Hairstyles for girls at the matinee in kindergarten

Gathering a child to kindergarten every day, every mother strives to do it quickly, because often children do not want to wake up in the morning. In this case, the hairstyle for the girl should not be complicated. Mom just needs to comb the baby's hair and braid or make ponytails. If the child is going to a matinee, then an elegant hairstyle will already be more interesting and not always easy to perform.
In order for the styling to be elegant, it is important to take into account the length of the hair, its structure, and also choose a hairstyle for the chosen outfit. Styling should favorably emphasize the grace and harmony of the image.

When choosing a hairstyle for a girl for a matinee in kindergarten, it should be remembered that it should not be very difficult to perform. This will allow you to do it yourself, without resorting to the services of professional craftsmen. Each mother can make a beautiful styling with her own hands. If a complex massive styling is required, then it is better to do it in the salon. A specialist will build it quickly and efficiently. When choosing a hairstyle for a holiday for little princesses, it is worth remembering that it should not cause discomfort to the child. Kids are very active, they move a lot, jump and dance, so stray strands or poorly styled curls will interfere with them and distract them from the holiday.
The hairstyle for a girl can be different depending on the theme of the event.If styling is done for an autumn matinee, you can weave bright ribbons into your hair or use hairpins that imitate autumn leaves, or wear a hoop with flowers.

More complex hairstyles are suitable for the New Year's ball. Complex styling with curls decorated with sparkling decorative elements will be relevant. The child will feel in the center of attention at the holiday, which will affect his mood.
When holding matinees and other important events, a professional photographer is invited to the kindergarten, who will capture the baby at this age. A beautiful outfit and a spectacular hairstyle will make the girl feel like a princess that day.
When choosing a hairstyle, you should take into account the age of the baby. For a girl at 3 years old, it is better to make a simpler hairstyle that does not require a lot of time, since small children are less assiduous. In addition, often a matinee in kindergarten at this age can be the first in a row for a child, so children are more worried and capricious on this day. That is why it will be much more difficult for a fidget to make a neat styling.

For girls 5 years old, it is worth choosing a more complex styling. At this age, children are already less capricious, they understand the importance of the event, they know how to control their emotions.
Particular attention should be paid to the choice of hairstyles for girls 6 years old. This is the time when many pupils leave the kindergarten and prepare for a new step in their lives. It is better for graduates of preschool institutions to think over the most spectacular hairstyle in advance so that such an image will be remembered for a long time.

Long hair ideas
There are many festive styling options for girls with long hair.
- Babies with long strands can loose their hair, twist them using curlers or a curling iron, then style the wavy curls beautifully.
- Gather hair at the crown using bows and ribbons. Such a quick styling will allow you to do your hair in a matter of minutes, while the image will be completely complete.
- Braid and match with loose curls.
- Gather a low tail on the top of your head, then take curls and style them freely.
Such festive hairstyles do not require complex execution, but at the same time they look very interesting.
To make the styling look more impressive, a tiara or crown decorated with rhinestones is put on the head.

In the event that the styling fluffs up a little, you can very quickly put the strands in order.
The disadvantages of styling for long hair include:
- in hot weather, curls do not hold the desired shape for a long time;
- may cause some inconvenience to the girl;
- in bad weather and wind, the strands will fly apart, which will lead to a mess on the head.
In order for the hairstyle to retain its presentable look longer, it should be fixed using a strong hold varnish.

If your child has wavy hair, choose a fluffy style or a bun-based hairstyle. For girls with straight hair who want this hairstyle, you can use curlers to curl the curls. This will make the baby stand out from the monotonous crowd. With such a hairstyle, she will feel like the heroine of a fairy tale.
There are many interesting and unusual options for festive styling for little fashionistas, ranging from various curls to unusual weaving.

Medium length options
On strands of medium length, a bundle, complemented by decorative elements, will look spectacular. To create it you need:
- comb the strands well and collect the tail with an elastic band;
- the strands for the beam should be distributed in waves so that they cover the elastic;
- in order for the structure to hold well, it should be fixed with pins and invisible pins;
- it is better to keep the hairstyle for a long time with the help of fixing agents.
To create a harmonious look, you should use decorative elements and decorate your hairstyle with ribbons, bows, hairpins or wreaths of mini flowers. It's pretty light styling, but it looks very impressive.

A bun looks better on straight hair. To make them smooth, it is worth straightening the strands with an iron or using a spray to straighten the curls.
A bun is quickly made using a special bagel, which is put on a pre-assembled tail. The strands are distributed so that the bagel inside is not visible. Using the studs, you need to fix the structure. The remaining strands can be tucked in or braided and wrapped around the bundle.
For everyday hairstyles, it is better to do a low bun, and to create a festive look, it is worth making a high bun, decorated with accessories.

