Holiday hairstyles for girls with long hair

Every mother sees in her daughter a real princess. From an early age, many girls have their nails painted and interesting and beautiful hairstyles made. The girls themselves also try to resemble adult young ladies and are in complete delight from their transformations. If the baby has long strands, then you can delight her with a huge variety of hairstyles. In this article, we will look at the features of beautiful hair design.
When creating everyday and festive hairstyles for girls with long hair, it is necessary to take into account certain features of the selected options. Thanks to the Internet, modern mothers have a huge number of examples. You can create something new on the head of your daughter every day and never repeat it in a year. Whichever hair design you choose, be sure to consider the following factors.
- The character of the girl. This point is very important, since at least 50 percent of the success of the final result depends on the degree of perseverance of the little lady. If the girl is too active and cannot sit still for at least five minutes, then you will have to temporarily forget about the sophisticated and complex options. In this case, you can use quick two-minute methods that allow you to make your head beautiful in a matter of minutes. Gradually, when mom has already gotten her hand, it will be possible to move to a new level of difficulty.
And if the process of creating braids is accompanied by interesting games, perhaps the baby will learn to sit much longer.

- The density of curls. Another important point that affects the choice of weaving method. Owners of thick strands can afford more sophisticated hairstyles, with a variety of decorations. Girls with thin hair are better off doing something simpler so that beauty does not cause discomfort. In this case, it is recommended to give preference to hairstyles with loose hair.

- Hair type. Smooth straight hair is the easiest to comb. Girls with wavy or curly hair will have a harder time, as their hair is prone to knot formation. For such hair, hairstyles with tails and braids are optimal, as they allow you to quickly remove excess strands from the face.

- Mom's experience. Of course, the experience of the mother in creating a beautiful hair design is also important. You will have to practice a lot before filling your hand, but then the medium difficulty option will take a maximum of 5-7 minutes.
First, you need to spend 10 to 40 minutes on a festive hairstyle for a girl with long hair, depending on the complexity, later this time will decrease. However, not all girls agree to sit for so long, and to keep some young ladies you will have to be cunning, because with beautifully styled hair, the baby will look like a real princess.

Often the main reason for not doing interesting styling is pain during combing. This is especially true in girls with long wavy curls that are prone to knot formation. To facilitate the process, it is recommended to use special sprays for children's hair. They soften the structure of the curls and allow you to quickly go through such an unpleasant procedure.
It is also recommended to choose a comb more carefully, which is designed specifically for thick curly strands.

If the baby is bored of sitting and waiting while her mother conjures over her head, you can turn the process into a game. It all depends on the interests of the daughter. If she is delighted with Disney cartoons, let her pretend that she is the very princess who will be preparing for the ball. You can play a role-playing game where your daughter will act as a client of a beauty salon, and your mother will be a hairdresser. There are a lot of options, let the baby herself choose which one to prefer.

Go to the store together, let the girl choose the comb she likes on her own. Modern stores offer a wide range of these products in various colors, with drawings, rhinestones, mirrors and many others.

Choosing a hairstyle depending on the celebration
A hairstyle for a holiday in kindergarten will require a little more time and effort than a daily hairstyle. Each girl is looking forward to a New Year's party, where she can play the role of a snowflake and tell a rhyme. It is better to give your daughter several options before the installation process. Let her decide for herself in what image she wants to appear at the festive tea party. If there is a masquerade, then the hair design should match the carnival costume. Most often, they choose styling with pigtails, plaits, interesting weaving. Ribbons that are woven into curls, hairpins, bows and much more can be used as accessories. Some mothers buy a special glitter polish that makes the girl's head shine like a Christmas tree.
Now there are special multi-colored strands specifically for children's hair, some of them already have sparkles and rhinestones.

For an evening event, you can choose a styling method with loose hair. Curled curls look very beautiful - girls become like little angels. You can simply decorate your head with hairpins or even get by with a beautiful headband. It all depends on the imagination and experience of the mother, as well as on the girl's wishes.

At the entrance to the kindergarten, girls come even more elegant and beautiful. The image is thought out literally to the smallest detail. First, they choose a dress, then accessories, and then it is the turn of choosing a hairstyle.In this case, you should forget about ponytails and pigtails. Little ladies prefer more original styling, for which you can contact a beauty salon - this will be a real treat for the baby.
As a rule, for graduation, either beautiful curls or a raised hairstyle with a high bun and a beautiful hairpin are chosen.

