Ways to create ponytail hairstyles for girls

For many years, two ponytails were the main hairstyle for a little girl; the alternative was most often a single ponytail or a braid based on a ponytail. Nowadays, young women of fashion want to look stylish and modern, and their mothers are constantly forced to puzzle over how to make beautiful, but at the same time, simple styling for their beauties. We hope our article will help you find new interesting hairstyles for little girls.

Ideas for every day
Everyday children's hairstyles must meet two simple requirements:
- they need to be done quickly, few people have the opportunity to build a real hairdressing masterpiece in the morning in front of a kindergarten or school;
- they should be simple and understandable in execution, so that, if desired, even a dad or an older brother can do a hairstyle.

For short hair
Playful ponytails
Playful ponytails look very perky and original on the baby's head. To do such a hairstyle, you should collect many miniature ponytails over the entire surface of the head - the hairstyle turns out to be very cute and touching.
You can achieve greater originality if you pick up multi-colored elastic bands - then your baby will literally charge those around her with her energy and optimism.

This hairstyle is good for hair of absolutely any length, except for the "hedgehog", but it looks especially cute on short ones, giving the baby a gentle and slightly naive look.It is quite simple to make it: you should carefully separate several thin strands on the sides near the temples and collect them in the back of the head in a ponytail, then fasten with an elastic band and decorate with a small bow or ribbon.

For long
For long hair, there are quite a few interesting, but uncomplicated hairstyles. Let's consider the technique of performing some of them step by step.
"Little Dragon"
Part of the hair right under the bangs, and if desired, the bangs itself, should be collected in a tight bundle and fixed with an elastic band. After that, you need to add a pair of strands to the ponytail on both sides and fasten it again with an elastic band just below the level of the first. In the same way, collect the third, fourth and all subsequent sections until all the hair is completely gathered under one elastic band.

The Pippi ponytail hairstyle will be an excellent everyday option for kindergarten girls. However, for the holidays it can also be done by decorating with stylish accessories - ribbons or a bow. It is very easy to make it. To begin with, you should thoroughly comb your hair, collect it on the top of your head in one large tail and secure it. Then the curls are divided into several separate sections and each is fixed with "crabs". A braid is braided from each strand and wrapped at the end with a transparent thin elastic band.
The main emphasis is placed on the crown - usually the base of the tail is decorated with a hairpin or flower.

Ponytail inside out
This option is optimal for schoolgirls - it looks more concise and restrained, while even a girl herself can cope with such a hairstyle if no one helps her get ready for school.
To create a hairstyle, you need to make a low ponytail and fix it with a regular elastic band. Without loosening it, part the hair above the ponytail into two halves, and then pull the tip of the ponytail into the hole between them. The hairstyle is ready - all you have to do is fix the twisted ponytail a little and, if you wish, decorate it with decorative accessories.

Textured ponytail
What is a "ponytail", perhaps, all owners of long hair know - this is a very common, but already slightly boring hairstyle. If you have a few extra rubber bands in your arsenal to match your hair, you can try to diversify your appearance - the hairstyle will turn out to be interesting, but at the same time extremely simple.
First you need to make a high tail and secure with an elastic band. The next step is to carefully divide the strands in the tail into segments of equal length - optimally 6–8 cm - and fix each of them with elastic bands. After that, you just need to fluff your hair in each section and go to school, being confident in your own attractiveness and originality.

A trendy bun looks great on teens. There are two ways to collect it. The first is without using a roller. In this case, the hair is collected in a ponytail, divided into two parts: one larger and the second smaller. A bundle is formed from a large strand, and a thin one is wrapped around an elastic band, fixing with additional pins.

In the second case, a roller is used, for children it is better to take a medium-sized accessory so that it does not look too massive against the background of the girl's small face. The hair is collected in a ponytail, the roller is pulled, and then wrapped in small strands with hair until the entire surface is completely covered. If necessary, such a hairstyle is fixed with invisibility.
By the way, if you do not have a roller on hand, then you can use the most common thick sock - the bun will be a little less fluffy, but just as stylish and original.

Double beam
Double buns look quite intricate and playful - similar hairstyles are good for both little girls and older young fashionistas. To begin with, an even parting is formed on the head with the help of a thin comb, after which a tail is collected on each side.Next, the hair is braided in pigtails and twisted around the base, fixing it with an elastic band. If necessary, hairpins are additionally used - they will allow the hairstyle to stay on the head a little longer.

The double beam has another variety, made in the fashionable technique of "light negligence". In this case, the bulk of the hair is left loose. On both sides, small strands are formed on the crown, visually divide them into three parts, fold the first two segments, fix with an elastic band, leaving the ends of the curls hanging down.