Decorating short hair
For girls with short hair, a simple hairstyle is more suitable. They should not erect bulky structures on their heads. In addition, it should be borne in mind that short strands are more difficult to fix, they can disintegrate, while the hairstyle will seem sloppy, disheveled.
Little fashionistas with short hair should use a beautiful decorative piece. You can weave bright ribbons into your hair, fix the bangs with a bright hair clip, put on a hoop. Little princesses can wear a tiara or crown. To do this, it is better to fix the jewelry well with invisible ones, so the accessory will stick better on the head.
To prevent disobedient strands from knocking out, it is better to sprinkle your hair with glitter varnish.

Styling with curls
At any matinee, all girls want to look beautiful. It is especially important to be the most attractive at the prom. For the solemn event dedicated to the release of children from kindergarten, parents need to prepare with particular seriousness.
When choosing an elegant hairstyle, you should:
- choose in advance a hairstyle option that is in good harmony with the main outfit;
- when choosing the desired option, it should be borne in mind that children at this age are very mobile and will not be able to sit for a long time without moving, therefore, it is better for girls 6 years old to choose simple hairstyles;
- beautiful ribbons and bows, as well as hairpins, headbands and hoops should be used as decor.
Hairstyles look very nice on medium-length hair and on long strands, especially if they are loose. To make the hairstyle look more impressive, it is better to style the curls beautifully. Considering that styling should be neat throughout the evening, it is important to choose the correct braiding or curling option.

A good option for a matinee in kindergarten would be a fleece. To do the styling step by step, you should:
- wash your hair and dry it;
- divide them into parting;
- take a wide strand and pull it perpendicular to the head;
- after this, you should run a comb along the strand, starting a few centimeters from the roots, producing a bouffant of hair;
- the same action is carried out along the length.
The bouffant is done on strands of any length, it is important that the curls are dry at the same time. The bouffant can serve as both the basis of this hairstyle and a source of volume.

In order for the splendor to persist as long as possible, the bouffant is done after curling the curls. Curls are left loose or collected in a "malvinka", decorated with a diadem or a beautiful hoop.
Styling in the Greek style will look great. This option is always relevant, such hairstyles look very gentle and stylish. In order to do this hairstyle, you need a special headband or headband. They put it on the baby's head, then turn the strands under it in turn, fixing them with invisibility.
Some of the curls should be left in their natural form, twisting them with curlers.

Choice depending on the density
A girl's hairstyle for a matinee should be selected, being guided also by how thick her hair is.In the event that they do not lend themselves well to styling, you can make a tourniquet or spikelet. Thanks to this, the hair will be securely fixed and will not distract from active pastime.
If the strands are rather thin, it is worth choosing a bouffant styling. "Malvina" will also be a good option, even a dad can do such a simple hairstyle. But at the same time, the "malvinka" will look beautiful if you decorate it with a bright hairpin or bow.
The most popular option for girls is braids that are braided from three strands or braided in the form of a French braid. If the hair is not thick enough, it is better to choose the second option. This will make your hairstyle look neat and elegant. The fishtail braid is better for girls with thick long hair. It can be left as it is or twisted into a spectacular bun.

Stylish accessories
When styling short hair, you need to remove it from your face as much as possible so that it does not get into your eyes. This can be achieved with a variety of stylish accessories. These can be bright headbands, headbands or hairpins. Hairstyles with a rim or with a bow look very interesting, they will be appropriate for a children's matinee.
Even simple ponytails or pigtails will look much more elegant if you decorate them with accessories. Big beautiful bows on ponytails or satin ribbons woven into braids will make your child's hairstyle beautiful.
- If the baby has short hair, she should decorate her hair with a beautiful hairpin or headband.
- For women of fashion with long hair, stylish accessories can be used much more often and decorate the hairstyle not only for the holidays, but also every day. Plaiting braids and creating other hairstyles on long hair, they use various elastic bands, hairpins and other children's decorative ornaments.

For little fashionistas, you can use children's headbands. They allow you to hold your hair and at the same time decorate your hair.
For a matinee, it is better to choose not just an ordinary plastic hoop, but an elegant version, decorated with rhinestones and beads. A hoop with flowers or butterflies or feathers will look no less impressive.
Accessories in the form of a tiara or crown, with a scattering of stones, will help to create the image of a fairy-tale princess. Decorative hairpins decorated with rhinestones or beads are used as additional elements.

Beautiful examples
Using multi-colored hairpins-crabs, you can fix the strands by lifting the hair from the ears and from the forehead. It is better to wind long curls on curlers. This hairstyle can be done quickly enough. It is suitable for a little girl to visit a matinee or other celebration.

Styling for girls on hair of medium length will look very beautiful. For her, it is better not to remove the bangs, but to slightly twist it. Also, with the help of curlers or curling iron, curls are twisted. In the upper part of the head, the strands are fixed with small hairpins in the form of roses.

Hairstyle with a silver tiara.

Children's hairstyles for the matinee.

A variety of curls and braids will adorn your festive hairstyle.

For a master class on children's festive hairstyle, see the next video.