Russian-made stainless steel pressure cookers

Cooking takes an average woman up to 10 hours a week. But you want to spend this time with loved ones and family, and not standing near the stove. And with this, kitchen utensils such as a pressure cooker can come to the rescue. This wonderful pan appeared on the market in the last century, more precisely, in the 70s, but today its relevance is higher than ever. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of modern stainless steel pressure cookers from domestic manufacturers and find out which models are considered the best.

Advantages and disadvantages
A pressure cooker in essence and appearance is an ordinary saucepan, but it does not have a simple lid, but closes as tightly as possible. It is thanks to her that the temperature and speed of boiling of the liquid inside the utensils increase significantly, and, therefore, the cooking time of any dishes is accelerated.
The speed of cooking is the main advantage of the pressure cooker. In addition, the following characteristics are also the advantages of such dishes.
- Possibility to prepare all kinds of first and second courses.
- Simplicity and ease of use and maintenance of the pressure cooker.
- During cooking, all foods retain their rich color and flavor, as well as most of the vitamins. Dishes cooked in a pressure cooker are tastier, richer and healthier than those cooked in a regular saucepan.
- There are models that can be used on gas or electric stoves, and there are those that simply work from being connected to the network independently.
- There is a possibility of a sharp release of pressure inside the pressure cooker, this allows you to quickly soften the structure of the food and speed up their cooking.
- Economical power consumption.Compared to other household kitchen appliances, a pressure cooker uses on average 2-3 times less electricity.

It is also worth noting that in such wonderful pans you can cook not only dishes according to special recipes, but also any others. The main thing is to remember that the cooking time is reduced by 2 or even 4 times.
The pressure cooker also has its drawbacks.
- It was originally considered a device with increased explosiveness. This was the case before, now manufacturers have modernized their devices, and with proper operation, the risk of their explosion is zero.
- The lid must not be opened during cooking, as pressure will drop inside the pressure cooker: the cooking time will increase and the quality of the food will suffer.
- In case of careless handling, there is a risk of burns when opening the container.
- Until the cooking process is over, the products inside the miracle pan cannot be tasted, enough spices, or fully cooked. Therefore, you will have to focus on the smell and the approximate cooking time. But here, experience comes with frequency of use.

Russian-made stainless steel pressure cookers, although they have their drawbacks, are nevertheless necessary and important acquisitions for any kitchen. And all the disadvantages are easily eliminated by correct operation and use of only proven recipes in the first stages. Such utensils have much more advantages and they are much more significant than disadvantages.

Manufacturers overview
Pressure cookers today are produced by many manufacturers, including foreign ones. But it is the utensils of domestic manufacturers that are in high demand.
Hit the domestic market. Here, practicality, durability and versatility are ideally combined with the low cost available to every potential buyer. The cost of such a pressure cooker does not exceed 2,500 rubles. The set includes a net for cooking manti, an insert-steamer and an additional rubber sealed ring for the lid.

Such a device can be used on both electric and gas stoves.
The big plus is that the miracle pan has comfortable non-heating plastic handles. Pressure cooker "Miracle" may well replace both a mantool and a double boiler. Utensils of various sizes are on sale.
An ideal choice for those who value their time, money and do not pursue brands.

Pressure cooker "Miracle"
This is a whole series of utensils made of both stainless steel and aluminum. The first option, although it costs a little more, is also more practical, safer, more durable in operation. The volume of a stainless steel pressure cooker is either 5 or 7 liters. The handles are made of plastic.
Suitable for use on gas or electric stoves. The model does not need any special care and can be used to prepare any first and second courses. The cost is about 3,500 rubles.

This is a domestic-made pressure cooker of the latest generation. Versatility of use, simple and stylish design, low price (on average from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles) are ideally combined here. The weight of such a pressure cooker is very small, and its capacity is 5 liters, which allows you to cook food in it even for a large family and do it quickly and comfortably.
Maintenance and operation are simple. The pressure cooker heats up very quickly, the dishes in it are tasty and aromatic. At the same time, this model has no significant drawbacks.

This is a Soviet-made retro pressure cooker. However, its owners claim that this model is in no way inferior to modern ones in terms of the quality of prepared dishes, ease of use and quality. Suitable for use on gas stoves and for preparing any kind of food. Operation is simple, maintenance consists of regular washing with water and liquid detergent.

Today it is quite difficult to find such a model of pressure cooker on the shelves, but it is still possible.Its capacity is 6 liters.
All these types of pressure cookers are produced in Russia. This means that any device is ideal for preparing almost any traditional dishes of our cuisine and the result of their preparation is always excellent. Any of these pressure cookers allows you to cook not only quickly and tasty, but also save on bills for gas and electricity, which is a very relevant plus in modern conditions.

Criterias of choice
To personally verify all the advantages of these kitchen utensils, you need to make the right choice. And here it is important to know that not all goods declared as produced by domestic manufacturers are in fact. Therefore, first of all, in the store, you must carefully study the information about the manufacturer yourself, and not blindly believe the words of the seller. It is also important to consider the following points.
- Manufacturing material. Some manufacturers produce pressure cookers not only from stainless steel, but also from aluminum. Therefore, before buying, you should make sure that the purchased utensils are really made of stainless steel.
- Equipment and instructions. It is imperative to make sure that your pressure cooker is equipped as indicated by the manufacturer. The instruction should be detailed and accurately describe the procedure for using and maintaining the device.
- The capacity of the pan itself - one of the key selection criteria. The larger the family and the more often you plan to use the pressure cooker, the larger its capacity should be.
- Availability of additional accessories. The models that have them are always more expensive than conventional pressure cookers. Therefore, before overpaying, you need to make sure that you need an insert-steamer and a mantle cooker.
- By purchasing a pressure cooker on sale with a big discount, you should definitely ask about the reason for the markdown: perhaps the utensil has some kind of defectT.
- It is also very important to make sure that the rubber seal on the lid and on the upper part of the utensil is dense, intact and has no cracks or chips. If there are any drawbacks, you should refrain from buying, otherwise the pressure cooker will not work properly.
- Electrical or mechanical model... The first option is suitable if you plan to use the utensils only where there is always light. But mechanical models can be used on gas stoves, even when there is no light.

Today's pressure cooker models are versatile, versatile and practical. But it should be understood that the quality and speed of their work also directly depend on the power of the device, but this applies only to electrical models.
Those devices that are used on stoves do not have such a selection criterion. The power of an electric pressure cooker must not be less than 1000 W.
Choosing the right model of pressure cooker is the key to fast and tasty cooking. But in order for the device to serve for a long time and work properly, it is also necessary to take proper care of it.

Care rules
Taking care of your pressure cooker is all about washing and storing it correctly. It is best to store the utensils between uses in a kitchen cabinet, in a ventilated and cool place without high levels of humidity. In this case, the cover of the unit should not be tightly closed, this can cause deformation of the seal.
Wash the pressure cooker under running warm water (if it is not an electric model) with the addition of liquid detergents. The use of abrasive cleaners is not recommended.
The sponge should be soft and not iron, so as not to damage the coating.

Electric models of pressure cookers must not be washed by submerging them completely in water. First, the device is disconnected from the mains, completely cooled and then washed with water inside. The body of the device is only wiped with a damp sponge.The step-by-step process of caring for a pressure cooker should be described in detail in the instructions, since each model has its own nuances, and the manufacturer should describe them.

Choosing the right pressure cooker according to the above criteria, regular care and proper storage will allow you to enjoy your new universal purchase for many years, as well as save time standing at the stove.

For an overview of the Varya pressure cooker, see the next video.