Simple hairstyles for girls: ideas and tips for their implementation

The mother of every girl must be able to do a wide variety of hairstyles for her fashionista. Moreover, the skills should relate to both everyday styling and festive ones. In our article, we will consider the easiest hairstyles that are simple and quick to do.
How to choose for different lengths?
Some believe that it is possible to collect many different hairstyles for the youngest fashionistas only on long curls - this is not the case, for owners of hair of any length there is always a large number of interesting and stylish styling.

Short hair
Short hair often does not need styling at all - it is enough to decorate the hair with a rim or clip with a flower, and the girl already looks beautiful and attractive. However, to increase the comfort of the game and educational process, it is often necessary to remove a strand from the forehead so that the hair does not get into the eyes and does not distract from classes - then you can achieve the desired effect using a variety of hairpins and rubber bands.
For the smallest, hairstyles look very interesting, including many small ponytails - they are distributed symmetrically over the head and must be decorated with multi-colored elastic bands.

A lot of interesting and comfortable hairstyles can be done using braiding on the head - they look quite impressive on hair up to the middle of the neck. The only subtlety here is that curls need to be sprayed from time to time with water from a spray bottle - then the strands do not crumble and the braids look more attractive.

On a long head of hair, they create a variety of hairstyles, while light in execution, but at the same time invariably spectacular.

Hairstyle with elastic bands
This is a great option for a little darling, which can be quickly assembled. First, the strands must be combed to the side, and then work from top to bottom.
Several hairs on the side are collected into one strand, a ponytail is made, then another strand is attached to its tip and an elastic band is put on again. In the same way, it is necessary to make several passes, gradually grabbing the ends - as soon as all the hair is gathered under one elastic band, the hairstyle will be ready. It can be decorated with a thin satin ribbon.
Do not forget to show the baby what beauty she has on her head - be sure that your daughter will definitely appreciate all the efforts.

Hairstyle of two braids
If you learn to braid braids in a certain way, you will quickly acquire the skill of creating a very beautiful hairstyle that will be comfortable for your daughter.
First you need to make two ponytails on the sides, and then braid each of them into the most ordinary braid.
On one edge, the pigtail must be assembled into a steering wheel so that it looks like a ring - the ends should be left on the side right behind the elastic band so that they do not stick out in a chaotic manner. The second pigtail should be carefully threaded through the steering wheel, then returned to the very base of the tail and secured with an elastic band.

The hairstyle is ready - you just have to decorate it with bright ribbons or stylish hairpins.
If you wish, you can always experiment a little with the design of the parting, for example, a strip, divided by zigzags into two equal parts, looks quite impressive.
Spikelet hairstyles
Any mother should master weaving with a spikelet - believe me, you will immediately breathe out with relief, since it will take you very little time to put beauty on the daughter's shock. This is very important, especially if the girl is attending kindergarten or school and you do not have the opportunity to study hair for too long.

The spikelet is woven very simply and quickly, the technique is extremely simple, here you need to follow our recommendations step by step.
- The hair needs to be combed well, then a very even parting around the circumference and carefully separate the strands at the crown.
- The separated curls must be divided into three strands, the first two weaves are performed in the classical way, and starting from the third binding, a thin curl is introduced on both sides, which is separated from the main head of hair.
- The braid is braided until all the strands that are free for braiding into the braid run out, after which the strands are braided in the traditional way and fixed with an elastic band.

When weaving using the spikelet technique, it is necessary that the side curls are of approximately the same thickness.
On the basis of a spikelet, you can create many interesting hairstyles. For example, everyday, which will be optimal for going to kindergarten or primary school. The styling holds very well, such a hairstyle will not get disheveled, and the baby will look neat and tidy throughout the day. Although this hairstyle is not worth going to bed, at night, the hair must certainly be loosened, otherwise the head will not be able to fully rest.

