What hairstyle to choose for a girl of 12 years old?

At the age of 12, girls make serious demands on their appearance. On the one hand, they seem like adults to themselves, and they want even the styling to be like a "big" one. On the other hand, children remain mobile and at the same time, almost daily sitting over school notebooks. Therefore, the hairstyle should be both fashionable and practical.

School hairstyles options
Among girls 12 years old, there are many owners of luxurious long or medium hair. Although there are also many who want to cut them shorter. In school, it is advisable to make easy-to-follow styling, which will not take much time to create them.
Long hair
The considerable length opens up a lot of scope for hairdressing creativity, and the hairstyles impress with their beauty. These are braids of a very different weaving method, and tails, and bunches.
You can create a French braid very quickly. On the head, you need to select three strands, start braiding in the usual way, and then weave the remaining hair in equal parts, adding them to the braiding. If, when creating a braid, the side strands are not superimposed on the central one, but they are wound under the bottom, you get a reverse French braid. It is interesting for its texture.
If you wish, you can braid two such braids, leaving them in the form of snakes behind the shoulders or laying them in the lower occipital zone with the help of hairpins, ribbons.

Another quick step-by-step hairstyle option looks like this:
- comb the hair;
- separate the hair with a vertical parting from the forehead to the crown of the head;
- braid two braids from the strands of the parietal zone;
- collect the remaining strands in a tail;
- wrap its base with braids;
- secure with pins.

With a ponytail and braids, you can make another beautiful hairstyle:
- in a circle, separate part of the hair at the crown, making a tail out of them;
- braid a braid on the left side in a French fashion, weaving strands from the tail and from the side into it;
- temporarily fix so that the weaving does not crumble;
- do the same with the right half of the head of hair;
- when all the hair is picked up, the strands from both braids are connected and braided to the end together in the usual three-strand manner.

A twelve-year-old girl is quite capable of creating a fishtail hairstyle with her own hands. Although it's easier for mom to take on this mission.
Long hair allows you to make such a weaving on the basis of a regular tail - hair collected with an elastic band and completely passed through it:
- all strands must be parted in two halves;
- select a small strand from the bottom on the right side and transfer it to the opposite side;
- repeat the movement in a mirror image;
- in this way, all hair is braided to the end;
- fixed with an elastic band.

"Fishtail" can be woven like a regular braid, starting from the parietal zone. You can make two of these braids or make one diagonally.
On the basis of the usual tail, they make a nice hairstyle "Lanterns":
- the tail is collected in the occipital region;
- wrap the base with a thin strand and pin its end with an invisible one;
- then, with silicone rubber bands, they intercept the tail in several places at equal distances;
- the strands are stretched slightly to give volume to each section.
Even such an original hairstyle can be improved by braiding several thin braids on the tail and after that divide the entire mass of hair into flashlight blocks with rubber bands.

On average
Medium length hair allows you to perform many hairstyles that are designed for long hair - French braids, fishtail and some others.
At the same time, the average length makes it possible to create original bunches and cool curls.
You can beautifully style the strands using a foam bagel. The procedure looks like this:
- collect hair on the crown with a tail;
- pass them through the donut, setting it at the base of the tail;
- distribute the strands in a circle and braid a pigtail, in a row, flying in the entire collected mass of hair so that the "internal structure" of the hairstyle is not visible;
- hide the tip under the bagel and press it invisibly.

So that the hair does not interfere, and the hairstyle has an attractive appearance, the hair can be braided around the head in the French manner, removing the strands from the face. From the hair, something like a crown is obtained. The end of the hair remains attached to the ponytail and make a beautiful bun at the back, center or behind the ear.
The bunch itself can be made in the form of a bow. From the outside, making it seems difficult, although in fact there is nothing difficult in creating such a hairstyle, and it is also suitable for school:
- make a tail on the head, and then not completely stretch the hair through the elastic band - you get a loop;
- the loop must be pulled apart on the sides so that the "halves of the bow" are the same size;
- skip the end of the hair along the "path" formed between the parts of the loop;
- secure with hairpins or invisible hairpins so that the hair does not stick out and do not crumble.

