Hairstyles for little girls

Any mother wants her daughter to look beautiful and charming, so in her arsenal there is a large number of all kinds of accessories that will decorate the hairstyle of a young fashionista. Unfortunately, not every girl is a happy owner of long thick curls, but this is no reason to despair - you can make stylish spectacular hairstyles on hair of any length.

General requirements
Hairstyles for little girls are considered the most simple, every mother can cope with them, and in some cases even a dad. However, there are a number of subtleties that should be borne in mind before you decide to create a hairdressing masterpiece on your daughter's head.

It is quite difficult for little girls to sit in one place for a long time, they constantly find interesting things to do and cares, so try not to take too much time for styling. Children, as a rule, lead an active lifestyle - they run, climb everywhere, conquering new peaks, therefore, it is desirable that the hairstyle is tight and able to maintain its attractive appearance for several hours.

Hairstyles should be easy to style and require a minimum of time to set up, while they should easily return to their original state after changing clothes and putting on hats.

It is very important that the strands do not fall on the eyes, this is especially true when the child is attending kindergarten. In kindergarten, there are 20-30 children per teacher, the teacher is physically unable to constantly correct such a number of bangs, which means that the girl will constantly feel discomfort and try to fix the disheveled strands. The hairstyle becomes untidy, but this is not the worst thing - if the bangs constantly fall over the eyes, this can cause strabismus and other eye diseases.
As an original addition to children's hairstyle, you can use a variety of hairpins and bows, as well as hoops and headbands - it is better to leave hairpins for special occasions. Little girls very often wear bangs, it was and remains in trend, it looks especially impressive on short and medium curls. The most common are straight bangs, as well as oblique and long - each mother can create an individual style for her baby.

Wavy strands are best for creating a festive hairstyle, however, you should not use a curling iron to curl them - such a curling takes too long, and besides, a restless girl can accidentally burn herself. Large curlers are also not suitable, since it will be inconvenient for the baby to sleep on them, it is best to simply twist the flagella and leave for several hours until the hair is completely dry.

Any festive hairstyle must be complemented by stylish decors - sequins, bows and beautiful hairpins with flowers. If the girl's hair is too soft and literally flies out when trying to style it, it is better to make a regular ponytail and create hairstyles based on it. For the owners of tight curls, funny ponytails on the top of the head are suitable - if the girl has short or medium hair, there are enough of them, but for longer strands it is better to additionally twist them into buns.

Some girls have naughty hair, in addition, there are areas in which the strands stick out in different directions. Greek styling will be optimal for them.
But for babies with thin sparse curls, neither braids nor tails are suitable - they will have a "mouse" look, here it is more correct to wind the hair, only then make a spectacular styling out of them.

For hair of different lengths
In most cases, short strands are worn by the smallest girls, but even babies want to be attractive and elegant, so you can make a lot of pretty interesting styling for them. Hairstyles for girls with short hair have come into fashion relatively recently, since for many years mothers did not consider it necessary to style curls of such length in any way. Nowadays, stylists recommend styling short strands with all kinds of fashion accessories. At any time and for any occasion, hairstyles with elastic bands will be appropriate, they are indispensable for visiting kindergarten and all kinds of circles, since they allow you to remove hair from your face and do not interfere with your important business.

Very short curls are worn loose, here you can play with partings - make them even or oblique, zigzag or in the form of a ladder. Such hairstyles are complemented with soft hoops and headbands decorated with large flowers and bows, hairpins or crabs of cheerful shades. Braids look very gentle on short curls; in this case, weaving can be done using the French technique - from temple to temple.

When creating braids for short hair, you need to moisturize the strands from time to time, otherwise the hair will be knocked out during work, and the hairstyle will come out sloppy.
Another effective option is to divide the entire hair into two identical parts and braid small braids from an even parting to the temporal zone, thus, you get a delicate openwork rim from your own strands, which, if you wish, can always be additionally decorated with fresh or artificial flowers.If the girl is straight-haired, before special occasions she can be curled, for example, on foam rubber curlers.

Ponytail hairstyles are very popular - they are beautiful, yet practical and easy to perform.
Usually, a pair of tails is collected high on the crown of the head, and for owners of curly hair, many tails can be collected all over the head. And with the help of beautiful accessories, you can make even the simplest ponytails elegant and festive by using satin ribbons, small colored bows and stylish hairpins. In this form, the girl can be sent to any festive event. To create styling based on ponytails, it is better to use soft elastic bands or silicone - they firmly fix the hairstyle and at the same time do not cause the child the slightest discomfort.

When choosing styling options for a baby 4-5 years old with elongated hair, it is imperative to be able to do styling that allows you to collect hair so that it does not get into your eyes, does not interfere with playing games and does not distract from other interesting activities. The most popular hairstyles are all kinds of braids - the most common, French or spikelet. The French braid is an extremely simple way of weaving, every mother simply must be able to do it, since the technique is considered the basis for creating many other styling. A braid is weaved from three strands, carefully crossing them together and, as weaving, side curls are woven into them. Some also call this hairstyle "dragon".

A fairly simple weaving option is a braid of flagella. To begin with, two strands are taken on the head and each is folded into a tight bundle, and then the strands are twisted with each other so that the direction is different from the original one. This kind of pigtail comes out pretty cute and funny.

