Recommendations for choosing a hairstyle for girls for the New Year

New Year is a reason to look especially beautiful, and this concerns children in the first place. Matinees in kindergartens and schools, holidays with friends and, of course, a family dinner - a young beauty should always shine, and attention should be paid not only to the choice of dress, but also to the hairstyle for the little fashionista.

Choice based on hair length
The most common option is to simply curl your hair. Romantic curls or playful curls have not spoiled anyone's appearance, and even if they get tangled during games and dances - it doesn't matter, just make a couple of movements - and the girl's hairstyle is flawless again.
But this option is far from the only one - however, let's talk about everything in order.

If a young fashionista cannot boast of a thick and long shock, then you should not despair - for the owners of short hair, many original and stylish New Year's hairstyles have been invented, which always look just perfect.
Loose hair, decorated with a large bow (hoop or hairpin), looks restrained, but at the same time elegant and elegant. It is noteworthy that such a hairstyle can be done in just a couple of minutes.

Another elementary option is flagella of small strands on the sides, fixed with hairpins.

For the smallest beauties, whose age does not exceed 3-6 years, you can make several mischievous tails at once and decorate them with beautiful miniature hairpins. This styling looks pretty cute and direct.

To create a costumed image of an angel, fairy or butterfly, you can twist the ends of the curls, while their length does not matter at all. Curls in any case will be playful and a little flirty, and this is exactly what is needed for a party for young ladies.

Another unusual hairstyle - "wreath", it is ideal for short hair. At the same time, its creation does not take too much time, and it brings only the most positive emotions. To make a wreath of strands, you need to prepare eight silicone rubber bands.
It is extremely simple to make a hairstyle - the hair is combed and parted in two halves, then each of them is again divided in half, and these quarters are again divided into two sections. In a similar way, you will get eight strands of approximately the same size. A tail is collected from one part, fixed with an elastic band, then they take the next strand, grab the tip of the first tail into it and also fix it. The actions are repeated until all the strands are over, after which the tip of the very last bundle is carefully hidden under a soft elastic band.

Medium-length hair is most often left loose and decorated with some one decorative accessory - for example, a hoop, a curly hairpin or a braid stylized as a headband.

All kinds of bunches decorated with satin ribbons, snowflakes and tinsel look quite impressive - this hairstyle is one of the most popular options for a New Year's party in kindergarten.

All kinds of weaving can be done for young beauties, but they require certain skills and skill. Small tails, fixed in a checkerboard pattern and woven with each other, are very effective. This styling always makes its owner gentle and romantic.

A headband made of braided braids using French technique gives the girl an exquisite and stylish look. It is best not to make the braiding tight, as light disheveledness, airiness and naturalness give a special charm to such a hairstyle.

The medium length allows you to create a lot of intricate complex hairstyles that will look no worse than on elongated curls. Let's dwell on the most spectacular ones.
- "Bow" - this is a very elegant, stylish and flirty hairstyle, it looks perfect on New Year's holidays. What is important is that she holds up very well and does not disintegrate, even if the girl actively dances and has fun. To create a hairstyle like this, you only need an elastic band and a few invisibility. First, the hair is well combed and collected in a ponytail at the top of the head. After that, they take a second elastic band and wrap the first one with it so that during the last grip the strand is not completely skipped. In this case, the tail must be extended to the front side. The formed loop is carefully divided in half and slightly fixed to the hair with invisible ones along the bottom. The resulting bow is tied in the center with the remaining "tail", the ends are fixed with hairpins and hidden. This hairstyle usually does not need any additional embellishments.

- "Aphrodite" - very gentle and touching styling that will look exquisite on any girl on New Year's days. Stealth pins and small decorative hairpins will come in handy.
The scheme here is elementary:
- comb the curls;
- separated from the temporal part to the forehead by a small strand;
- twisted into a tourniquet;
- just below they grab another strand and also twist a tourniquet into it, weaving the upper one;
- actions are repeated to the middle of the head and fixed with invisibility;
- the opposite side is made out in the same way, both flagella are connected and wrapped inward, fixing them with invisible ones.
To make the styling brighter, it is complemented with hairpins with beads or a tiara.

