Hairstyles for girls for ballroom dancing

Ballroom dance fascinates with its grace and aesthetics. Flexible and fragile dancers seem to be free from physical laws, literally hovering above the floor. In order for a simple dance to turn into a real choreographic work, undoubtedly, great skill and talent are needed. However, the image of the ballerinas occupies an equally important place in the entire performance and strongly influences the impression of the audience. And the dancer's hairstyle is one of the most important details of her image.

Hairstyle requirements
At various sporting events and ballroom tournaments, there are certain rules for the appearance of the participants. This applies not only to costume, shoes, but also hairstyles for performances.
- Accuracy. For ballroom dancing, smoothness and neatness of the hairstyle is especially important. These can be various bunches, tightly pulled tails and tightly styled curls. Various fleeces, lush tails and bangs are by no means suitable for a ballroom dance competition or for ordinary performances.

- Comfort. Both very young and adult dancers should not be distracted during the performance by the discomfort of poorly thought-out styling. The polish should hold each curl firmly in place, and the studs should not dig into the scalp. The bundle or braid should be made so as not to disintegrate from active head movements.

- Open face. Mimicry is one of the most important tools of a professional dancer, along with plasticity and strength. That is why even the most difficult ballroom hairstyle should not cover the face and eyes of the participant.In the event that the girl has her bangs cut, she should fit up or to the side, opening her eyebrows and forehead.

- Relevance. The styling should match the costume and dance of the performer, creating a unified look. It should complement it, and not divert all attention to itself. This is often achieved by jewelry that echoes the elements of the outfit.

Age category
In this regard, you can pick up several universal styling for each age category. The hairstyle requirements for beginner dancers and experienced dancers differ significantly. So, for children under 15 years old, who may already be juniors, the use of overhead strands or hairpieces, coloring and shiny varnishes is prohibited.
Complex high styling and large reflective decorations are also not recommended.
Boys and girls under 7 fall into this category. Children's hairstyles should be as simple and convenient as possible. Most often these are various bunches, braids and "buns". Hairpins and hairpins with artificial flowers that do not shine or shine can be used as jewelry.

Juveniles are those children who turn 8-11 years old this year. The requirements for their hairstyles are similar to those for very young girls. The best solution in this case would be a simple shell, a smooth high or low tail, a complex bunch.

For juniors, who can be between 12 and 15 years old, the requirements are slightly softer. Short hair, ornaments in the form of various curls and bundles of hair, as well as more massive ornaments are becoming available.

Young people
Dancers from 16 to 21 years old fall into this category. For them, the use of various hairpieces and artificial strands is allowed. Hairstyles become more complex, decorations are abundant. The hairstyle often uses stones and fabric, which were used in the sewing of a competition costume.

Options depending on hair length
Despite the stereotypical opinion that balnals should have exceptionally long hair, there are many girls with short haircuts who also compete in competitions. Of course, in the groups of juniors and juveniles, such haircuts are not recommended, however, you can choose the right styling for any length of hair.
Long thick hair is the most suitable material for creating a beautiful ballroom hairstyle. They can be tucked into a beautiful high or low bun, braided in a large braid, put into a net or laid in separate curls. Even the largest elements will not require additional rollers and overlays if the length and density of your own hair is large enough.

On medium hair, various tails look great, which, due to their size, will not interfere with the performance of dance elements. Various shells and curls, fine braids are also perfect for medium hair lengths.
The main thing is that the haircut is not cascading, as it will be very difficult to fit it into a smooth hairstyle. Hair that is straight cut to the shoulders or slightly below is best.

It is difficult to pull short hair into a bun or braid - either the length of the hair is not enough, or the ends will stick out sloppy. At the same time, a short haircut can be beautifully styled with a lot of varnish and mousse. From large and thin strands, you can create beautiful waves, comb them to one side and decorate with a small flower or ribbon.
However, such haircuts are still not recommended for those girls and women who are seriously involved in ballroom dancing and plan to participate in various competitions, since the jury prefers to see participants with more complex and beautiful hairstyles.

