The craftsmen of that time tried for a long time to achieve the elegance of Chinese porcelain, as a result of which they achieved excellence in the production of earthenware.

For a long time, faience was called majolica; it was produced throughout Europe. This material came to the territory of Russia only in the 18th century. High skill in its production was achieved by Ukrainian masters from Tripillya... Faience from the factory of the merchant Grebenshchikov A.K. from Moscow enjoyed particular popularity: craftsmen painted colored enamel with paint. Masterpieces from these masters are still appreciated in the world of connoisseurs of beauty.
What it is?
Faience is a material that is a kind of ceramics, obtained in the process of sintering clay with certain mineral additives. During the Middle Ages, faience was made from quartz pebbles, limestone, soda and copper ore. Today, clay (kaolin), spar and quartz are used in its production. Earthenware is very similar to porcelain, but unlike it does not shine through in the light - its color is not perfectly white.
The faience is completely waterproof and a muffled sound is heard when tapped.This is the result of firing at a not very high temperature during its production.

The main element of the constituent faience is white clay is a material that makes dishes rather brittle and not quite resistant to high temperatures. The structure of the products is porous, the walls are thick. The peculiarity of earthenware products lies in the fact that they periodically absorb the smells of products. Whatever it was, but products made from this material are very popular in the territory of modern housewives. Bright, custom mugs and plates can be a highlight in any kitchen.

Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantages of dishes made from this interesting material are: excellent design of the utensils due to the fact that it is possible to cover the surface with colored glaze, as well as a rather low price. In addition, the following benefits are important:
- does not cause allergies;
- in comparison with simple earthenware products, earthenware is more durable;
- the dishes retain heat perfectly, which is very convenient when cooking;
- very convenient and easy to use, can be easily washed from any fat and is resistant to any detergents;
- you can not be afraid to store, for example, a plate in one another, worrying that they will crack;
- a set of such dishes can be a wonderful gift for any connoisseur of beauty.

You can also add that not only dishes are made from faience, but also other products, for example, figurines.

The disadvantages of such dishes include:
- insufficient whiteness;
- lack of elegance (when compared with elite china);
- instability to sudden changes in temperature;
- absorption of unpleasant odors - these dishes do not need to be covered for a long time.
Today manufacturers offer 4 types of earthenware products. Let's list them.
- Lime... In this case, in addition to clay and quartz, chalk and dolomite containing calcium and magnesia are added to the composition of the material. This type of ceramic is thermally fired at not very high temperatures.

- Soft... In the manufacture of this type of earthenware, in addition to ordinary clay and traditional quartz additives, manufacturers add flux - substances that can contribute to a certain firing of products and in its process pass into a molten state, forming a low-melting compound.

- Feldspar... The name of such a material speaks for itself: a certain amount of feldspar, a mineral from the silicate class, is added to the fired mass.

- Solid. One of the densest materials, fired at high temperatures. Therefore, dishes made from this type of earthenware are the most durable and dense.

All utensils made from such an unusual material are in demand not only in private use, but have long gained popularity in various types of catering: in restaurants and cafes, canteens and pizzerias, in fast foods.
Most often, dense white earthenware dishes are used here.

With regards to the assortment presented in today's tableware market, the faience industry has something to boast about:
- deep, medium and sandwich plates;
- saucers of various shapes;
- dishes for fish and for salad;
- tureens for serving different types of soups;
- broth cups with lids;
- coffee cups and coffee pots;
- tea cups and teapots;
- bowls of different sizes;
- sugar bowls, milk jugs and various vases;
- tea and coffee sets;
- sets of children's dishes;
- sets of "Chinese" bowls;
- containers for storing various bulk substances;
- sets for jewelry: beads, ritual accessories for fortune-telling.

How to choose dishes?
The most important thing when choosing earthenware is to determine the quality of the production of the utensils. It is necessary to carefully examine it inside and out. The surface of any product must be perfectly flat, otherwise any irregularities and chips are guaranteed to become an accumulation of microbes and dirt.In order not to be mistaken, try to catch a sunbeam on the surface of the same plate - this natural spotlight will allow you to see all the irregularities and roughness.
Be sure to check the manufacturer - the more famous he is, the more likely it is to purchase high-quality cookware.... It is better to opt for branded companies. Buying various products from your hands, you can make a mistake - negligent manufacturers striving for quick profit can offer earthenware products, the composition of which paints contain toxic components. Therefore, it is better to choose dishes in more civilized places.

Experts say that white earthenware dishes are the safest in this regard, since they are not covered with colored glaze, and the overglaze decor is the source of the spread of microbes. That's why it is recommended not to use cracked dishes. To make sure the cookware you are purchasing is free of cracks, simply tap on it. The whole faience makes a rather dull sound.
If you often use earthenware in your kitchen, then it is better to choose one with rounded and thickened edges. Square plates are very convenient, and round plates are easy to clean.
Care rules
Crockery made from different materials requires specialized care. Faience is also no exception. Products made from it do not like sudden changes in temperature, so it is best to wash used plates and cups in warm water. Too hot water can cause cracks in the glaze.
When washing various types of metal brushes, avoid grinding the surface and can scratch colored glaze or any other delicate coating.

In no case leave the earthenware product on a hot stove - it will crack.
Experts recommend "strengthening" faience at home: put the utensils in a large saucepan or metal basin, pour ordinary water without various types of additives. Then we bring the water to a boil, boil for 15 minutes and let it cool with the contents. The main thing is to keep warm in the room where you are doing all this - close the vents or windows, otherwise the temperature drop can also lead to cracks on the surface of the dishes. Do not take out the dishes that have not yet cooled down - and they will serve you for a long time.
During cooking, it is better not to cover the pot of earthenware with a lid so that the smell of food does not remain in it. But if this does happen, rinse it in warm water, after adding salt and acetic acid.

If your dishes are covered with colored enamel, then during storage it is better to shift each product with sheets of paper or cloth.
It is better not to put earthenware in the microwave - it will surely crack from exposure to hot temperatures.
The demand for earthenware is growing day by day due to many advantages, the main of which is design and originality.

For information on the difference between earthenware and porcelain, see the next video.