Birthday Hairstyles for Girls

From the first years of life, a neat haircut and hairstyle is a prerequisite for a beautiful and well-groomed child. If in the past, mothers rarely went beyond a ponytail and two boring braids, today the art of hairdressing has reached incredible heights and diversity, including in children's hairstyles. Depending on the type of the child's face, the quality of the hair, the tastes of the girl herself, it is necessary to choose the best options that will decorate the image of the baby both in kindergarten and at school, during a holiday and a walk.
It should be borne in mind that if in kindergarten convenience should be an indispensable condition, then upon reaching the age of 7 the girl already has her own ideas about desires and tastes. The inviolability of trust in mom is no longer so obvious, so you have to learn to negotiate. This means that you need to be aware of children's fashion and the latest trends in hairdressing.

For kindergarten
At the age of 5-7 years, the curls are already becoming more spectacular and thicker, require more careful attention. After all, the girl wants not only to be neat and clean, but also smart and stylish. First of all, it must be borne in mind that the styling of a little girl must meet certain requirements:
- small time costs - there is not much time in the morning, and the child, due to age, is not able to sit in one place for a long time;
- ease of execution;
- resilience - keep in mind that you will have to put on a hat, take it off, the child will change clothes in the garden;
- comfort - in no case should the styling cause discomfort or interfere with the child;
- to like a little beauty - this will save you from tears and other psychological problems.

There are a lot of variations of fashionable, comfortable and easy-to-perform hairstyles for babies.
"Colored Dragon"
"Colored Dragon" is perfect for those princesses whose strands are not obedient. You will need multi-colored elastic bands and 5 minutes of time to create a styling: after combing, separate the strand, secure it with an elastic band. Then repeat the procedure just below and so on to the very neck, where fasten them with the last elastic band.

"Eight" - this hit has not gone out of fashion for a long time, perhaps even it was used during your childhood. The execution algorithm is as follows:
- form a parting, fasten two tails tighter in the area of \ u200b \ u200bthe ears;
- weave braids, secure with thin silicone rubber bands;
- fold the pigtail with a donut in half, fasten with another elastic band, so that the ends are directed to the ears;
- thread the second pigtail into the resulting ring, fix with an elastic band.

The "braid hat" will suit those girls who do not like to collect their hair. To do this, select a strand wider at the crown of the head, closer to the level of the ears, comb it to one side, weave a pigtail, pull out the strands for volume, turn the circle like a flower, fasten it with hairpins.

A bundle like a mother's is often a girls' cherished dream, it is very simple to make it:
- collect curls up, form a ponytail;
- thread your hair through the elastic again, leaving the ends not pulled out;
- the resulting loop should be stretched and fastened;
- wrap the bundle in loose strands, fasten with a bright hairpin.

"Loops" are a beautiful and simple styling that does not require special skills to braid:
- it is necessary to divide the strands with a straight parting, comb, make tails;
- then weave braids, fasten the ends;

- tuck the pigtail up, connecting it to the base of the tail, fasten it;
- do the same with the other tail, decorate with hairpins, bows.

"Malvina" is so simple to perform that it can even be entrusted to a dad:
- form a horizontal parting from ear to ear;
- form a tail, thread it through elastic bands of different colors;
- reaching the back of the head, collect the strands in a tail along the bottom of the head, decorate with a bow.

Strand bow
A bow of strands will turn a girl into a real young lady:
- gather the strands in the back into a tail, making a second turn through the elastic, leave a loop;
- discard the strands from front to back, secure the bow with an invisible hair clip.

For elementary school
Girls at the age of 8-9 already know what they want, so it is imperative to take into account their opinion about their appearance. At the same time, the styling of the little schoolgirl should be as comfortable as possible and in no case interfere with the eyes. There are a lot of weaving and styling variations, you can delight your child with new hairstyles almost every day.

“Korzinochka” will appeal to lovers of retro versions, it is enough to practice a couple of times so that you do not have to spend a lot of time on it. The algorithm is as follows:
- strands are distributed around the head;
- braids are woven in a circle in the French style, while the capture is carried out from the free part;
- all strands are woven in a circular manner, at the end with a standard pigtail, which is fastened and hidden under the resulting basket.

"Kosa-rim" is a very simple option for daily styling, with which the child looks neat and well-groomed. For this:
- select the strands near the forehead with a narrow comb, pin or tie the loose strands;
- collect the separated curls to the side, weave a braid in the French spikelet style;
- the end is fixed and hides under free curls;
- if you are going to a holiday, it is enough to curl loose strands.

