Bone china: what is it and what is the variety famous for?

For the manufacture of dishes and items for decorating interiors, a large number of materials are used, and there is also porcelain among them. In addition to the usual, today manufacturers are actively using bone china, which is different from it, in the light of which it stands out for its unique characteristics.

What it is?
The material referred to in this way is a hard raw material, the component of which is burnt bone. Among the characteristic features of such porcelain, it is worth highlighting the high strength values, as well as the white color. The material appeared as a result of works concerning attempts to recreate the formula for the production of the world famous Chinese porcelain. For the first time, bone ash was included in the composition of solid raw materials in the 18th century, the result obtained served as an impetus for the derivation of the basic formula for making bone china, which is still used today.
Ideally, the composition of the material should contain such components as:
- white clay - 25%;
- feldspar - 25%;
- burnt bone mass of animals - 50%.

The main properties, thanks to which this material differs from the usual, due to the absence of voids inside, which are perfectly filled with bone ash... Among the external characteristics that have brought special popularity to bone china, it is worth highlighting the expressive whiteness and transparency, as well as the ability to recreate a delicate creamy shade on products and dishes from this solid and at the same time elegant raw materials. Porcelain acquires its basic properties gradually as a result of firing, which are carried out at temperatures from +1050 to + 1300 ° C.
The bone mass is also pre-processed, as a result of which glue and organic components are removed from it. Further, with the help of plaster molds, the production of products takes place, followed by its design using glaze, painting or decal.
Bone china is considered thin-walled, since products from this raw material differ from ordinary porcelain utensils in the thickness of their walls.

Advantages and disadvantages
Bone china, like any other raw material, has its own strengths and weaknesses, which will manifest itself during the operation of products made from it. So, the advantages of the material include the following:
- increased strength indicators, even with thin product walls; as practice shows, products with such a composition will be more resistant to mechanical damage than other variations of raw materials used for the manufacture of tableware and decor items;
- the walls of products made of this porcelain will be translucent, which makes the products look lighter, more refined and sophisticated; such qualities are especially appreciated by antique dealers and other amateurs and collectors of aristocratic figurines, dishes and so on;
- the variety is famous for its noble color; real bone china will not have an unpleasant gray tint;
- the surface of products made from this raw material does not contain any roughness, all dishes and other products will be perfectly smooth to the touch;
- manufacturers make sets and other household items from the material, which can be attributed to the universal category, since they can be used not only to decorate the home, but also for normal use at the family table.

The material is not devoid of some disadvantages, namely:
- despite its strength, products made from this raw material will require special care, which will allow them to preserve their original appearance, and also extend their operational life;
- in addition to a special approach to care, bone china will also require the owner to observe some nuances regarding storage;
- products made from this material are expensive;
- despite its strength and hardness, bone china does not withstand sudden changes in temperature up or down.

Types of dishes
Today, manufacturers who use this particular material in their production offer the following types of tableware:
- plates of various sizes and depths, including items used for decoration;
- sets;
- tea and coffee appliances for 2 or more persons;
- tureens;
- sets.
In addition to kitchen utensils, figurines, vases, and themed figurines are made from porcelain.

Theme and colors
White porcelain or ivory-colored items go through the obligatory process of painting and decoration before getting on store shelves. Painting can be underglaze or overglaze, and there are also products whose design theme combines two techniques of artists' work. Most bone china products are decorated in a white and blue color scheme, which is called "Cobalt mesh", which has become a kind of visiting card products from this material. Such a painting, depending on the temperature treatment, can be light blue or deep blue. Sometimes shades of black, gray and brown are used, flowers of magnolia and other plants are drawn on the surfaces of the dishes.
The painting of products is done by hand, but in some production workshops, bone china products are decorated using special shapes with fine lines drawn to define the outline. And also in practice is actively used thin film - a decal that "works" by analogy with a decal. Overglaze painting of dishes and other items is sometimes done in gold.Working with precious metals can be done with a brush manually or using a special stamp.

Manufacturers overview
Today, many domestic and foreign brands are engaged in the manufacture of products from bone china. Among the available popular brands, it is worth highlighting the most demanded production.
- Imperial Porcelain Factory. During the Tsarist Russia, this enterprise became the first domestic production specializing in the manufacture of porcelain tableware. As for bone raw materials, the first products were produced on the basis of this plant already in the times of the USSR.
At the moment, this is the only Russian organization that is engaged in the production of raw materials themselves, as well as products from them.

- Royal doulton Is an English concern specializing in working with similar material. Now the brand is one of the largest suppliers of bone china products. The assortment of the company includes a variety of products, including exclusive sets and decor items.

- Wedgwood - this is no less popular brand than the Russian factory, the company occupies one of the most demanded niches, since it works not only to provide porcelain products to ordinary consumers, but also fulfills orders for the production of tableware for the British royal court. In addition to popular classics, the company is engaged in the release of extraordinary products, art objects.

- Spode Is another popular bone china brand that offers customers a wide range of high quality tableware. The production facilities have been actively operating for over 200 years. Today the brand has launched its exclusive line for the manufacture of elite class products.

- Narumi Is a Japanese brand that is considered one of the youngest companies in this market segment. However, the products of this brand stand out for their sophistication, high quality and special approach to tableware design. Japan places an emphasis on handcrafting and painting products, which adds value to tableware and other products.
The company does not lag behind British brands, therefore it also actively produces a line of luxury porcelain. In addition to the above enterprises, bone china is used as the main raw material for tableware production in China and Kazakhstan.

How to choose?
Purchasing a similar dish or other product requires an understanding of how to distinguish a quality product from a second-rate counterfeit. When evaluating the appearance of the product you like, you should pay special attention to several nuances.
- Colour. Quality products should be pure white or cream in color. And also porcelain should shine. The color scheme may vary in the light of the use of new technologies in the work, but the shade on the surface of the products should be warm, not stand out with deliberate whiteness.
- Transparency. Plates or any other good quality bone china should be light permeable.
- Drawing. If the proposed product is positioned as tableware or hand-painted souvenirs, then upon closer examination it will be possible to see the characteristic brush strokes.
- Marking. All products must be labeled without fail. Usually, the corresponding hallmarks are placed on the reverse side of the bottom. It is recommended to give preference to manufacturers with a well-known name.
- No defects on the surface... When purchasing dishes for a gift or for personal use, you need to make sure that all the walls are smooth. It is important that the product does not have holes, bubbles, as well as chips and scratches, especially around the edge.

Care features
By purchasing bone china products for use, it is worthwhile to further study issues related to the care and storage of such products, pay attention to the following recommendations:
- it is forbidden to wash dishes with hard abrasive sponges, as well as the use of powdered household chemicals, which can leave scratches on the surface, is prohibited; if possible, it is worth completely abandoning the use of any additional chemistry;
- porcelain is very sensitive to sudden temperature fluctuations, so care or use cups, plates or other items should be done with care; if hot liquid is poured into the container, then it must first be rinsed in warm water and so on;
- porcelain care involves the use of water at room temperature; it is impossible to wash under hot water even with strong pollution;
- arrange the dishes on the table or during storage on a shelf so that the containers do not touch each other with their edges; it is best to transfer containers with white paper napkins when storing dishes on top of each other;
- after wet processing, porcelain products must be wiped dry; it is recommended to remove dust with a dry, lint-free cloth.

How the famous English fine bone china Dunoon is made, see the next video.