On average
The two-sided "trickle" is very relevant for kids attending kindergarten - the hairstyle is beautiful, neat, but at the same time dense. It will not crumble during a walk and a nap. To create such a masterpiece, you should prepare 10-15 multi-colored rubber bands. Hair should be combed a little in advance and parted into two equal parts.
The sequence of actions is as follows. First you need to do a straight parting on the crown of the head and collect a small part of the hair in a ponytail. Step back 3-4 centimeters and again make a parting horizontally, adding to the existing tail. Still stepping back down, collect a new strand and continue braiding in this way until absolutely all the hair is collected. The second half of the head is made out in the same way.
Such styling looks especially interesting if you additionally curl the ends of the tail a little with tongs or a curling iron.

A very unusual hairstyle is based on two ponytails. To begin with, you should make an even parting, but not in the center, but slightly to the left. After that, a rather thick strand is separated from the very temple to the ear and fixed with a silicone rubber band. The same actions are carried out from the second side; be sure to keep the partings in one line.
Each formed strand must be divided into three equal parts vertically, after which they should be twisted into a tight flagellum, while twisting should be started from the central parting, slowly adding the underlying hair. In this way, they do with all the hair and at the exit they get 6 tight flagella. The remaining curls are parted into two halves. First, the first tail is assembled, gradually adding flagella to it from the corresponding side, and then the second tail is assembled in the same way.

The rim, fixed with ponytails, looks very unusual. You will need thin elastic bands, a fairly wide satin ribbon and a hairbrush. First, you need to collect several small ponytails directly above the forehead, after which they should be thrown forward, on the face, and put a thick satin ribbon behind, pressing it tightly to the base of the ponytails.Immediately after that, on the opposite side of the ribbon, parallel to the first row, you should assemble the second, adding to it strands from the first in a straight or oblique line. Thus, the headband appears to be under the hair and is held in place by it.
The hair is left loose, if desired, the ends should be slightly curled.

Holiday hairstyles
This is a very gentle and romantic ponytail hairstyle that will turn any girl into a real fairy princess. To create such a work of art, you should prepare a lot of thin rubber bands to match the color of your hair and a large flat comb. The hairstyle scheme is extremely simple. To begin with, you should divide the hair with an even horizontal parting: most of the tail is collected, and the resulting "rim" is divided into small squares, collecting each of them in a small neat ponytail. After that, from the total mass of the remaining hair, one more horizontal parting should be made from ear to ear and also divided into squares, placing them in relation to the first row in a checkerboard pattern.

Further, from two halves of adjacent tails of the first row and one bundle of the second, a tail is assembled - it turns out to be exactly in the middle of the upper squares. The manipulations are repeated with all the squares of the first and second rows, after which another horizontal parting is separated and works according to the same scheme. The remaining hair is collected in a ponytail or left loose; it is advisable to wind them on curlers to form curls.

Hair bow
This is a very beautiful hairstyle that will undoubtedly adorn any girl at a gala event; it is also often called "butterfly". To begin with, a "horse" tail is collected at the very top of the head, but at the last grip of the elastic, the strands are not pulled out completely, as if leaving a bundle and a free tip of the tail - it should be pulled out towards the face.

The formed bun should be divided into two identical parts, fixing the outer edges with hairpins to the rest of the hair. The free strand remaining under the elastic is carefully thrown over the center of the formed halves - thus, the middle of the bow is formed, it is additionally fastened with invisibility, and the tip is hidden under the elastic.

Specialist recommendations
In conclusion, we will give a few recommendations, which will help you make your hairstyle more beautiful and effective.
- Elastic bands should be purchased from a specialist retailer. They can be thick with soft wrap or thin silicone. Many people use elastic bands for weaving - this is not entirely the right choice, since they tear quite quickly. To achieve the necessary fixation, you have to use several elastic bands at once - this can injure your hair, especially if you do the same hairstyle for several days in a row.
- Elastic bands are removed in different ways. If you secured your ponytail with a thick and soft elastic band, it will be easy to simply pull it off your hair, but with silicone such a "trick" will not work - it is better to simply cut these elastic bands. That is why they are usually sold in large sets at a fairly affordable cost. If you still start to remove such rubber bands, then you risk pulling out your hair and deliver your baby a lot of unpleasant minutes.

Interesting examples
Every girl wants to be beautiful and it doesn't matter how old she is - 2 or 15. That is why stylists offer a large selection of various hairstyles based on ponytails - simple and complex, festive and everyday, for long and short curls. Any of them can be mastered and repeated at home, making your little one happy.

For information on how to make a children's ponytail hairstyle, see the next video.