Styling varieties
A hairstyle for a performance can be simple and concise, performed using one element, or it can combine several techniques. For a sporting event, it is best to go to a professional hairdresser who has experience in creating these hairstyles. You can choose one of the main varieties and complement it with individual elements.
All kinds of braids are an excellent solution for a girl's hairstyle from 5 to 15. Modest and at the same time rather complicated styling from braids will not attract too much attention, they are unusual and at the same time not too pretentious.

Various "buns" and buns - this is the most classic version of the ballroom hairstyle. Depending on the number of additional elements and decorations, this option can be either strict and laconic, or quite original.

Like the bun, this hairstyle is a classic for ballroom dancing. It looks great on medium to long hair, and with a certain skill, even fairly short hair can be put into a shell.

With harnesses
Tight harnesses of various sizes, laid in a complex high hairstyle, are most often used by more experienced athletes. A hairstyle like this requires a more sophisticated look, brighter makeup, and a sophisticated costume. Bundles look especially good on dark, almost black hair combined with dark skin.

This hairstyle is suitable for owners of medium-length hair, as an excessively voluminous and long tail can interfere with the dance. Various curls laid over it will add more structure and complexity to the usual tail.
They can be made from simple strands, braids, plaits, or with crimped hair.

How to do it for yourself?
Making a hairstyle suitable for a competition is not easy on your own, especially for the first time. It is best to choose laconic, sleek options without a lot of decorative elements. For example, a classic bundle. To create it, you need to prepare in advance:
- a comb with large teeth;
- tight elastic band;
- simple hairpins or invisible hair color;
- styling foam or gel;
- strong hold varnish.

Additionally, you can pick up a beautiful hair clip, headband or other piece of jewelry, if allowed by the rules of the competition. The very step-by-step instructions for creating a classic smooth beam are as follows.
- Apply styling gel or foam to clean and dry hair and spread with a comb along the entire length.
- Pull the hair back into a high ponytail and secure it carefully with an elastic band. All hair should be combed smoothly, not a single strand should be knocked out.
- A tight tourniquet is rolled up from the tail, wrapped around an elastic band and fixed with hairpins or invisible pins. The end of the tourniquet is hidden under the rest of the hair and is well fixed inside.
- The styling is well fixed with varnish and decorated with additional elements, if any and allowed.

How to fix?
Perfectly smooth buns and curls that can be seen in any ballroom and sports dance competition, require special attention to tools and styling products.
- Firstly, various elastic bands, hairpins and invisible hairpins are used to create hairstyles. They should be strong and inconspicuous, in color they should blend in with the hair and not shine in the sun or in the rays of spotlights.
- Secondly, to add additional volume, you can use various rollers, bagels and pads. With their help, even from the finest hair, you can get a gorgeous bun or shell.
- Third, hairspray plays the most important role. He must firmly fix each curl, even if it is not secured with an invisible or elastic band.

The secret of a shiny and smooth styling of any shape, which only professional balninets can boast, is multilayer styling. To begin with, a large amount of foam or mousse is applied to the hair and dried with a hair dryer. After that, the curls are laid in the required shape, a layer of strong fixation gel is applied and the hair is dried again with a hairdryer. The topcoat is made from a layer of resistant varnish or mousse, which is allowed to dry naturally.Such a multi-level fixation completely excludes the disintegration of the strands and the appearance of stray hairs. All styling products must be selected from a professional series so as not to cause unnecessary damage to the hair and scalp.
After the performance, the head must be thoroughly washed and a nourishing mask applied to the hair.

How to decorate?
Girls over 15 years old are allowed to decorate the style for the performance with additional elements. It can be rhinestones, ribbons, various hairpins and stones, nets and even feathers. All these elements are attached to varnished hair with a special glue, which fixes them well. Do not overuse large and shiny elements, they will look too defiant and cumbersome.
Before doing a hairstyle for the competition, you should try several options at home and choose the most suitable one.

Beautiful examples
On short and medium hair, various variations of shells and tails, decorated with hairpins, rhinestones and curls, look great.

Long hair is beautifully styled in bundles and low, sleek buns.

For very young dancers, braided hairstyles and high buns are perfect. They can be decorated with small hairpins or thin ribbons to match the costume.

For older athletes, tall, complex hairstyles with complex asymmetric elements are perfect.

For information on how to make a hairstyle for ballroom dancing, see the next video.