Bathroom ceiling

Bathroom ceiling design

Bathroom ceiling design
  1. Basic selection parameters
  2. Varieties
  3. Non-standard solutions

Today the building materials market offers a huge number of finishes for walls, floors and ceilings. The design of the ceiling in the bathroom is often considered an unimportant element of renovation, but everything in the composition should be thought out harmoniously, there should be no weak points. For a small area, not all types of finishes are suitable. Much depends on whether the bathroom has high or low ceilings. In addition, it is important to take into account other specifics, for example, a sloped ceiling.

The choice of materials, colors, textures is so great that you can go beyond the standard framework and make something unusual, for example, a bathroom with a black ceiling.

Basic selection parameters

In order to correctly choose the finishing material, color and decor, you should take into account a number of nuances before buying.

  • Finance. Often it is the budget that becomes the determining factor, since the original design will cost more than the standard one. However, most often the bath area is not too large, and the choice of materials today is so great that you can choose an option for any wallet.
  • Taste. This, too, cannot be disregarded, after all, the owners have to wash in this bath. To begin with, it is worth looking at examples of work with different finishes in order to understand what you want to achieve. Why think about what it can be made of.
  • The initial state. This is also very important, because an even ceiling of an inappropriate color can simply be repainted. But uneven, shabby, with defects and damage requires plastering or more cardinal finishing methods.
  • Square and ventilation. This is perhaps the most important point, these parameters must be taken into account. A small room is more humid, in which the hood should be organized more powerful.The level of moisture resistance of the material directly depends on these parameters. Wood, drywall, paint will quickly lose their appearance if the ventilation is weak.
  • Height. Some structures significantly lower the ceiling, not only visually, but also physically. Therefore, suspended ceilings with a frame are not suitable for low rooms. The smaller the ceiling, the less bulky the structure should be. For low ceilings, painting is optimal, a stretch option.
  • Style. This is also an important point, the design of the ceiling should not contradict the overall design composition. In modern laconic styles, a multi-level ceiling, stucco molding will be inappropriate. Matte types are suitable for classic interiors, glossy ones for technological ones. Also, the material should be in harmony with all elements of the ensemble: furniture, plumbing.
  • Decorative nuances. Textured ceilings not only look beautiful, but are also able to visually enlarge and reduce the room. Changing geometry is subject to the tree, modules, and rack structures. Tiered are ideal for a large bathroom. Original ideas, for example, a multi-colored ceiling, painting, stained-glass windows are appropriate only in rooms with a sufficient area and in certain stylistic directions.
  • View of the ceiling itself. Bathrooms with sloping ceilings are common. They require a more careful approach. Choose only light-colored materials. Plasterboard, stretch canvas, painting, lining, plastic panels are best suited.

Each material that is presented on the market of finishing materials has its own characteristics, pros and cons. They also need to be considered.


Now let's consider what kind of bathroom ceilings you can prefer.


This is the most cost-effective and time-saving finishing method. Only suitable for coatings in good condition.


  • if the base coat is in good condition, it will be easy to paint the ceiling;
  • you can change the color depending on your mood and taste;
  • a wide field for experiments with shades, prints;
  • the possibility of self-execution.


    • if the base coat is in poor condition, you will have to first invest in plaster, soil and other materials, it will also take time and considerable effort;
    • paint is unable to hide anything except a stain (if there are communications there, they will remain in plain sight);
    • this method requires more frequent repairs, since dust settles on the paint, it darkens, and it is difficult to wash it;
    • not all types of paint are suitable for bathrooms, as a moisture-resistant look with the ability to repel moisture is required.


    This idea should be considered by owners of large bathrooms with high ceilings, since the design will lower them by about 10 cm. Maybe from plasterboard, slats, panels.

    Advantages of drywall:

    • inexpensive;
    • a very reliable option, it will last for many years;
    • there is an opportunity to experiment with levels, forms;
    • you can build in lamps.


    • installation is rather complicated in terms of time and labor costs;
    • will need to be painted periodically.

    Rack and modular

    Pros of rack and pinion and modular options:

    • the materials are quite flexible, you can create original designs;
    • serve for a long time;
    • do not require periodic updating, you can simply wash;
    • lighting can be mounted.


      • not suitable for vintage, classic styles;
      • often look like an office option;
      • if changes need to be made, the structure must be completely renewed.


      This is one of the most popular types, due to its versatility and a huge number of advantages:

      • noble appearance, creating a perfectly flat surface;
      • there are a lot of variations in shades and textures;
      • protect repairs from leaking apartment from above;
      • will last a long time, you can simply wash to remove dirt;
      • lighting is built in.


      • complexity of installation;
      • installation errors can lead to breakouts;
      • poor-quality canvas may turn yellow.

      Non-standard solutions

      If you want to find something original, you should pay attention to non-trivial types of materials.


      Such a surface is chosen infrequently, but it looks non-standard and status.

      Features of wood materials:

      • a special type of wood is required, with a special impregnation;
      • the ceiling will fit well into the style of Provence, country, eco;
      • cannot be used in rooms with poor ventilation;
      • quite expensive way of finishing.

      Stained glass

      A very effective solution that is rarely used.


      • beautiful, even luxurious appearance;
      • reliability, durability;
      • the cost is quite high;
      • stained glass can be combined with other materials;
      • will adequately look in a modern style, gothic, neo-gothic direction.


      Another luxurious option for creating original designs.


      • the method will require financial costs;
      • such a ceiling will last for a long time;
      • the design is very difficult to install;
      • washing such a ceiling will not be easy;
      • suitable only for certain styles.


      This is perhaps the most difficult way. This requires not only imagination, but also money, artistic talent. You need to choose a master who will perform the work at the proper level from moisture-resistant materials. Before you start painting, you need to create a flat surface.


      In general, colored ceilings themselves look quite unusual, but black is one of the most uncommon.

      If you want to really impress those around you, this type of design is worth considering.

                    However, you should take into account the features of black material for finishing:

                    • black strains the psyche and absorbs the colors around;
                    • you should not make such a choice if someone in the household has a high sensitivity or a tendency to depression;
                    • only suitable for large bathrooms with high ceilings;
                    • such a ceiling will look good only with light walls and floors;
                    • to make the composition look harmonious, you need to include a few black details;
                    • suitable for styles of art deco, modern, avant-garde, minimalism, gothic.

                    For information on what kind of ceiling to make in the bathroom, see the video.

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