Disposable tableware for the holiday: interesting options

Holidays in nature, as well as spontaneous parties and children's name days outside the home - all this is a reason for using disposable tableware. Do not worry that faceless plastic plates and cups will kill the whole atmosphere of celebration. Today, special disposable tableware is produced for the holiday, and it fully corresponds to its purpose.

What are its advantages?
Those in doubt can simply make a list of the pros and cons of such cookware. Firstly, if you opened it before the banquet itself, it is absolutely hygienic. And this is important if picky guests will be present at the holiday. Secondly, you do not need to wash it - you used it and threw it away. And the dishes can be disposed of in the sorting container - they will be recycled.
Finally, she will definitely not be beaten. If you celebrate a children's birthday, the fear of breaking dishes will haunt you throughout the holiday, and with a disposable set, this is out of the question.
It is important that such festive dishes can be thematic: not just a birthday, but also dedicated to your favorite cartoons and fairy tales, performed in a marine style (pirate), in the style of "jungle", "circus", "Barbie", etc. Of course, even such details as dishes are important when serving table - they also set the mood for the holiday.

The choice is great today, you can buy disposable dishes for hot and cold dishes, for desserts of various shapes, sizes, configurations, etc.
The main thing is to remember that no matter how you like a glass or plate, you really should use it only once.

Safe options
This begs the question: "Is such a buffet product safe?"Still, plastic is far from being environmentally friendly material. Indeed, you need to choose dishes thoughtfully, and not just grab cheap and bright ones. If you are concerned about safety, choose heavy laminated paper products. It is paper dishes, not plastic, that are your main reference point.
Attention! If the dish is cold, the dishes need laminated one-sided, if hot - double-sided.

Do not worry that the paper dishes for the buffet table are glued together, and therefore glue particles can get into the food. No, modern production uses glueless technologies - lunch boxes, glasses, plates, bowls, bags are produced as safe as possible.
Read the label
Beautiful dishes do not mean safe and functional yet. On buffet plates and glasses, their packaging must be marked. Be sure to read it while still in the store, it is informative.

This will show you that:
- food grade plastic is indicated by an image of a glass and a fork;
- PS is an indicator that the product contains polystyrene (such dishes can be used strictly for cold dishes, and contact with hot food will lead to the release of toxins);
- PP - products are made of polypropylene (the material tolerates different temperatures, is used to heat food in a microwave oven, but is not suitable for drinking alcohol).
If you decide to buy disposable tableware for your banquet, be sure to offer guests a safe option.

Design for the holiday
The beauty of disposable tableware today is that it can be presented in a variety of designs. Unusual drawings, vivid images, creative inscriptions, stylization - you may not find such a real ceramic tableware (besides, a whole set will be expensive), plastic is so cute that it literally asks for a table.

Below are some interesting options for your holiday.
- Khokhloma, gzhel (stylization). Only when you get closer can you see that it is paper or food grade plastic. Many people will like dishes in folk style for their brightness and elegance.

- Porcelain look. In the photo, such plates cannot be distinguished from real porcelain. A very stylish and unusual disposable option.

- In the style of a popular fast food restaurant. Sometimes you want to “sin” gastronomically and eat something harmful, but tasty. In a word, the same fast food. It seems that in these restaurants and cafes, even one package awakens the appetite. Who is stopping you from buying disposable tableware in the style of these brands, just filling it with homemade delicacies? This option will appeal to both adults and children.

- Mimic style. A great option for the birthdays of the smallest. Such celebrations, of course, are more convenient to hold in a buffet style. It is difficult to sit at the table with a baby, but to make a candy bar for children and an appetizing buffet table for adults - why not? Strumming with glass and ceramic plates, walking with fragile wine glasses around the house where there are children is not very convenient and even dangerous. And the colored disposable tableware looks like a delight to the eyes and is completely safe.

Finally, it will not be a revelation that rare holidays today do without photographers. And you always want everything in the frame to be in harmony, not to cause aesthetic complaints. Few people dare to buy ceramic dishes for the sake of one photo shoot, but the one-time option is optimal.

What should be served in it?
In addition to traditional cakes and sandwiches, what can be served in such dishes? There are no clear restrictions.
If you use it for its intended purpose (do not put the hot chicken leg on the Styrofoam plate), there is no danger.
Products for a candy bar look great in disposable paper dishes. For example, colorful plates with a cute print are perfect for cakes. The deep options can be used for popcorn, filled pillows, loose chocolates. Tall, wide cups are good for sweet or salty straws.
At a children's party in the style of elves, there may be "golden" paper dishes. In it, almost any delicacy looks unusual and attractive, stirs up the appetite.

How to decorate?
Although this is an outwardly self-sufficient product, some people have such a question. If you really want to add decorativeness to disposable saucers and cups, there are options.

- You can tie the cups along the upper contour with a thin satin ribbon, tie a bow. It should be of the tone that dominates the celebration. For example, if it's a little girl's birthday, where everything is pink, and the cups are white "in a bear," a satin pink edging would be appropriate.
- Before the guests begin to feast, lay out beautiful paper napkins on disposable plates, and on them - fresh flowers, rosebuds or daisies, pansies or daffodils. At a summer dinner party on the terrace or right in the garden, this will be more than appropriate.

And a couple more interesting ideas. If you are throwing a baby shower (a party for the upcoming birth of a baby) and decide to tell your loved ones the secret of who you are waiting for, cups will help you. Very often, mom herself does not know who she will have, dad receives information in an envelope for an ultrasound scan and prepares a surprise for everyone. In this case, he must buy glasses of the desired color (blue or pink) and take them out on a beautiful tray at the climax of the evening. And what in the glasses is up to you to decide: maybe lemonade or juice, or maybe champagne.

The following option is also interesting: you can buy disposable paper cups with a children's print, fill them to the brim with sweets, wrap them in cellophane, rewind them with a ribbon - that's how an individual treat from the birthday boy to classmates or children in the garden turned out. And there is no need to puzzle over how to pack the gifts. It looks cute, elegant and laconic.
Read the labeling, track functional fit, look for interesting stylistic options - and use disposable tableware when the situation calls for it.
Sometimes this is the right decision!
For information on how to choose the right disposable tableware, see the video below.