How to make curls for a child at home?

It's common for women to style their hair in various ways. For this purpose, all kinds of devices and fixing means are used. But if you need to style the baby's hair, many methods are categorically inappropriate. It is more difficult for a child to curl curls, because it is necessary to use gentle methods.
It is impossible to imagine a little princess at a children's matinee without beautiful curls. Usually, it is with them that parents associate a festive children's hairstyle. But in order for delicate hairs to adorn lush and elastic curls, it is important to know how to make them right. How not to harm children's hair, but at the same time wind it up and consolidate the result?
Knowledge of safe methods of curling and the ability to prepare fixing compositions for hairstyle for babies at home from natural products will help. These are important skills, because you will have to collect the baby for the holiday more than once until she is old enough to do without your help.

Good for those whose child is naturally gifted with curly hair. The rest should twist strands for young ladies on the principle of "do no harm". Despite the identical structure of the hair shafts, there is a difference between them at different ages. Baby hair is thinner and has fewer cuticle layers. At the same time, the pH of the baby's scalp is almost neutral and is 6.5.
The soft hairs that cover the heads of infants at birth and in the first months of life are gradually being replaced by hard ones. Only by puberty does the hair become identical in structure to "adults".
Until this time, baby hair should be looked after with special care and care products. Attempts to create beautiful curls for a little girl using adult thermal devices and fixing compounds will make the strands brittle and dry. Sometimes such "efforts" of adults even result in hair loss and early baldness.

Before you start creating curls for your matinee, keep these valuable tips in mind.
- The girl's hair should not only be styled clean - it should be freshly washed and slightly damp.
- To wash your hair, you need a special shampoo for children - without sulfates in the composition and with a neutral pH level.
- Each strand must be carefully combed before winding, moving from the very tips to the roots.
- Do not use massage brushes or combs with small and frequent teeth for combing children's curls.
- If professional styling products are chosen, there should be a minimum amount of them on the hair.
- It is advisable not to dry the strands with a hairdryer, especially with hot air.
- Try to avoid curling irons. The heat protectant is also not particularly useful for the delicate hair of children.
- Master the "folk" methods of creating and fixing curls (braids, rags, etc.).
- Leaving soft curlers on the curls at night, put a scarf on the baby's head or use a nylon mesh. So the hairstyle will be more reliable during sleep.
- Finished curls can be separated with your fingers instead of a wide-toothed comb.
- Hairspray is a last resort. It is advisable to use aerosol locks no more than a couple of times a year, for the most solemn events.

The ways
You can quickly wind curls with your little daughter with your own hands without a curling iron. Suitable for both medium length and short hair. But in the latter version, you do not need to make a small curl. Otherwise, the baby's head will resemble a fluffy dandelion.
For curls of a beautiful shape for short hair, you will need large soft curlers. But, of course, not the ones that need to be heated. The main thing in a child's hairstyle is to choose suitable gentle hair curling products.

On long hair, you can experiment with all the tools described below. In any case, you get the perfect curl. And how long they last without straightening depends on the fixation and structure of the hair itself. Children's hair does not always lend itself well to curling. Heavy and thick strands straighten faster, while thin and light strands hold the curl before washing.
Foam curlers
You can curl the little princess with curlers, but not all. Soft rollers without clips are suitable for babies. Some mothers successfully use "magic" and advertised Magic Leverage.
But as the best option for curling children's curls, foam locks are most often praised. They are designed for gentle curling and are distinguished by their soft structure and the absence of an internal flexible shaft. To wind the hair on the locks is obtained the first time, quickly and safely for delicate hair.

A recommendation on how to curl your hair into locks at home.
- Comb your hair and separate the required number of strands (according to the number of locks).
- Take one of the strands, apply a little fixing agent over the entire length. Better if it is something homemade.
- Twist the hair slightly into a flagellum. Then the hairstyle will turn out more magnificent.
- Place the foam piece at the roots of the selected strand.
- Wind the strand in a spiral motion starting from the root zone.
- Fix at the end with an elastic band.
- Repeat the same with the remaining strands.
- Wait until the hair is completely dry. Starting at the back of the head, unwind the soft locks.

This is probably the most popular way to create wavy hair. Depending on how small or large the braids are, you get the size of the curl. Laying is done in two ways:
- weaving one or more "spikelets";
- weaving from 10 to 20 classic braids, staggered.

In any of the options, the following sequence of actions is performed.
- Moistened curls are sprayed with any safe product to fix.
- Strands are separated, each braided into a pigtail. For "spikelets" you need to arrange the partings vertically, starting from the forehead to the back of the head. For larger curls, the braids are braided larger, for small ones, respectively, thin braids need to be braided.
- You need to braid tightly, but not pulling your hair unnecessarily. The braids should start from the roots to create a deep root of the hairstyle.
- The ends are fixed with soft elastic bands.
- It is best to leave the hair in pigtails to dry overnight.
- When loosening dried strands, gently separate the curls with your fingers.

