Braiding options for girls with short hair

Every morning, collecting their daughter in the kindergarten, mothers puzzle over how to quickly and beautifully braid a child's pigtail. There are no limits to the riot of options in our time, and finding out how to weave them is not a problem. But if the child has short hair, then the choice becomes limited, and here it is worth finding out the simplest and lightest of them.

Tips for Beginners
If you are just starting to get used to the idea that you have a little fashionista, but you already really want to pamper her with an unusual hairstyle, then it is best to master the simplest of them. Let the child get used to sitting quietly for a while, as soon as possible. After all, even the simplest ponytail often turns into a real test for mom.
Teach your child as early as possible to always look neat. Beauty is work! Start with a simple brushing and quick manipulation, each time extending this procedure, making it more difficult and prolonging in time.

The simplest is an ordinary pigtail. She is the foundation of everyone else. To begin with, you need to divide the hair into three equal parts, hold the outer two with your thumb and bent index fingers, put the right strand on the one in the middle, holding it with your right hand, and with your left - the remaining strand. Now you need to throw the right extreme curl over the one in the middle - into the right hand. It turns out this kind of alternate manipulation of the extreme strands through the central one.

Having mastered this method, you will not have problems with others, more interesting, but, of course, more complex. Just do not forget that by and large the child does not need this, while he is very small, his mother needs it, and it is not worth tormenting him with your ventures until he is ready for this himself, or until the styling procedure ends for both of you happy faces of all participants in this process.
In any case, do not forget that beauty is beauty, but children are cute because they are spontaneous, active and somewhere careless. Do not be too critical of yourself and your child.

Advantages and disadvantages
Long hair is, of course, a springboard for imagination, beauty, but also the work of caring for them, so often girls' short length makes it easier for mom to her already busy life. The advantage of short hair is that it is easy to care for - just enough to keep it clean and combed. At the same time, for little girls with short hair, there is a huge variety of hairpins, elastic bands, headbands, but also the presence of various types of weaving, which is perfect for their small length.
The disadvantages include the fact that short hair still cannot stay in the hairstyle for a long time, and when collecting it for kindergarten, they must either be properly secured with hairpins, or fixed with varnish (in small quantities), or use foam when styling, which can damage their structure ...

Weaving patterns
Having mastered the simplest option, it will not be difficult for you to move on to more complex and interesting ones. It is worth considering the most popular weaving patterns with step-by-step instructions.
Before you start working with your hair, you need to comb it. The pigtail can be positioned both from the side and from the top. It is better if the braid is tight, for this it is necessary to tightly press the strands together. To facilitate fixation, you can use mousse, which should be applied first to the hair.
We take a strand of hair, divide it into three equal parts. The left one - we transfer over the central one, connecting it with the right one. Now we separate the right one and put it again over the one in the center. Each time, it is necessary to add strands from the freely located part of the hair to the side of them to those strands that are located on the sides. It is necessary to perform these actions until you run out of free hair.

The principle of weaving is the same as that of the French. Its main difference is only that strands must be superimposed not on top of each other, but under each other. This kind of weaving is the other way around. It can also be located on top of the head, along its entire part, on the side, or even on both sides. This method is best learned when the child is older, and there will be more chubby hair on his head.

The Dutch braid is more suitable for the exit. If, for example, each of its links is pulled a little in different directions, then it will look even more interesting and voluminous. And if you also decorate the braid with accessories, then it will definitely be suitable for the holiday. This method is suitable for not quite short hair, most likely for an older age.

This method will always start from one side and end from the other. Weaving begins, as with ordinary braids, but after the first crossing of the strands, the lower one must be released, taking a new one from above instead. Thus, from the braid there will always be one strand hanging down, creating the appearance of a waterfall of hair. It is easy to master it, the view turns out to be unusual and fun. Such a kind of "Malvina".
This look is suitable for every day and for going out, you can make it quickly, without any special problems.

Its only drawback will be if the hair is very short, for example, no longer than the earlobe. In this case, the hair will most likely just stick out in different directions. But if the length is at least shoulder-length - go for it!

Around the head
Here you can use the types of weaving already disassembled above, only the French braid and the Dutch braid in this case will start from one side of the head and end at the other. A spit in the shape of a waterfall is also suitable here. The main thing is that the weaving is in a circle. Here it is better to start the process, having previously combed all the hair to one side, from which the braid will begin. This is a more complex hairstyle, because here it is necessary not only to fix the child, but also to persuade him to sit with his head bowed.

If you have already mastered the French way, then it will not be difficult to cope with it. In the future, if the length allows, you can make the weaving in a spiral: this is when the circle continues in a circle.
On the bangs
In this case, weaving should be started with the bangs. To do this, you need to separate the bangs, divide it into three parts and start weaving. After two or three lobes, go to a French braid (in a simple way, a spikelet) with the addition of strands of the main hair next to it. The resulting braid should be secured near the ear with a hair clip or a beautiful elastic band.
This method is especially suitable for bob hairstyles., the hair does not interfere with the child and, at the same time, is originally removed. It is especially suitable for everyday gatherings. This is one of the simplest and most interesting options.

First, you need to comb your hair back, separate a strand around the ear and braid a regular braid and secure it on the opposite side of your head. Do the same with the strand above the other ear, also throwing it over to the other side. Thus, a headband of braids is obtained. A very simple way, you can master it quickly and easily, without spending a lot of time.

This type of weaving includes the above "headband" and "waterfall". It means the same braid rim, only from the back of the head. It can be two braids fixed on opposite sides of the head, or two braids connected at opposite sides of the ears, or two, if they are short, connected at the back with a hairpin or elastic band.
Remember, they used to be called bagels. True, they were attached to the same place.

Braid placement options
Despite the length of the hair, braids can be braided from one side or over the entire head; they can be braided only from above or only from the back. As already described earlier, weaving in a circle or in a spiral is possible.
With the help of weaving, you can create real masterpieces that will not leave your child without the attention of others. In any case, any option will be effective and at the same time simple and time-saving.

How to decorate?
Braids can be decorated with a beautiful bow, multi-colored ribbon, hairpins, even fresh flowers. Of course, flowers and bows are too much for everyday hairstyles, but for a holiday in a kindergarten or on a visit - this is a great option.

Beautiful options
A braid is already beautiful, neat and for every day, but if you put it in an unusual way, add a bright hairpin to it or twist loose curls, then this will already be a hairstyle for a visit or for a matinee.
There are a huge number of beautiful options already invented, but no one limits you in your imagination.

For example, if you braid a headband of hair, and wind loose strands on a curling iron, you can also make the braid more voluminous by pulling on the loops, fix it with varnish or with the help of invisibility. Add a beautiful bow here or decorate the braid with invisible crystals with rhinestones. The hairstyle is ready.

If you divide the entire part of the head with partings into equal sections, and braid simple pigtails from each, then you can also apply imagination here. They can be connected all together in one tail or in several. To fasten them all from one side or from the back, then let your imagination itself give free rein to your fantasies. Just do not get carried away, so as not to torture the child, not to discourage the daughter's craving for beauty.

The same can be done with the "waterfall" or oblique bangs.Jewelry in stores can be found for every taste and wallet, so you are a sculptor, stylist for your beloved child, and which of the above options is best suited and convenient is up to you.
A master class for weaving braids for short hair for a girl, see the video below.
Thank you, great video and example!