Metrot cookware: features and varieties

Every housewife dreams of not only functional, but also beautiful dishes. In this article, we will focus on the utensils of the Serbian Metalac factory - Metrot utensils.

Advantages and disadvantages
Metrot cookware can be divided into two categories: enamelled and stainless steel.
The first is represented by 30 model lines, in the second there are only 2: Gracia and Aria Nova.

Advantages of enameled utensils from Serbia:
- resistance to alkalis and acids;
- ease of washing;
- affordability;
- beautiful appearance;
- enamel is chemically inert, and therefore food and meals in such dishes do not deteriorate for a long time;
- durability and strength;
- can be used with caution for baking in the oven (only when heated to 250 degrees);
- can be used for cooking on induction hobs (models with thicker bases are preferable).

The following points can be added to the list of shortcomings:
- fragility of the coating - its integrity is violated when it hits a hard surface;
- undesirability of cooking dairy and viscous dishes in such utensils - there is a high probability of burning;
- the enamel is easily damaged when cleaning with abrasives and iron brushes (even if the damage is insignificant and more aesthetic in nature, but who will like ugly scratches);
- sensitivity of the coating to temperature jumps - with a sharp change in temperature, the enamel may crack.

The pluses of stainless steel cookware include:
- strength and durability;
- attractive design;
- good heat capacity - dishes stay hot for a long time;
- chemical inertness;
- well suited for preparing dairy dishes.
The disadvantages include the high price (especially compared to enameled counterparts), the undesirability of using it for marinating meat and other products, in the presence of plastic handles - the impossibility of using it for baking dishes in the oven.

The collection of Serbian utensils covered with enamel includes more than three dozen model lines.
The main products are pots. Many lines also include teapots and ladles, rarely Turks for making coffee. The minimum capacity of pots is 1.7-2 liters, the maximum is 9 liters (in many lines the maximum is 7.7 liters, for example, in the Tuscany collection).
The special surface treatment when applying the pattern allows you to achieve the durability of the decor. The paints do not fade or wear off, the drawing remains bright and pleasing to the eye. Some lines repeat each other, the only difference is in design. The name of the lines reflects the essence of the design. For example, the collection "Blackberry" is decorated with images of leaves and berries of this plant, "Fruits" - drawings of various fruits, etc.

Many model lines also include sets of utensils (for 6 or 7 items), that is, you can purchase several pots, a kettle and a ladle at once, decorated in the same style, which is important for a good housewife.
It should be noted that The enamelled Metrot cookware is suitable for use on induction hobs because the base of the pots is made of a ferrimagnetic iron alloy.
The only condition is to choose the utensils for the induction cooker with a thickened bottom.
Also, the Serbian manufacturer Metalac offers 2 lines of stainless steel cookware: Gracia and Aria Nova. The second collection contains a 2.4 liter frying pan and a set of 6 items. The first line provides only single pots of various sizes.

Most consumers have a positive opinion of Metrot utensils. Among the advantages, they note the high quality of products, strength and durability, beautiful design of the outer surface of pots and teapots. Also, buyers are satisfied with the availability of Serbian products for the price.
The only negative point in customer reviews is the ability to buy defective products. Therefore, before purchasing the utensils, carefully inspect the inner surface of the utensils for black spots.

The GOST provides for the possibility of their presence, but their size and depth are regulated.
That is, if you find large and deep dark spots, point this out to the seller and refuse the purchase by choosing another copy of the kitchen utensils. Of course, there is still a risk of running into a fake, but in this case, be sure to check the certificates of conformity and other documentation.
Summing up, one thing can be said: dishes Metrot is a really high quality and beautiful product, and any housewife will be happy to use such equipment.
For an overview of Metrot cookware, see below.