Scenario and ideas for the holiday on March 8

March 8 is a tradition in the form of tulips, mimosas, "Office Romance" on TV and culinary delights. But traditions are good only against the background of innovations, surprises and surprises from relatives and friends. Otherwise, they also become routine. Therefore, the holiday, from which spring begins for many, can be made a little brighter than the previous one.

What to consider when preparing a script?
An event dedicated to March 8 can be solemn, official or home, cozy, friendly. The scenario will depend on this.
It can be a good old skit, a modern party, a concert, a master class, open air, a festive meeting - there are a lot of options.

Recommendations for preparing the script are as follows.
- Withstand the style. If, for example, it is decided to make a concert, any lengthy speeches, officialdom, appropriate at a festive meeting, it is better to remove or minimize. The purity of the genre is very important. If it is decided to make congratulations from men, for example, in the form of a corporate party, it should be quite interactive, playful. He needs to be removed from the concert as much as possible.
- Targeting... Trying to congratulate everyone at once is very difficult. If it is decided to arrange only a party for mothers, it is better to do it on Mother's Day. March 8 should not be accentuated as a role-playing women's day - it is a holiday for everyone. And even if the event is organized at work, it is possible to reduce the intensity of congratulations from colleagues precisely as specialists. There are professional holidays for this. And International Women's Day is recognition by gender, without additional “functions”.
- Timing... Today, a good event is not complete without timing. You need to schedule how long each part of the script will take.This will help both the organizer and the facilitator to have more control over the situation.
- Living language... Complex phrases, pretentious words and cliches need to be cleared from the script. They look like a formality, behind which there is emptiness. Let it be a live speech, and let the presenter, as much as possible, look into the script as little as possible.
- Surprise... A cool congratulation is something that anyone guesses about, but does not know for sure in details. Therefore, you need not to repeat yourself to the maximum, to come up with something new, because surprise is one of the most valuable emotions.
It is not worth downloading a completely finished script from the Internet. Individualizing it is the true value. If imagination is not enough, you can mix the information found on the Web, "seasoning" it with some author's details that are important for the team.

Funny contests and sketches
And now for examples: most of the parties, corporate events, holiday evenings are based on lyrics and fun. Most likely, there should be humorous, comic moments in the competition program. Here are some examples of cool contests.
- Shadow play... If it is possible to take or make an impromptu screen installation, behind which only the silhouette of a person will be visible, it is worth using. You can turn on incendiary music and ask the female participants to move to it in any convenient way. Or, conversely, turn on languid, dramatic music. The task of all spectators is to guess who this stranger is behind the screen.
For fun, one of the men can be dressed up in something bright, feminine and also let him behind the screen.

- Fortune telling... You need to dress up someone from the organizers as a gypsy (sometimes an actress is invited), who will come up to the guests and guess about the future. Naturally, all words must somehow overlap with current events, possibly professional ones.
For example, a gypsy promises a chief accountant a report in which “everything will come together like stars in the sky”, and the head of “obedient and affectionate” subordinates, etc.

- Fanta couples. Every woman in the company must take some personal item (watch, badge, scarf, etc.). These things are mixed in any suitable container, for example, a hat, a wide vase. Then the presenter arbitrarily takes out 2 things without looking. This couple (that is, the owners of things) has to complete some task: sing ditties, dance, say a toast to brotherhood, etc.

- A la "Office Romance". At the beginning of the cult film by E. Ryazanov, the hero Myagkov tells briefly about the main characters, gives them capacious, witty characteristics. The same can be done with women who work in a team (if it is a corporate party) or with women from the family (if it is a home celebration). The voice may not be recorded, the presenter will simply read interesting characteristics here and now, but the corresponding video sequence will have to be prepared in advance.
Intersections with the original text are welcome. For example: “This is our head of the personnel department, Irina Viktorovna, she is an optimist, and such people, as you know, turn the globe. Irina Viktorovna knows everything about everyone, but this is her professional duty. She also notices who bought a new blouse, and who spent the whole night solving physics for the child and did not get enough sleep. This is not Irina Viktorovna's professional duty, but our employees are extraordinary cadres with superpowers. "

- Quote... The presenter takes out elegantly folded pieces of paper from a beautiful container. On them - quotes about the women present, written in advance by men. The task of women is to guess who they are talking about.

- Always good. It is not only possible to use new technologies, but even necessary. In a program like Face App, you can “transform” female colleagues or family members into men. Both funny and interesting.
Guests or colleagues will have to amicably guess and note that these people are definitely good in a man's appearance.

