How to use aroma sticks?

Incense sticks are the most popular type of solid dry incense used in aromatherapy. With their help, you can fill your home with pleasant smells, cleanse the air of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Let's consider in the article how to properly use aroma sticks in order to get the maximum effect from them.

How to ignite correctly?
Before setting fire to the stick, it must be placed in a special stand and placed on a hard surface. In the absence of such a stand, it is allowed to use a small glass, metal, stone or ceramic container filled with small pebbles or sand. Do not use cardboard or wooden coasters or any wooden objects to place the incense stick.

After the stick is securely fixed on the stand, its tip is set on fire using matches or a lighter. After 5-8 seconds, the flame is carefully blown out and the stick is left to smolder. It is important to make sure that the tip of the incense burned has acquired a characteristic reddish tint, similar to the shade of embers smoldering in a fire.
As it decays, the stick will emit fragrant smoke and gradually shrink in size. If the stick suddenly goes out, you need to shake off the ash from its tip and repeat all the manipulations mentioned above. Depending on the length and thickness of the incense, it can smolder for 20-30 minutes.

How to place the stick?
For safety reasons, the incense sticks are placed on flat, hard surfaces from which they cannot accidentally fall.In addition, it is important to make sure that there are no flammable objects near the incense - books, curtains, etc. Sticks are not allowed to be placed on wooden shelves and furniture niches.
Place the incense stick on a stand (or in a container) vertically or at a slight angle. After placing the incense, make sure that during the smoldering process, the resulting ash will not fall outside the stand.

Do not place scent sticks near running fans and air conditioners. It is also not recommended to place incense in drafts, on windowsills with open windows.
Besides, experienced users are reminded not to leave any incense unattended after setting it on fire. If you need to go away somewhere (even for a few minutes), for safety reasons, you should blow out the aroma stick and make sure that it does not burn.

Useful Tips
In the process of smoldering, incense sticks emit a very bright, rich aroma, which in sensitive people can cause severe headaches, a feeling of faintness and even vomiting. Therefore, for fumigation of small rooms, it is better to use incense of short length, which decays quickly, or use sticks of a standard size, spending 1/3 or a little more of them.

It is important to pay attention to the correct choice of aroma, which depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the goals of the user. So, to create a relaxing atmosphere, sticks with the aroma of lavender, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, rose, jasmine, chamomile are best suited. These scents are perfect for meditation, to relieve tension after a hard day's work. And in order, on the contrary, to concentrate, gather strength and cheer up, it is best to use sticks with the aroma of lemon, orange, tangerine, rosemary, juniper, basil.

Taking into account the fact that all incense sticks emit a very strong smell when smoldering, it is not recommended to use several incense in one session. In addition, it is very important to monitor your own feelings while using the incense sticks. If their scent causes dizziness, sore throat, headache, or nausea during the process of smoldering, you should immediately put out the incense and ventilate the room.
It should be noted that, according to some research scientists, the abuse of sessions using incense sticks can cause the development of respiratory diseases (including malignant ones). Therefore, for safety reasons, it is advisable to use incense very sparingly - no more than 2-3 times a month.