All about Defender of the Fatherland Day

In Russia, there is a holiday called Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is celebrated on February 23. This holiday dates back to the post-revolutionary period, when the young Russian state was just beginning to emerge. Later, during the existence of the Soviet Union, this date was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. The Soviet state collapsed in 1991, but the memorable day continues to exist and is celebrated by Russian people every year. This day has a special meaning for everyone who remembers their history and is a patriot of their homeland.

History of origin
Historically, it is difficult to find a family in Russia, whose relatives did not participate in bloody battles defending their native land. Patriotic history in every century keeps the memory of wars, battles, battles, including modern military campaigns that are already taking place in our century. The strength and combat effectiveness of our army is world famous and respected, military power has become an integral part of the Russian state. During his reign, Alexander III expressed the idea that our country has only 2 reliable allies, and they are the fleet and the army, there are no others.
Patriotic history has forever preserved in memory many examples when the army united with the Russian people and carried out its victorious march. Therefore, the appearance of the holiday, celebrated on February 23, is associated with historical events, and this date has become important and understandable for the whole people.

Earlier, after the revolution, the holiday was called the Day of the Red Army, it was planned to be held on January 28, 1919 at the suggestion of Nikolai Podvoisky and the decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, timed to coincide with the 1st anniversary of the creation of the Soviet army. But for a number of reasons, the preparation for the celebration was delayed, and the holiday itself was postponed to February 23, and its real date was eventually forgotten.
The next celebration was organized only in 1922, and since that time it has been celebrated annually, despite the fact that the actual date of the founding of the Soviet army was different. They tried to link the origin of the memorable date with the military actions of 1918, when the Red Army entered a military conflict with German troops, and there was also an attempt to combine this event with the beginning of general mobilization, but these versions did not stand the test of time and ceased to exist. From those time immemorial, the day of February 23 appeared in Russia, which in the modern version is called Defender of the Fatherland Day and is considered a non-working day.

At all times, since the formation of our state, the army and navy have been of great importance, it is thanks to the high degree of combat capability that our fatherland could withstand enemy attacks. Soviet Russia was surrounded on all sides by unfriendly neighbors, so the support of the Red Army was the primary task of the young state. The main army consisted of young people who were the builders of the new socialist society and unconditionally trusted the leading leaders of the country. Therefore, the appearance of such a holiday has become a natural phenomenon for the entire Soviet society.
Since its inception, the Day of the Red Army was considered more a memorable than a holiday, emphasizing the very fact of the appearance of the Soviet army and navy. In those distant times, there was no tradition to solemnly celebrate such dates.

During the Great Patriotic War, attention to the holiday began to increase in connection with the rise of the spirit of unity and patriotism in the ranks of compatriots who fought on the fronts with the Nazi invaders.
After the war, in 1946, they decided to rename the memorable day, as a result of which it received a new name - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Under this name, the holiday lasted until the collapse of the Soviet state, but it is worth clarifying that according to the calendar, February 23 in the USSR was never non-working. On this day, the country remembered its heroes, defenders of the Motherland and encouraged the younger generation to patriotism. Gradually, adults and even school groups began to develop a tradition to give adult men and young boys memorable gifts and souvenirs, so the holiday on February 23 was often called “men's day”.

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the holiday did not lose its relevance and survived, but its name and status underwent further changes. In 2002, the holiday on February 23 officially became a non-working day, which remains relevant to this day. In addition, in 2006, according to the new Federal Law, the holiday was renamed as Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Now, on this holiday date, it is customary in our country to honor all the defenders of Russia.

The importance of the holiday
For 75 years now, our country has lived under a peaceful sky, and the younger generation sometimes has a question about why we celebrate February 23 and why it exists. There are many significant events and dates in the history of our state, which gradually began to lose their significance and become forgotten by new generations. Defender of the Fatherland Day is not associated with a specific event, but in spite of everything, it contains a huge semantic load - it is a symbol of memory that we carefully pass on to each other and our children as a sign of respect for our history, our heroes and our Motherland. This memorable date has been celebrated by our compatriots for over 100 years, during this time more than one generation of people raised in the best patriotic traditions has grown up.Thanks to the respectful attitude towards the memory of the heroes - defenders of the Fatherland, the military profession is honorable and respected at all times.
Celebrating this holiday throughout the country, we not only remember the exploits of our Motherland, but also prepare for life a young generation worthy of the memory of our heroes-ancestors.

The importance of the importance of the armed forces does not lose its relevance to this day. The tradition of respecting the memory of the defenders of the Motherland is part of the culture of our state. The celebration of February 23rd is a demonstration of belonging to our culture and a tribute to the people of our country.
Ever since Soviet times, as children, we knew that on Defender of the Fatherland Day, every boy, being the future defender of Russia, receives congratulations and a souvenir at home and in the team. And this is not just a tribute to tradition, but even a modest one, but the contribution of our recognition to the future warrior for his upcoming services to his Motherland, for the fact that when the time comes and this boy grows up, he will become the protection of his people and state. The idea of the holiday now does not aim at honoring the army alone, it is much broader. With the help of such a memorable day, people feel their patriotism and involvement in Russia. It is possible to defend the Motherland not only with arms in hand, and everyone already understands this in the age of high IT technologies, but every person must always feel like a patriot and, if necessary, be ready to stand up to defend their Fatherland.