- Hollywood is resting... It's simple: a well-known movie character is shown on the screen (it is also possible in paper form).You need to guess which of the ladies present this character is associated with.
Naturally, these associations were drawn up in advance by the male collective. Of course, there should be no offensive comparisons.

- Song flash mob. The idea, although not new, is always delightful. And it is not necessary to sing really. You need to choose a cool, bright song in the theme: when it starts, there should be a moment of surprise. That is, it is definitely not necessary to declare it.
This happens most successfully during the buffet table. In turn, the men will pick up the song, without showing in any way that they are preparing to do it.
And the scene can be carried out as follows: only men participate in it. They are given roles that correspond to the women present at the holiday. The script is voiced by the presenter, but the lines will be pure improvisation. For example: “Once Mary Ivanna (mother / grandmother) went to the forest. And towards her - a bear. She was not at a loss and said to him (and then the actor says the phrase inherent in his heroine): "If you have nothing to do, go to the store for milk" or "You walk here, walk around, have you submitted your quarterly report?" etc. That is, absolutely any story can be shifted to the existing characters, and they will enter the story one at a time. The more improvisation, the brighter the scene.

Interesting Celebration Ideas in Different Places
An evening dedicated to March 8 is celebrated anywhere: at home, at work, at school. And you can get creative with this.
The best way - arrange a real evening of relaxation for the ladiesso that they do not cook and bother, but enjoy the attention of men. If men themselves are not good at cooking, there is catering for this.
At home, you can organize:
- a quest game, as a result of which all female family members will find their gifts;
- a karaoke evening, always with a drawing of pleasant women's little things (champagne, cosmetics, sweets, etc.);
- a movie show "cooler than a movie", a family watching a cool movie in good quality, accompanied by delicious food, a romantic atmosphere;
- tea for two - if there are only two at the party, a woman can be invited for a walk, taking with you a thermos and a package of your favorite cakes, because celebrating March 8 is not necessary at home on the couch;
- dinner after shopping - you can send your beloved ladies for a festive shopping, and during this time prepare a beautiful table and clean up a little in the house, the scenario is classic, but it always works.
Ideas don't have to be expensive and require extensive preparation. The main thing is to think over everything in advance, take into account possible overlays and plan a holiday.

In the cafe
You can, of course, order a professional presenter... But they often save on it and, perhaps, this is correct. It's great if dad and son or dad and children decide to play the leading role. Such a story is not always convenient in a cafe, since other visitors may be at adjacent tables. But if the hall is separate or the table is separate from the others, a standard celebration is also possible.
If the table is next to others, there are such options.
- Situational contests or surprises. For example, toasts prepared in advance with beautiful words that each man present will say in turn. Envelopes placed in advance under the plates with kind words and wishes inside.
- Romantic dinner with appropriate decoration. Flowers, balloons, very beautiful festive table setting - sometimes this is what works according to the principle "instead of a thousand words."
- Festive breakfast... It will certainly be unexpected - to invite them to a cafe for breakfast. This option is especially good for those whose ladies care about their figure. And the gift can be given right there. And the flowers can already stand in a vase waiting for their owner.
- hen-party... If we are to arrange a surprise, then this: to agree with the wife’s friends so that they would wait for her in the cafe at the right time. Better yet – negotiate with the husbands of her friends, pay for the cafe together, and tell the women just to be ready to go out.

In the cafe you can invite a photographer: it is not necessary for the whole evening, it is enough to make a series of shots in a beautiful place, which will become a pleasant memory of the holiday. To save money, you can ask some of the young people, beginners who are just trying their hand at photography, to be a photographer. If March 8 is celebrated by a youth company, then the guys take care of it. It doesn't have to be a respectable cafe: children can have a great rest in fast food, especially if the holiday bouquets have already been presented, and the mood is what they need.
Dinner (breakfast / lunch) in the cafe can also be organized for the grandmother and her friends. This will be a good surprise from children and grandchildren: usually retirees do not often go to such places, although for them it will certainly be an event.

