Options for creating hairstyles for girls for a photo shoot

Every girl dreams of looking beautiful and fashionable, especially when a photo session is scheduled at school. As a rule, the photographer is invited on the eve of significant holidays (New Year, March 8 or the beginning of the school year). It will not be difficult to make a beautiful styling for a child for shooting with his own hands. The options for hairstyles for girls for a photo shoot are striking in their variety.

Shooting features
Taking into account the peculiarities of a photo session at school, remember that the child's hairstyle should not be too pretentious and "rich". For first-graders who cannot boast of thick hair, neat braids, delicate curls or "shells" are perfect. In most cases, the photographer takes pictures of schoolchildren in a room decorated with the appropriate entourage (flowers, Christmas trees, toys).
When creating a sleek hairstyle, do not overdo it in order to avoid the slicking effect. Voluminous headbands, satin ribbons and rhinestones can perfectly diversify the children's hairstyle.

For a photo shoot in nature, fix the styling using special products (mousse, gel or varnish). The main thing is not to overdo it, since excessive use of chemicals is undesirable for children's hair.
All children are very mobile and, undoubtedly, during the shooting they will move a lot. Therefore, high hairstyles (hair bows, buns, Greek braids), which are most resistant to movement, are suitable for both primary school girls and teenage girls (12-15 years old). When weaving braids, one strand can be left untouched (in the area of the face) - the image of a little princess will turn out to be very cute and romantic.
When creating a children's hairstyle at home, try to open your face as much as possible so that the photographer can capture all the emotions of the child.

Original options
The hairstyle options for elementary school girls are very diverse and simple to perform. Of course, any mother dreams of making her daughter an original and at the same time comfortable styling. For example, bows or hair flowers are perfect for a festive photo shoot (for long and medium hair). For this option you will need:
- thin plastic comb and brush with natural bristles;
- elastic band and hairpins;
- curlers.
Carefully comb the child's hair and comb to the right side, making a side parting. We fix the tail with an elastic band (silicone). Divide it into 3 parts and select the middle one. We braid a thin pigtail and fix its ends with a thin elastic band. We put the braid around the base of the tail in the shape of a flower and fix it with hairpins. We twist the rest of the tail strands with curlers. This hairstyle is perfect for a New Year's photo shoot.

Young owners of short hair can get beautiful styling with partial braiding. To create it we take:
- comb;
- thin elastic band;
- small "crab".
We wash the hair of a young enchantress and do a voluminous styling with a hairdryer. Create a side parting and separate a small section. Weave a French braid, adding strands from the temples to it. At the final stage of weaving, we fix the ends of the braid with a "crab" or a small hairpin. Re-comb the rest of the hair.
If desired, the spikelet can be decorated with miniature rhinestones.

Another simple and original hairstyle for a photo shoot at school is an elegant "wreath" of multi-colored elastic bands (medium length hair). To create it, you need the following elements:
- thin comb;
- a set of multi-colored elastic bands and a satin ribbon;
- the spray gun is hairdressing.
We comb the child's hair and divide it with a longitudinal parting (naughty strands can be slightly moistened). We divide each of the parts in half (horizontally). Further, by analogy, we do the same with each of the sections (there are 4 of them). Thus, we get 8 strands. We fix each curl with elastic bands of different colors. We should have 16 small ponytails (in a circle). We collect their ends in one tail and tie with a ribbon. The bright "wreath" on the head of the young princess will not leave anyone indifferent.

Long hair
Teenage girls are especially sensitive to their appearance and want to be captured perfectly in photos. The following hairstyles for a school photo shoot are suitable for young ladies with long hair.
French shell. To create it you need:
- brush with natural bristles;
- styling products (mousse and fixing varnish);
- set of hairpins and invisibility.
Comb the girl's clean hair and apply foam to it. Let it dry. We do a comb on the left side and fix it with hairpins (according to asymmetry). We take a strand of hair in our hand and, as it were, wind it around the palm (we form a "shell" with the base inward). We fix the hairstyle with invisible hairpins or beautiful hairpins. We cover the head with varnish.

High school girls are very fond of a radical change of image, which sometimes involves a short haircut. In this case, for school photography, you can make curls in the "retro" style. The girl will look very gentle and elegant. So let's get started.
Apply a styling cream or gel to the child's dry hair and dry with a hair dryer. Create a side parting. With the help of a curling iron we make uniform "waves" on the hair. At the temporal part, we fix the strands with invisibility.

The use of fixing varnish is not recommended in this case.
For information on how to make an elegant hairstyle for a girl, see the next video.