The fishtail looks very impressive on girls; you can braid it in just 5 minutes. To do this, the hair is carefully combed so that you can easily separate the strands, you do not need to comb the curls in addition - this will only entangle the delicate children's hairs.
The hair must be divided into two sections and selected from each by a lock, and then folded crosswise. Then, from the total shock, one more curl should be selected on the sides and again weave - the essence of weaving is to alternately grab and cross the strands among themselves. In other words, you need to hold two strands in your hands, then take another, third, on the left and move it to the right, overlaying it on top of the left, then repeat the steps on the reverse side.

Weaving continues until the entire hairy part of the shock is collected, the free end is weaved in the same technique - on the left side, a large strand is separated from the outer edge and thrown to the right side, and then, exactly the opposite, repeat all the manipulations on the other sides.
When creating a fishtail styling, try to capture as thin strands as possible, so the hairstyle will turn out to be more voluminous and sophisticated. With a strong desire, such weaving can be diversified and two braids on the sides can be braided.

Ponytails look very beautiful on long hair, the most common option is a ponytail, however, this hairstyle is already a little boring, so it can be slightly diversified with elastic bands - in this case, the styling will turn out to be textured and unusual. First, collect a high ponytail at the back of your head, select an elastic band to match your hair color. At the second stage, the hair should be divided into equal sections of about 7-8 cm each and secured with silicone rubber bands. In order for the hair to be more voluminous, the selected areas can be fluffed a little.

Beams based on a roller look very impressive on girls. For a long time, such styling was used only for festive events, but recently they have come back into fashion as regular hairstyles for every day.It is quite simple to make them, for this you should collect the hair in a ponytail at the very top of the head, pull the curls up and gently pull the roller to the base of the elastic. To create a hairstyle, it is better to use small foam accessories so that the hairstyle does not look too massive.
If you don't have such a device at hand, then you can use the simplest old sock. The strands are distributed over the foam roller so that they cover it well, then they are fixed with an elastic band and the protruding ends are tucked in.

Another interesting option is the inside out tail. To create this delicate hairstyle, the strands are collected from the bottom and secured with an elastic band, then loosened a little and pulled slightly down. Without lowering the resulting tail, the section above the elastic is divided into two parts with your fingers and the end of the tail is pulled into the formed hole. An inverted ponytail is considered a self-contained hairstyle and does not need any additional decors.

Medium-length hair for a girl from 2-3 years old until reaching school age is perhaps the ideal option, it allows you to make a large number of a wide variety of hairstyles, and caring for a shock does not cause any discomfort, such curls do not get tangled and dry quite quickly. For medium-length hair, a square is most often made, it looks very cute, while the hair does not need to be braided for a long time every morning, it is enough to put on a hoop or pin a hair clip - and the girl looks cute and pleasant.

A bun is very popular among mothers - this is a universal hairstyle for a small face, which is suitable for girls doing gymnastics, dancing or any other kind of sport. However, the uniqueness of the bunches lies in the fact that if you add a small decor to it - a flower or a bow, then in the blink of an eye the hairstyle turns into a festive one and the baby looks like a real fairy-tale princess.

A simple loop is made very quickly and easily. To do this, a low tail is collected, when you are going to thread the curls through the elastic for the very last time, then the free edge should not be pulled out completely. Wrap it around the beginning of the gathered loop - the hairstyle turns out to be original and unusual.
Malvinka looks perfect on medium-length hair. It can be done in two ways - in the first case, the hair is combed, then a horizontal parting is formed from ear to ear, the upper part of the shock is gathered into one tail and fixed. The second option is even simpler - two strands stand out on the sides near the temples, twist and gather at the back. These hairstyles look pretty cute if you decorate them with a thin ribbon or a small bow.

Original hairstyles
The easiest way to create a festive hairstyle for a baby is to decorate the hair in a gentle Greek style. To create it, you will need either an artificial braid with an elastic band or a special bandage, however, you can use an ordinary cord, but not silk. The cord is worn in such a way that it is located over the hair, while on the forehead it should be higher than on the back of the head. All strands are twisted, lightly combed and tucked over the bandage so that it is completely curled. Hairstyles work best with medium-length strands.

For graduation in kindergarten, you can make a bow out of hair, this hairstyle looks very impressive, and you can do it in just 5 minutes. First, you need to collect a high tail at the very top of the head, but at the very last grip of the elastic with the strands, they do not need to be pulled out to the end - you must definitely have a small bun and a tip of hair, it must be pulled out towards the back of the head.
After that, the collected bundle is divided into equal parts, their edges are clamped to the remaining head of hair using invisibility. At the final stage, the free tip of the tail is thrown over the middle of the bundle divided into two sides and fixed with invisibility to the elastic band.This hairstyle does not need any additional decors - it is interesting and playful in itself.

For the funniest and most mischievous girls, the ears of your favorite cartoon character - Mickey Mouse - will do. This is a good hairstyle for very long hair. First, two tails are collected at the top of the head, clamped with elastic bands, and a bun is made from the remaining hair. A similar hairstyle can be done both as a daily and as a festive option.

A hairstyle with a flagellum is another original style. The hair is divided into two sections, while from one edge they begin to weave a tight flagellum, braiding it all over the head - for this they capture the strands from the outside, framing the face.

Interesting examples
4 year old girls are little fashionistas who love naughty and funny hairstyles. It can be curls, funny ponytails and unusual weaves, complemented by bows, ribbons and other accessories.

For older girls, braids are suitable, French weaving is very popular.

The spikelet does not lose its relevance.

Inverted and openwork braids are also popular.

There are many original ideas for a festive hairstyle for the little ones; on the Internet you can find many master classes that will tell you how to make the most beautiful styling step by step.

How to do the 10 fastest hairstyles for girls, see the video below.