"Heart" will look great if the length of the strands of medium size, it is formed as simply as possible:
- make a parting in the center, fix one part of the strands;
- weave the second in French, using curls from the outer edge, fix the end;
- repeat the procedure on the other side;
- check symmetry, tie the ends.

"Elegant wreath"
It will take no more than 10 minutes to lay the "Elegant Wreath"; weaving skills are not needed. We do this:
- divide the strands into a parting, divide each half horizontally into two equal parts;
- we repeat the same with each of the halves;
- the result is 16 equal curls;
- we fix each of them with an elastic band;
- we collect everything with a single large elastic band in a wreath.

If your child likes to leave their hair loose, try this style:
- comb the strands and form a parting on the side, form 4 ponytails along;
- divide the two central ones in half, tie with an elastic band with the neighboring ones;
- Divide the tail in the center and tie it with the extreme tails;
- braid the ends.

For pre-teens and teens
When a child is 10, 12 or 13 years old, he becomes more independent and confident. Girls strive to be as stylish and fashionable as possible, to please others, to be like adults. At this age, it is important to allow the child to express themselves, while keeping creativity within an adequate framework.

"Spit in Dutch"
The voluminous "Dutch braid", woven to one side, will give the young beauty chic and is suitable for everyday use, and for a ceremonial exit:
- the strands are combed up towards the forehead;
- a voluminous braid is woven, framing the face;
- at the bottom it is fixed with a throw or transparent elastic band.

If your daughter loves to loosen her locks, try this Afromotivy. For this:
- we divide the strands with a parting, on the smaller side the curls are divided into three parts;
- three very tight and small braids are woven, first in the French manner, from the middle - freely;
- each is held together with an elastic band.

"Wreath" will suit the owners of lush and thick strands:
- we define the parting and weave a very large, loose French braid, framing the entire head;
- the braid should end in the parting area on the other side;
- we fix it and hide the ponytail under a lush braid;
- you can decorate your hair with flowers, butterflies, hairpins with rhinestones.

"Hippie" is an excellent styling that will be effective in a daily look, at the same time, it is simple to perform:
- you can first wind the strands slightly;
- separate the strands from the sides, comb the middle;
- we separate the side curls a little and weave in the center as follows: left strand, right strand, strand from the center;
- continue 4 or 5 times, finish the free braid, fix.

Double braid ponytail
A double braid ponytail is made very quickly and is great for daily use:
- we separate the strands into two parts with a parting in the center;
- weave in turn two braids like the French one to the base of the neck;
- at the bottom we bring both braids and form a tail;
- we fix it with an elastic band and wrap the strands around it.

Special birthday options
Festive styling options for princesses of all ages give parents the will to show their imagination and creativity. A hairstyle for a celebration, first of all, should be beautiful and like the child, because this is his holiday. Comfort here fades into the background, but there is no need to completely discard it. Most styling can be done at home.
Decor is of great importance in a solemn hairstyle: hairpins and elastic bands with stones, rhinestones, shiny jewelry, hairpins with a decorative tip.

"Spectacular flower"
"Spectacular flower" will be a great decoration for a baby at a school party and other celebrations:
- comb the strands, comb to the side, forming a parting;
- we tie the tail with an elastic band, from which we select the middle strand, which we braid with a pigtail, fix;
- we fix the pigtail around the main elastic band with hairpins, in the shape of a flower;
- we wind the ends with a curling iron.

If you don't have much time, just curl up your daughter's curls.Braid the strands on the crown along the entire length with spikelets. Flowers, rhinestones can be inserted into them, straightened, creating volume. Leave a few strands loose, wind them at the end and pin them at the top with hairpins.
"Curls" is a hit of children's holidays, because curls turn a girl into a real princess. You will need a little foam, which is applied to the strands after washing, but these products should not be overused. Algorithm of phased actions:
- comb, wet the strands, twist into papillotes or curlers, the thinner the strand, the finer the resulting curl;
- you can use a curling iron, papillots, leaving the curlers overnight for several hours;
- we disassemble the ready-made curls, give the necessary shape;
- depending on the desire, we remove it on one side under the bandage, stab it near the face;
- we fix it with beautiful hairpins;
- this hairstyle looks great with a tiara.

"Laconic bunch"
"Laconic bun" is suitable if the girl does not like lush hairstyles:
- fix the strands with a high tail;
- we wrap a roller for bunches with hair, hide the ends, fix them;
- you can first twist the curls;
- a bunch with braids that simply wrap around and are attached with hairpins looks great.

For information on how to make a beautiful holiday hairstyle for a girl, see the next video.