Features of aroma sticks and their use

Some adore aroma sticks, consider them an important element for creating a better microclimate in the house, others are afraid. Because they associate them with rituals and various Vedic symbols, occult traditions. You should not go to extremes: aroma sticks are fragrances that can improve your mood, create an inviting atmosphere. And without any mysticism.

Features of the composition
Incense sticks are dry incense that needs to be set on fire to enhance its potency. They are indeed used in oriental rituals, but for a long time this alone does not exhaust the scope of the use of incense. The stick itself is most often a bamboo chip. A scented base of masala or charcoal is applied to it. Masala is a kind of mixture of dust and finely chopped herbs. If the stick is black, it means that charcoal was used: when it burns, only the scent of the filler will be felt.
If the flavored stick is beige or brown, it means that it is based on masala, the smell of which can mix with the aroma of the filler. Ignition sticks are ordinary (there are chips inside), in the form of cones and barrels, coal and baseless.
Using such means, it is imperative to know the composition and understand it, it is not always completely safe.

Another thing is an aroma diffuser with sticks. It is definitely less dangerous, more familiar to Western culture. This is a static scent that will always be present in the house. You should not take very strong aromas, you can get tired of them, but green tea, bergamot, woody smells sound softer.Diffusers with sticks are alcoholic and oil-based, oil diffusers contain aromatic oil and such a system can be used for up to 5 months. Alcohol diffusers have more powerful aromas, intense. As for the sticks themselves, the longer they are, the more there are, the more expressive the aroma will be. It passes from the oil or alcohol base up the porous structure of the stick and gets to the top - it finds itself in space.
Incense is divided into vegetable and animal, from the first category the most popular are incense, myrrh, sandalwood, backgammon, camphor. Of the animals, the most popular are musk, amber, operculum. Not everyone perceives animal aromas as the norm: for example, musk is "extracted" from the glands of animals, after putting them to sleep. Although it is painless, it is still traumatic for a living being, and the issue of ethics is acute. Therefore, a huge number of modern consumers do not consider animal aromas in principle, preferring needles, jasmine, vanilla, cloves, lavender, lotus and sage to them. Juniper and spruce, although not exotic, create a wonderful aroma of freshness in the house.

It should be noted right away that it is not harmful to use aroma sticks from time to time. But their constant use is fraught with disease, there are studies (E. Friborg), which describe the likelihood of respiratory tract cancer. Those who like to burn incense should seriously think about it. It is not entirely correct to associate this habit with smoking, but in terms of the effect on the body, in terms of cancer risks, everything is very close.
The main sign of a poor-quality product is the smell of synthetics when burning. Such sticks definitely cannot be used; during combustion, carcinogens will be formed, which is dangerous to health. But only marketers who need to sell a product can say that sticks treat (especially the respiratory system). Yes, the products are capable of having a calming effect - many people like aromas because they are associated with something pleasant, relaxing. But nothing more: there may well be a psychoemotional effect, but aroma sticks are not referred to as serious therapy. Some of the fragrances act as aphrodisiacs.

Not everyone understands this, but even sticks from close regions can be very different from each other in composition.
There they are really used everywhere, they are lit (or rather, they are burnt) in temples and holy monasteries, but also in houses. And in Russia, for example, Indian sticks are the most popular. And they make them like this: a composition is applied to bamboo chips, it is saturated with essential oils for several days, that is, the aromatization process is started. Indian sticks have a particularly rich smell. The most popular fragrances are eucalyptus, sandalwood, patchouli. The latter is a powerful aphrodisiac.
Those who do not like obsessive odors or are going to use sticks in a small room should turn to another type of aroma remedy.

They are called the most environmentally friendly, because their composition is plants collected on the slopes of the Himalayan mountains. Moreover, the collection takes place at the most suitable period. Up to 40 elements can be included in one stick. Also, in addition to herbs, minerals can enter there, and everything is carefully compressed. In the process of burning, the sticks can change the aroma, which may surprise the user: no, this is not a marriage, this is a feature of the Tibetan product.

These aromatic products are very similar to the Tibetan composition: they also do not have a base and are made by pressing. Their aroma is strong, it is very persistent, perhaps the most persistent of all proposed. It is allowed to light them for a couple of minutes, and then just enjoy the long-lasting aroma.
Especially popular are the aromas of jasmine, cedar and lavender - they are considered the most suitable for the home.

And these sticks are almost always produced in a spiral form, they are thin and graceful. Basics may not have, therefore they are sold in the form of baskets, boats, barrels. Sandalwood and floral versions of Chinese incense sticks are most in demand. They are considered bright, persistent, open well and do not fill the entire space.