For short
If the girl has a short, fashionable pixie-type haircut, all that is required is to style her hair beautifully after washing, so that it lies magnificently. If the hair is, for example, one or another kind of bob, you can secure it with invisibility. So the strands will no longer go into the eyes.
You can diversify your styling with hair ties. To do this, it is enough to make a side parting, and on the side on which the hair is combed, strengthen the strands with several elastic bands to get a beautiful pattern of fastened hair. On the one hand, the strands remain almost free, on the other, they do not interfere.

Children with short hair often choose a two-ponytail hairstyle for school. Girls are able to collect hair in this way themselves, or mom will do it.
If your hair is not quite short, you can create a styling in the Greek style. This requires a bandage. It is put on so that the upper part passes over the bangs. Hair around the circumference of the head is pulled in a row through the bandage. Thanks to this, the necessary volume is created, and it seems that the girl is actually the owner of long hair.

Holiday options
Festive styling differs from everyday styling not only in that it takes more time to form it. To create a good hold, you have to use more different tools and special compounds than usual.
In addition to elastic bands, ribbons and hairpins, you may need a curling iron or iron, curlers, hair dryer. And also you can not do without hair foam and hairspray. Wax or gel for modeling hairstyles is also useful.
Styling for short hair can be diversified if you make curls with curlers. Some haircuts allow you to style the strands in a corrugated manner using a special ironing attachment.
With this hairstyle, you can go to a disco or other school holiday event.

Long and medium-length hair can be easily styled with curls using special electrical appliances. First, they are fixed with foam, wound on a curling iron, the resulting curls are taken apart by hand and fixed with varnish.
So that the strands do not interfere, they can be stabbed at the back of the head with a beautiful hair clip or just an elastic band.
The mesh created on the head from its own hair looks festive. To create it, you need to take transparent silicone rubber bands. The hair is divided into small tails, the elastic bands are taken away from the root so that the strands can lie flat. The tails themselves are divided in two, and the halves are fastened together with new elastic bands.
In this manner, you can lay the top layer of hair over the entire head. It turns out very beautifully, royally. If the hair is of medium length, you can do nothing else with it; if it is long, weave it into a braid and put it in a circle with a snail, or make a tail.

Selection recommendations
Each hair length for 12 year old girls has both positive and negative sides. For a long time, it has been customary to believe that long strands for a little lady are a great advantage, especially if the hair is rich and has a beautiful color. However, such hair requires constant supervision, it is not very easy to wash and comb it, and styling is sometimes time-consuming due to the length itself. At the same time, the girl is often tired of the monotony, and she wants something else.
If you do not raise your hand to say goodbye to rapunzel luxury, you can make a haircut for long hair.
When they are trimmed with a ladder or cascade, their young owner will be able to walk with loose strands, and at the same time, there will not be an opportunity to braid and style them so that they are completely removed from the face and neck.

To preserve the beauty of hair and the ability to create comfortable styling, parents and children often agree on choosing a medium length. It also allows you to make haircuts like ladders, cascades and other elongated options.
Short hair includes all those that do not reach the shoulder line. It is easier to handle very short ones, since they, in general, do not interfere with the girl's life. At the same time, keeping the hair in shape requires systematic visits to the hairdresser.
Varieties of squares are good because they can be laid in different ways, for example, for a holiday. The girl gets the opportunity to see herself as different. She does not have a desire to embark on hairdressing experiments that can drive parents crazy with their radicalism.

Unusual examples
Using a lot of elastic bands, it is possible to make a voluminous beautiful hairstyle from long hair.

Braids and plaits allow you to style your hair in a variety of ways, creating hairstyles for both the holiday and everyday life.

Styling with bun and braids is perfect for school.

Medium length hair fits perfectly with a waterfall.

Tufts can be made in the form of cool Mickey Mouse ears.

For a master class on beautiful school hairstyles, see the next video.