- "Malvina" Is a win-win for girls of all ages. The algorithm of actions is quite simple.The hair is combed with an even horizontal parting from one ear to the other and the hair is divided into two parts. The upper strands are collected in a tail and fastened, decorated with a bow, and the ends are curled. The hairstyle can be styled a little differently - the curls are combed, thin strands are taken from the back on the sides, twisted and connected at the back. This "Malvinka" looks great with a thin satin ribbon. Loose hair is curled with a curling iron.

Long hair offers room for the most varied and interesting experiments. From them you can create:
- asymmetrical hairstyles that will make a young princess out of each girl;
- voluminous braids that can be braided in a dozen different ways;
- flagella, thanks to which they make funny curls and stylish fashionable bundles.

Or you can simply leave your hair loose, decorating it with a bow or hairpins in the form of snowflakes.
It is extremely easy to get wavy hair - you do not need to sleep on curlers or curl the ends of your hair with tongs. Just wash your hair and dry the curls slightly, after which the hair should be divided into several sections. Each strand is twisted into a tourniquet, rolled into a tight bundle and fixed with a soft elastic band. In the morning, all that remains is to unravel the crumbs' hair, take them apart with your fingers and enjoy the resulting beauty.

- "Babette" - this hairstyle is good for girls from 5 to 10-11 years old who want to embody the look of dudes at the party. To create this styling, you should buy an oval roller or a hairpiece, as well as silicone elastic bands and hairpins, and, of course, varnish, since such a hairstyle will need to be fixed on the head. The step-by-step process of creating "Babette" is as follows:
- hair is washed, dried with a hairdryer and combed thoroughly;
- under the line of the ears from the back of the head with a horizontal parting, the head of hair is divided into two identical parts;
- the upper strands are slightly sprayed with styling agent and combed lightly;
- the fleece is placed in a small chignon and the top layer is carefully straightened so that the curls lie in a neat semicircle, they need to be fixed with invisible ones;
- the lower strands are divided into two halves and braids are braided, wrapped around the babette and the ends are fixed with hairpins.
The most elegant girls can decorate this hairstyle with bows.

- "Flower" It is not easy to do, it will take some training, but when you see the happy and contented face of your little beauty, you will understand that all your efforts were worth it. The hair on the head is combed and formed an uneven side parting. On the side where most of the curls are located, they begin to weave the reverse French braid, while gradually wrapping the strands first down and then to the opposite side. When you get to your ear, you need to grab the remaining strands and weave them into the braid. At the end, the weaving is carefully stretched, thereby giving it a significant volume. The braid remaining from the side is twisted into a circle, giving the appearance of a blossoming flower, and fixed with invisibility.

Interesting options
To school
For girls aged 7-12 years for a school holiday, you can build many interesting hairstyles. Longitudinal plaits - this hairstyle is ideal for girls with both elongated and rather short hair.
To begin with, you need to divide all the hair at the crown of the head and near the temples with an even horizontal parting - according to the same principle as for "Malvinka". In this case, only the upper part of the head will be involved. The upper curls are divided into 4-6 strands of equal thickness, each twisted into a neat bundle and fixed. After that, you just have to wrap tight curls from the bottom and decorate your hair with snowflake-shaped hairpins.

Schoolgirls love to look like their mothers, so many choose to show off their luxurious curls, adorned with a satin ribbon to match the outfit. This head design will instantly turn a girl into a Disney princess.
Hair is done only on clean strands, so first wash your head, apply a little styling products and dry slightly.
Hair is wrapped in curlers. In the case of children, it is better to take soft ones and wait for the hair to dry. After that, you can make a light bouffant on the crown and fluff the curls with your fingers or a comb with rare teeth. A ribbon with a bow is tied around the head, a headband or an elegant crown is put on.

To a kindergarten
For a kindergarten matinee, hairstyles can be more fun and mischievous.
- "Herringbone" - an original, creative and undoubtedly eye-catching hairstyle that will surely delight everyone around you. To create it, you will need a lot of silicone rubber bands and accessories. Clean hair is collected in a high ponytail and divided into two parts, a braid is woven from each and the ends are fixed with elastic bands. Using invisible braids, they create a pattern in the shape of a Christmas tree, and then start decorating.
It is optimal if you use green ribbons when weaving braids - then your Christmas tree will resemble a New Year's beauty not only in shape, but also in color. Decorative hairpins can be used as a decor - beads at their ends will imitate balls. If you wish, you can add a little tinsel along the contour.