The upbringing of true patriotism should begin with children in the family, therefore on the day of February 23, we congratulate not only adult men, but also very young boys on this holiday, so that they feel involved in it and they understood what an important and responsible mission was entrusted to them in the future. On this memorable day, families with gratitude remember their dead heroes, fathers talk about their army service.
So, this memorable February day unites all generations in the family and brings up worthy citizens of their homeland.

How is it celebrated?
It was only in 1949 that celebrations in honor of the valiant army began to be held widely and brightly in our country. On this memorable date, parades of troops and equipment are held, entertainment events, concerts, fireworks are held. This holiday has developed its own traditions in holding - veterans who served during the war years are awarded commemorative awards. During the existence of the Soviet Union, only those persons who were directly related to military duties during the war were subject to awards, but over time, Soviet soldiers began to carry out combat missions in foreign military campaigns, and young veterans of military operations on February 23 were also solemnly presented with commemorative awards.
Thus, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, we remember all the soldiers who have ever fought in battle for our Motherland, remembering the valor of Russian soldiers and modern warriors.

Now it is difficult to remember when the tradition of giving gifts to men on the day of the Soviet Army and the Navy appeared. At first, as a reward, men were given certificates or official commemorative signs. But already in the 60s and 70s, the military registration and enlistment offices began to award mementos to those who conscientiously carried out their service in the ranks of the Soviet army or showed courage in a special situation requiring the fulfillment of military duty.
Gradually, this tradition passed to Soviet families, where the defenders of the fatherland were congratulated, presented with souvenirs and collected a family feast. In the industrial sphere, it has also become customary not to ignore the Day of the Defender and, on behalf of the leadership, the trade union committee and women, honor men and give them small souvenirs. On this day, ceremonial meetings were gathered at the factories, where congratulatory speeches were heard, and after the solemn part there was an amateur concert.Such events were prepared in advance and brought a sense of celebration and unity to people's lives.
Today this tradition has become very strong and is present in every team as part of the corporate culture.

Over time, the holiday became popular, and the line between those who had ever carried out military service and those who were not involved in it was erased. Any man is a priori considered a potential protector, and if it happens that the Motherland is in danger, each of them will become a warrior. The holiday on February 23 has become a common "men's day", which is very much loved and revered in our country.
Already in 2006, Defender of the Fatherland Day became an official day off, the popularity of the holiday increased even more. On this date, people can celebrate the celebration in a festive atmosphere with their families and instill in the younger generation a sense of patriotism and responsibility for our Motherland. Traditionally, on such a day, men are given special attention and care by women. Men give congratulations to each other, communicating with veteran fellow soldiers or army colleagues. The city streets are decorated with flags and festive symbols; the feeling of a national holiday is present everywhere.

It is worth noting that not only male veterans are congratulated on this memorable day, tribute is paid to women who went through the hardships of the Great Patriotic War.
The tradition of this day is the solemn laying of wreaths and bouquets at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as well as at the Eternal Flame. In every city, veterans, together with young people, bring flowers to the obelisks erected in memory of the fallen heroes during the years of battles. On television on this day, you can see live broadcasts from the places of events, as well as concerts and films of patriotic content. In the sky, not only over Moscow, but also over every hero-city on the evening of February 23, the traditional festive fireworks are thundering.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, February 23 is still celebrated in Belarus and in a number of other countries that became part of the CIS. In the rest of the territories of the former USSR, the holiday is celebrated unofficially, since the new authorities changed their political views, but the people remember and honor this day, because our ancestors fought and defended the common homeland, not dividing along ethnic lines.

Modern Russia widely and on a large scale celebrates the day of February 23. This national holiday is not ignored anywhere - in kindergartens, schools, institutes, in every work collective and in every family. By tradition, veterans are invited to children's educational institutions, they tell the children about wartime, and the children read poems to their honored guests and give gifts made with their own hands.
These are very touching and unforgettable moments that are needed for the younger generation and for all of us living in Russia.

Interesting Facts
Some historical facts are associated with the memorable date of Defender of the Fatherland Day, which you may be interested in learning.
- In pre-revolutionary Russia, there was also a memorable day dedicated to all soldiers, this holiday was celebrated on the Day of St. George the Victorious. This saint has always been considered the patron saint of the entire Russian army in Russia. Therefore, the idea of honoring the defenders was not new, but borrowed from antiquity.
- For a long time in the Soviet Union, it was believed that February 23 is the anniversary when our army defeated the German forces in 1918. This landmark victory was considered the moment of the founding of the Red Army, but later historians denied the existence of a connection between the two events.
- When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy has not been celebrated since 1993. And already in 1995, by order of President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, the holiday was renamed the Defender of the Fatherland Day, and since then it has been celebrated in our country every year.

It is noteworthy that unofficially, many of our compatriots living in Israel and the United States of America celebrate this holiday annually, while Ukraine and the Baltic states, which were part of the Soviet Union, quickly abandoned this tradition, considering it the legacy of the "Soviet occupiers".
Despite the attempts of some states to rewrite history again due to a change in political views, the patriotic holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated throughout Russia with the scope and breadth of the Russian soul. We love, honor and remember our heroes who defended our Fatherland in difficult times of military events.

Interesting article. Thanks!
Very interesting. Thanks!