On the "invisible"
A quick and easy way to create wavy hair. Great for medium hair length (bob, bob) or short haircuts:
- hair is divided into equal strands;
- from the tip, the strand is twisted towards the roots on the index finger;
- the resulting circle is fixed "invisible";
- this is done with each strand.
The result will be "doll" bouquets, which need to be sprinkled with varnish or other home-made fixing compound. After about an hour, you can remove the "invisible" and use your fingers to distribute the waves into a beautiful hairstyle.

To create curls in this way, you only need tiny rubber bands and gel or something to replace it:
- all hair is divided into strands of the same volume;
- a little gel or a product identical in action is applied to them;
- the strand is twisted in an upright position until it curls itself up like a "snail".
If the baby has rather long hair, the ends can be fastened with an "invisible" one. Small-diameter "snails" are more convenient to fix with rubber bands.

Strips of fabric
Proven by more than one generation, an easy and completely safe way to design beautiful curls. Thus, it is possible to create both large spirals and small curls. Strands can be wound directly onto small flaps, but it is more convenient to make so-called papillotes. They do not fall off the hair and securely fix curls.
It is better not to use gauze and bandages, as they separate tissue particles from the sections. These white threads get tangled in the hair and spoil the look of the hairstyle, if not chosen after all.
Do not use newspapers and children's drawings with felt-tip pen or paints for papillotes. Colored paper will not work either. From moisture, paint from them can be on the hair. The best material option is an ordinary blank school notebook or previously unused A4 sheets of paper.

To create curly curls, you only need cut rag strips and paper.
- Cut strips from fabric 2–2.5 cm wide and about 10–12 cm long. Their number depends on how large the curl is needed and on the thickness of the hair. It is optimal to make 18 papillotes. You can, of course, and less.
- Wrap a paper rectangle about 4 cm wide and 6 cm longer on each piece of fabric.
- Divide the prepared wet hair into equal strands. The thinner they are, the finer the future curl will form.
- Screw each strand onto a homemade papillote. You need to wind up, starting from the bottom, from the ends.
- Fix by tying the ends of the rag with a bow around the hair roller.
- Tie a scarf over the papillotes.
- After the hair is completely dry, you can loosen the curled strands. Carefully remove the papillotes from the curls. They need to be pulled out of the middle of the roller, as it were, and not untwisted. Use your fingers to gently separate the tight curls.

You can cut the foam rubber curlers yourself if you cannot buy such products. Especially when there is already an unnecessary piece of foam at hand.
To create "light" waviness in the hair, a simple bun method is suitable.
A large “snail” - a bundle - is twisted at the top of the head for the night.Hair should be clean and slightly damp. Better to put a little mousse on them before rolling. In the morning, soft curls of large size will form on loose hair.

How can you fix curls?
If you often shape curly hair from straight hair using styling, you can harm it. Especially if such a hairstyle is done for children.
All kinds of foams, gels and varnishes cover the hair follicles with a film, preventing oxygen access to them. They negatively affect the pH of the scalp, form dandruff, allergic reactions (up to skin rashes and hair loss).
It's always best to style your child's hair with a custom styling product. There are no negative consequences from such home remedies. Taking into account the characteristics of their baby's body, parents can make up a suitable hypoallergenic remedy.
Safe products that fix curly locks are suitable for holiday hairstyles and for use on ordinary days. They are especially relevant when from an early age a girl is engaged in dancing, participates in competitions and concerts.
Curls on children's hair are kept thanks to such natural formulations.

Serum-based varnish:
- fold gauze or waffle towel in two layers;
- strain 0.5 liters of whey through a cloth;
- add 1 tbsp. l. dry nettle and twice as much mint;
- boil the herbs for 5 minutes;
- insist 1 hour;
- pour into an empty spray bottle.
Apply before styling or spray onto hair to secure styling.

Gel on gelatin.
- 1/3 tsp pour 100 g of cold water over gelatin.
- Wait until the gelatin swells (20-30 minutes).
- Put the gelatin to simmer in a water bath, stirring constantly to homogenize the mass. You can't boil!
The gel is used during the styling process. For an easy degree of fixation, the minimum amount of the prepared gel is dissolved in hot water.

Flax seed-based product.
- You need to take 1⁄2 tbsp. cold water.
- Pour 1 tsp into the water. seed.
- Boil for about 20 minutes.
- Cool, then filter the seeds through a sieve. Such a gel is applied to dry or damp hair.
In addition to the fact that natural compounds fix the curls, they also provide additional hair care, give them a natural shine, and help to strengthen them.

Store natural hand-made products only in the refrigerator.
Helpful hints
After all the hair is wrapped in any way, you need to put on a kerchief or hat on top. The warm environment makes the curling effect last longer and the curls more elastic.
For information on how to make curls for a child at home without harm to hair, see the next video.