The sticks from Thailand are very reminiscent of the Indian version. But everything is decided by their packaging: they are brighter and more attractive. And this marketing move, I must say, works - although they are inferior in quality to Indian sticks, they are more expensive.

For the Japanese, naturalness and impeccable quality are especially important. Therefore, we can confidently note that Japanese aroma products are some of the best on the market. By the way, in Japan families are engaged in such production. This means that most of the incense sticks are handmade products. Recipes can be classified because they equate to a heirloom. They are also baseless, they definitely do not have perfume additives, you should not expect any impurities in the composition.

There are also sold aromatic products made by Russian manufacturers, for example, the firm "Indochina". But the given incense is inferior in quality to the products of the eastern countries, which is not surprising - there the culture itself helps to develop a product that will meet all the main needs. Traditions, proven recipes, expertise - this is what distinguishes the oriental sticks.

How to choose?
And here there are many nuances that are useful for the buyer. He, as a rule, is looking for a product for a specific request: for example, sticks for meditation, healthy sleep, or even a scent to attract money. Councils for the choice of sticks.
- You need to pay attention to their color. If the compiler used oils exclusively, the color will be between yellow and brown. But black and colored sticks are likely to contain dyes. Yes, the stick can become black due to charcoal, but the dye is not excluded. You need to read the composition and consult with the seller.
- To feel the aroma of the product, you need to shine a strong lamp on the stick, or even rub it between your palms. But lighting sticks and sniffing the smoke is wrong. To understand the aroma of a product, oils need to be vaporized, not burned.
- You do not need to be led by marketing moves. There are reputable manufacturing companies (like Satya and HEM) that don't need slogans and promises of incredible life changes after using sticks to sell a product. The brighter the packaging, the more promises are written on it, the less quality such sticks have, and the more marketing.
- A quality scent is clarity (there should be no confusion, it is tangerine or, for example, needles), as well as the sequence of opening. Also, a natural and quality product will be unobtrusive. The stick should burn moderately in time, and the fresher the product, the better for the consumer.
- Orientation of aromas is the most important point of choice. There are stimulant sticks that will help you prepare for exams or quickly write a complex report, because they affect concentration and give you vigor. These are the aromas of cedar, lemon and lemongrass, camphor, magnolia, orange and tangerine.
- Adaptogens are used to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. in the form of lavender, mint, rose, myrrh, jasmine, almond and oregano.
- As a soothing fragrance The following set is considered good: geranium, lemon balm, chamomile, vanilla, lotus, orchid, and also marjoram, incense.
- In cold weatherwhen you want to warm up, choose cinnamon and rose, eucalyptus and almonds.
- But in the heat, use cooling aromas correctly - lemon and lavender, bergamot and hyacinth, sandalwood and violet, magnolia.
However, the individuality of perception can be different, therefore, you need to listen to your own feelings, to the change in well-being after the aroma session.

Usage Tips
You should start by choosing a place for burning the sticks. Still, a lot of smoke is generated at the same time, therefore the room must be with good ventilation. In this case, it is better to keep the sticks away from doors and windows, because a draft is dangerous for such a procedure. There should be no objects with a slight inflammation in the vicinity of the incense burner: if you set fire to sticks near the curtains, it is possible that you will have to extinguish the curtains.
How to burn sticks correctly:
- you need to light exactly the tip of the stick, with a match or a lighter;
- the lit stick should burn out for about 10 seconds, then the flame will go out by itself - if the light smolders, then everything is done correctly;
- if there is no glow, and ash is visible at the tip of the aromatic agent, the stick must be set on fire again;
- the fire must be fanned so that a smoldering light is visible, and a column of smoke rises from it, but there should not be a flame;
- somewhere in half a minute you will feel the aroma, which means that the stick is burning correctly;
- now you can send it to the holder or stand - in most cases, the mount will be vertical or at a low angle;
- a bowl of grain, salt, sand is sometimes used as a stand - then you need to stick a stick into it so that it stands confidently;
- you need to wait until the product burns out to the end - it will last about 25-30 minutes (if a person leaves the house earlier, the stick must be extinguished).

Such aromatic products are often called meditation, tranquility. But sometimes they have to be installed only as an air freshener: in such a situation, frequent use is not worth it. And serious odors (decay, garbage, spoiled products) will not be removed by the funds, they will only mask them.
If you decide to light them before the arrival of guests, it makes sense to choose the most neutral aromas, light and unobtrusive.