In the office
Corporate events in an organization are also different. It is no longer funny contests that are remembered, but the atmosphere, surprises, attention. March 8 in the office - what it can be.
- The day can begin with men who have already arrived early and beautiful, smartly waiting for the ladies with flowers. Usually this does not happen on the holiday itself (since March 8 is a day off), but on the eve, which does not interfere in the least with creating the desired atmosphere. It is great if men say a laconic, beautiful congratulation, in a poetic form. It is enough for everyone to learn a couple of lines: it's easy, but women's hearts freeze.
- There is no need to wait for the evening - the holiday atmosphere can be felt in the morning. Men who offer coffee and biscuits to their female counterparts have beautiful background music (if appropriate).
- The design should be bright, stylish and noticeable. Even the wall newspaper tradition will not look like something old-fashioned: on the contrary, the girls will be impressed that the men did it with their own hands. On the ladies' desks, you can leave beautiful postcards with kind words or specially designed poems (for example, ordered from a calligrapher). Romance on this day will be the right note.
- The evening itself (or lunch, concert, meeting) should be strictly timed. As wonderful as the holiday is, people will rush home on the day before the holiday. Therefore, there is no need to stretch the event.
- In addition to the standard corporate party with competitions or dances, you can consider less commonplace ideas. One of them is to arrange a chamber concert. Unexpected guests will be poets who will read poetry (today it is fashionable), performers with a guitar. All this sets a nostalgic mood: but loud music of corporate events and too noisy fun can also get boring. But a quiet, romantic, lyrical hour with good poetry, a glass of champagne and flowers is something special.

A separate story - To make a movie. It works great if the usual corporate parties "become boring". You can also shoot on your own, but the professionals will work better. The videographer and screenwriter will request archival footage, everything else can be filmed almost secretly: for example, we can say that specialists are invited to shoot a video about the company. As a result, you will get a film about female employees, with a cool voiceover, congratulations. All that remains is to invite the ladies to the festive session, offer them champagne and light snacks (organize a buffet table) and wait for the reaction to the premiere. This might be the best surprise.
If the team is young and cheerful, you can invite a stand-up artist to the office. In advance, for him, you need to collect the most accurate information about the team so that he writes a text that will not be abstract, but related to the office employees. It is fashionable now, and it has not become boring either.

In the University
University, technical school, college, school - in educational institutions March 8 is traditionally celebrated. Usually there is one activity for teachers, and another for students. But you can also combine. How to congratulate teachers in an original way:
- day of congratulations on student radio;
- university post office - each teacher receives her holiday telegram, and with it - a flower (flowers);
- a chamber concert - unlike a traditional concert in the assembly hall, this action can be organized somewhere in the hall, so that there is a guitar, poetry, a piano, in a word, something gentle and not out of fashion;
- a photo zone where all the girls of the educational institution will want to take a selfie;
- serenades under the window of the teacher's room - and the text can be invented by yourself;
- flash mob from students, which will surprise teachers;
- invitation of a professional photographer who will take plenty of pictures, and they will remain as a keepsake for teachers.

Some points from here are also suitable for congratulating students.... Students can make a promotion on this day for "+1" point for the answer. Or, conversely, promise to ask only guys that day.
Guys, by the way, will have the right to present their good marks to any girl.
Each educational institution has its own traditions, which are good for individuality. For example, in one of the schools, the tradition has remained unchanged for more than 10 years: students interview teachers in advance, asking for the necessary information. And on March 8, teachers find on their desk the book they dreamed of buying. And in it is a postcard from congratulations. So, year after year, a small library is collected. There are also such traditions: to record a collective male congratulation and send it to women teachers (or girls-pupils, students) through the messenger when they go to work / study.

Holiday options for seniors
Congratulating grandmothers is sacred. But it is better not to be limited to flowers-candies, but to arrange a real holiday for them. Above, the option with the gatherings of the grandmother and her retired girlfriends in a cafe has already been described. And this is one of the win-win scenarios.
What else can you think of?
- Arrange for your grandmother a trip to a beauty salon - at least to a regular hairdresser. Pay everything in advance, organize it so that the service will impress the woman. For example, provide a box of chocolates and a flower from the house.
- Order a photobook with scanned photos - the main things in the life of a grandmother. This will definitely impress the hero of the occasion.
- Cunningly entice the grandmother for a walk, where other relatives, grandchildren or girlfriends will be waiting for her at the appointed place. Of course, with flowers and gifts.
- Invite grandmother to the cinema, and while she is away, other relatives quickly set a small table.

If this is not a native grandmother, but just an acquaintance or elderly people in a nursing home, the program needs a different one. Organize a concert, think over a treat, memorable small gifts - this is all standard, but this is what lonely people expect. It's great to invite a hairdresser on this day, who will give the grandmothers haircuts. In a word, to make the holiday both pleasant and useful day.
You need to think in advance how to capture this day. Specifically decide who will take the photo and video, who will then edit it into a commemorative film, how it will reach the addressee, that is, the grandmothers themselves. The main thing on this day is sincerity, lack of formalism and secondary importance. Do not copy SMS, postcards from the Internet.
It is better to write simply, without grandiloquent words, but on your own - to find time and thoughts for this. It is also better to write a note in flowers on your own behalf, in your own handwriting, do not be lazy. And the table does not have to be chic at all, but you can try and show attention with serving (there are a lot of ideas on the Internet).