Does age affect?
Age definitely influences the choice of children's hairstyle. For little girls, it is better to choose naughty options with pigtails, ponytails and lots of hairpins. For older ladies, options with loose curls or a neat bun are suitable. Do not rush and give your child an adult hairstyle. Still, children should remain children even at the holiday.

There are many interesting ways to create hairstyles for girls with long hair.

We use weaving
With the help of weaving, you can make many original hairstyles for the holiday. Two of them are presented below.
- French braid. To create a similar braid, part your hair in a straight part. Then a large strand is taken in the temple area and divided into three parts - it will become the basis of the hairstyle. We braid a pigtail, gradually moving to another temple and adding curls from the bottom of the head.
Having reached the end, you can twist the bundle and decorate it with an elastic band with a flower, or simply make a tail, securing it with a ribbon.

- Evening option. A simple and quick way to create a beautiful hairstyle with braids. To begin with, the hair is collected in a ponytail at the back of the head, then divided into five parts. From each part, weave a pigtail and connect the resulting bundles together. Then the bundle is turned inside out, folded in half and fixed at the base of the tail with a tape or elastic band. The pigtails should be straightened with your hands, and the protruding tails should be slightly twisted with a curling iron. For a more original look, you can weave false strands of different colors into the braids. The resulting hairstyle is decorated with flowers to hide the elastic.

With her hair down
Perhaps this is the simplest hairstyle option. Long hair looks so beautiful that you don't always need to complement it. It is enough to gently comb the strands and decorate with a rim or a pair of hairpins so that they do not interfere during the holiday. You can use the option with a headband made of hair. To do this, a small strand is taken from the side and braided into a thin pigtail. Next, it needs to be thrown over the head, forming a rim, and secured with invisibility. More experienced moms can make a braided braid, where another strand is additionally taken for each next curl.

Luxurious curls
Every princess dreams of beautiful curls. They can be formed very simply with a curling iron. It is important to set the heating level to a minimum because baby hair is much softer than adult hair. Each curl is sprayed with varnish. Spray your finished hair with a shiny spray.
In order not to injure the baby's curls, you can just slightly moisten them and braid small pigtails at night. In the morning, the braids are unbraided and a lush hairstyle with curls is obtained.

Retro style
The retro style is personified by large curls, buns and high bouffants. To create such a styling, you will need varnish, large and small combs, and a curling iron. To create a brushed hairstyle, separate a small part of the hair at the crown, lightly comb and sprinkle with varnish. Further, the strands are folded back and neatly stacked. They should be covered with another layer of hair and secured with varnish. The front part is divided into a side part. The smaller strand is connected to the rest and combed, the larger strand is pinned on the side for convenience. You can slightly lower the strand on the forehead. Be sure to decorate your head with a headband.
For a high bun, you need to collect the tail and comb it slightly. Further, a volumetric bump is formed. It can be decorated with a bow, ribbon or flower, as long as the accessory is large.

How to fix?
The fixing of the styling takes place with the help of invisible pins or pins, depending on the option chosen. Try not to use too many bindings as they can give your little one a headache.

How to decorate?
Modern stores make it possible to beautifully decorate curls at home. A huge number of hairpins, ribbons, bows, bright elastic bands, flowers and other accessories are sold literally on every corner. You can decorate your head with special rhinestones for hair or sequins.

Hairpins and bows, depending on the size, can be placed over the entire head, or you can get by with a laconic decoration in the form of a rim. Try to purchase as many jewelry as possible, this will make the process of creating a hairstyle with your own hands more interesting and fun for both your daughter and you. The glitter spray is applied very carefully - be sure to cover your child's eyes with your hand. With the bottle set aside twenty centimeters, sprinkle a little hairspray on your hair.
Beautiful examples
- A great option for a high beam for a children's party. The hair is pulled back neatly and brushed slightly to add volume. This beautiful jewelry in the form of a pearl hair clip with flowers goes well with the dress. Light makeup emphasizes the tenderness of the image.

- In this case, weaving is used on loose hair. Two thin French braids form a wreath on the head and frame it beautifully. At the top of the head, they are connected and fastened with a bow. The rest of the strands are neatly twisted into delicate curls.

For information on how to make a festive hairstyle for a girl with long hair, see the next video.