- For crumbs 2-3 years old, an excellent option would be Mickey Mouse ears. To make such a hairstyle is simple - you need to collect two symmetrical beams in the likeness of the ears of your favorite cartoon character. They do it as follows:
- hair is divided into two equal sections with a straight parallel parting in the center;
- from each half you need to tie a high tail;
- twist a tourniquet from both tails and unfold it around the elastic band, then fix it with hairpins and decorate with snowflakes, bows or tinsel.
There is also another method. In this case, the hair is also divided into two parts, the tail is collected, but on the last turn of the silicone elastic, the strands are not fully pulled out. After that, the ends of the tail are wrapped around the resulting loop and fastened with hairpins.

- Very elegant and at the same time gentle looks "Waterfall" with rubber bands. This hairstyle can be done not only for the New Year, but also for any other holiday. Hair must be rinsed with shampoo and dried thoroughly, then apply a drop of siding. A side parting is formed from the combed curls, after which a small strand is taken from one edge and fixed with a thin silicone rubber band. The resulting tail is divided into two parts, a thin curl is passed through its center, then the tail is collected again and again secured with an elastic band. The actions must be repeated to the middle of the head.

For a photo session
An elegant bun in the blink of an eye will turn a young beauty 7-9 years old into a real lady. An adult hairstyle looks incredibly stylish on children, however, running, jumping and frolicking with this head design is quite difficult, so styling is more suitable for a photo shoot than for celebration.
First, the hair must be collected in a ponytail at the crown and put on a special roller of a suitable color. After that, the strands are carefully distributed along the roller so that they cover it completely, fixed with an elastic band or hairpins. The protruding ends are laid around the roller, having previously twisted with a tight tourniquet. This hairstyle is usually completed with a bow.

It looks gentle and very impressive styling in the Greek style. To create such a hairstyle, a special headband is needed, it is put on the head and the strands are tucked, fixing them with invisibility. Although it is better to use decorative snowflake hairpins, which are pinned throughout the head.
Alternatively, you can make a braid headband. To do this, two thin pigtails are braided from the temporal locks and laid over the forehead line so that a kind of rim is obtained.

Jewelry and accessories
To create a truly New Year's look, you need special accessories.Most often, openwork or satin ribbons, crowns, tiaras and bows are used, but to emphasize the New Year's mood it is better to use thematic decor, for example, tinsel or hairpins in the form of snowflakes. Keep in mind that accessories must be fixed as best as possible, otherwise, during active games, they will fall off the head, which can distract and even upset the little girl.
Another subtlety - the decoration should create a strong accent and no more, in no case cover the entire head and hair. And to make the image bright, use crayons and, of course, as much glitter as possible - children appreciate this very much.

In conclusion, we will give several recommendations that will allow you to preserve the hairstyle and the great mood of the baby throughout the holiday. When choosing a styling, be sure to pay attention to the following nuances.
- If a girl has very long and thick hair, then a strong pile, styling products and an abundance of elastic bands can make them heavier, which will give the baby a lot of unpleasant minutes during the general fun.
- During the New Year's holiday, children have fun - they run, dance and arrange flash mobs, so the styling should be quite strong so as not to crumble from the first sudden movement.
- The chosen hairstyle should be in harmony with the overall look. For example, you should not build a "babette" if you have chosen a kitten or squirrel costume for your baby.

Be sure to discuss the hairstyle features with the girl herself, be sure to listen to her wishes and preferences.
- Most of the hairstyles can be done easily with your own hands. Visiting salons is not particularly to the liking of children, since few children can sit motionless for a long time.
- It is best to practice styling just a few days before the event - so you can be sure that on the decisive day it will turn out very quickly and aesthetically.
- Do not get carried away with styling products, as well as curling with tongs - they can severely ruin your hair.

Be sure to add some shine to your hair - this decor will undoubtedly give your baby extra confidence.
For information on how to make a hairstyle for a girl for the New Year, see the next video.