How to braid a child's braid beautifully and quickly?

The dream of any mom is a neat and beautiful appearance of a child. For the parents of the students, the main problem is the creation of an everyday hairstyle. It will not be difficult for a child to braid a braid beautifully and quickly for school. The main thing is to follow the instructions provided step by step.

Baby hair care
Not every child can boast of a gorgeous head of hair. In most cases, this is due to age-related changes. Doctors say that up to 10 years old, children's hair is quite thin, but elastic. For normal growth, it is advisable to "trim" the tips once a month. The following tips will also help you.
- It is advisable to comb the hair of girls 3-4 times a day using a brush with natural bristles. This is not just taking care of the child's hair, but also a head massage (has a positive effect on the circulatory system).

- The child should have their own comb, which should preferably be kept separately.

- When braiding and pulling your hair into a ponytail, don't overdo it. Otherwise, braiding too tight can lead to bald patches.

- Use special shampoos to wash your baby's hair. It is better to refuse from ordinary soap, its composition adversely affects the structure of children's hair.

- Damp hair should not be combed. They are very easily injured.
- Girls 5-7 years old need to wash their hair no more than once a week.
- Use styling products in moderation to create your hair. It is not recommended to dye your child's hair.

For high school girls (14-16 years old), more thorough care of the hair is needed. This is due to the fact that the period of puberty is characterized by an unstable hormonal background.Hair quickly becomes "greasy". In this case, it is necessary to correctly approach the choice of shampoo and tell the child how to use lotions and masks. Note that the later the girls start using different hair styling products, the better.
Also, do not forget to monitor the "expiration date" of rubber bands and other accessories. Before going to bed, the child's hair must be thoroughly combed.

A girl with a braid is always associated with a diligent student and obedient daughter. This hairstyle makes the most positive impression on teachers. Therefore, for school, such a hairstyle is ideal. Before the braiding process, pay attention to important tips:
- do your hair only on clean and carefully combed hair;
- naughty strands can be slightly moisturized using a hairdressing spray;
- you can add volume to the braid using a satin or nylon ribbon;
- use hairpins, rhinestones and decorative hairpins with flowers.

Braid weaving options are striking in their variety. It is not necessary to use only classic weaving for school. You can make a braid in French or a "basket".

Step weaving (for beginners)
An excellent option for schoolgirls would be a braid decorated with a satin ribbon. It is very easy to make such beauty. You will need:
- a fine comb and a brush with natural bristles;
- small elastic band;
- ribbon (nylon or satin);
- hairdressing spray bottle.

Carefully comb the child's hair (you can moisten the naughty strands a little) and divide it into 3 equal parts. On the second turn we put a ribbon under the “inner” part of the braid and weave it. We "lead" the pigtail to the very ends of the hair and fix it with an elastic band. Another original hairstyle is the “fishtail” (weaving in French or spikelet). This weaving is harmoniously combined with any outfit, in particular, with a school uniform. To create a "fish tail" from children's hair, we take:
- a small comb (plastic);
- hair clip ("crab");
- silicone rubber band.

Comb the children's hair and separate the front curl from them. We start a miniature thin braid in French (do not touch the "side" hair for now). We "lead" the spikelet to the "ears", gradually weaving strands into it from the temporal parts, and then the remaining hair. At the final stage, we fix the ends of the braid with an elastic band (preferably silicone) and a crab.
"Fishtail" can be sprinkled with a little varnish.

For a significant event, for example, for an "open lesson", you can build a "basket" from a braid on the head of a young enchantress. To create it, you only need a comb, an elastic band and a set of hairpins. Divide clean hair into a parting. We collect the right part in the "tail". We start weaving from the left side (from the ear). When we get to the "right side", we loosen the hair from the tail and continue weaving, adding side curls. We braid the braid up to the “second ear” (around the head) and fix it with hairpins. There, it turns out a "basket". This hairstyle looks very cute and gentle.

A stunning "openwork" braid will be a suitable option for festive school events. It is easy and simple to make it. So, let's get started: we collect the girl's hair in a high ponytail and "select" one strand from it. We start weaving a classic braid. Gently weave strands from the tail into it. We "lead" the braid to the ends and fix them with a nylon or satin ribbon. We take the central strand and pull it up a little. We fasten it with an "invisible" under the tail. We wrap the end of the braid "inward" and fix it with a hairpin.

Another option for weaving is a braid called "twist". It is suitable for girls of different ages. We have to:
- crest;
- a set of hairpins with decorative roses;
- bright elastic band.

Carefully comb the hair of the child and separate the upper part. Divide the hair into two halves and twist it into bundles. Next, add the "bottom" hair to it and twist it again.We "lead" the flagella to the very ends of the strands (gradually add the rest of the strands). At the very end, we fix the twist pigtail with an elastic band and decorate it with hairpins with roses. Stylish and elegant!

Partial braiding can be done for young ladies who have medium-length hair. It will not be difficult to create it: we separate the central strand (from the forehead to the back of the head). We fix the side hairs with clips or "crabs". We braid a French braid in the center and fix it with an elastic band in the back of the head. We remove the clamps and comb the rest of the curls. The usual weaving can be slightly diversified. For example, make a side braid with a ribbon. It is created as follows:
- carefully comb the hair of the young princess;
- we separate a small strand from the temporal part and begin the classic weaving;
- carefully weave the ribbon (red, green, blue);
- we collect the pigtail together with the rest of the hair in the “lower” tail and fix it with an elastic band;
- from it we create a "fluffy" bunch.

This hairstyle is suitable not only for everyday wear, but also for festive events.
For how to braid a braid beautifully, see the video below.