The styling algorithm is simple:
- hair is divided into three equal parts along the lines of the triangle, while each section is fixed with clips or "crabs";
- strands on the sides are woven with a spikelet and fastened with a thin elastic band;
- hair, gathered at the back of the head, is braided in any arbitrary technique, the "fishtail" or reverse spikelet looks best;
- all pigtails are connected with an elastic band in such a way that, during the last grip, the ends of the tails are not pulled completely to the end, but leaving a small loop;
- the entire composition is straightened with a fan, and then fixed with the help of small invisibles so that it does not begin to disintegrate.

You can use a bow as a stylish accessory for such a hairstyle.
If you still feel that weaving is not yours, then you can resort to the usual ponytails. As a rule, hair is collected in one large ponytail at the top of the head, or made a pair on the sides. You can slightly diversify the hairstyle by making, for example, a reverse tail - for this, the hair must be fixed with an elastic band from below, then with your hands divide the strands above the elastic into two halves so that a small depression is formed. The tip is pulled into it and taken out from the back side - this hairstyle is very simple, but at the same time feminine and romantic, it is the best fit for the owner of long wavy curls.

"Malvinka" is invariably popular, it can be done in several ways. In the first case, the hair is combed, then separated on both sides along a small strand, connected at the back and secured with an elastic band. In the second case, combed curls are separated by parting from temple to temple and the upper section is collected in a tail.
This hairstyle looks especially impressive if you slightly curl the ends of the curls, and decorate the place of fixation with a thin ribbon or a bow-shaped hairpin.

And, of course, long hair is a classic for a young fashionista. All that is required of you is just to comb the curls, add a hoop or pin on the side with a decorative hairpin, and the girl can safely go to a meeting with friends and girlfriends.

For curls of medium length, you can also pick up a large number of rather interesting hairstyles, by the way, options with "malvinka", as well as with loose curls, are also relevant for shoulder length. However, you can pick up other styling.

Two hearts
This hairstyle looks very interesting, while making it quite simple. First you need to collect two identical tails on the sides of the hair, and turn their ends through an elastic band; after that, each ponytail is divided into two sections, twisted into flagella and connected with elastic bands so that they create a kind of heart - this is a very elementary hairstyle, but it will surely create a good mood for the little beauty for the whole day.

Any mother can always come up with a large number of the most diverse and light styling that will be optimal for every day, and for attending any important event. In any case, when choosing a styling, first of all try to focus on the feelings of the baby. First, the girl should like the hairstyle, because your main task is to create a good mood for her. Secondly, she should not cause inconvenience - if tightly braided braids begin to cause painful sensations or give a feeling of tightness, then after a few minutes the girl will want to loose her curls.
However, it is important to strike a balance here - if you make a too loose hairstyle, then it will very quickly lose its neat appearance, and a girl of the youngest age will not be able to weave herself, especially if she is still attending kindergarten. As a result, the hairstyle completely disintegrates and the girl is forced to walk in disarray all day.

Original and festive hairstyles
In the life of every young fashionista there are events that require a particularly beautiful appearance from her: a holiday to the garden and school, birthdays, concerts - there are a lot of reasons and every mother tries to do something intricate and non-trivial every time.
If you do not have the skills to create original weaves, then do not despair - children's fashion offers many options for festive hairstyles for girls that will require a minimum of effort from the mother.

It takes no more than a quarter of an hour to create a wreath, but it makes the girly look cute, charming and delicate.
To begin with, the hair is divided into two sections with a straight parting, after which two strands are separated on one side, twisted into a rope and twisted twice.After that, more strands are captured from below and from above; they are added to the main bundle; in this way they move around the entire circumference of the head and gradually braid with a "rope". When you get to the starting point of the weave, the curls must be twisted and divided into two strands up to the very ends - according to the figure of eight. Twisted strands are laid out around the head in second rows and fastened with decorative hairpins.

The wreath can be braided in another way, using the spikelet weaving technique - this styling looks very impressive and will suit a baby of any age and type of appearance. To begin with, collect the hair in the tail in the region of the crown, but do not attach the rest of the curls, loose around the circumference; after that, the parting is separated in front, from one edge the strands are fixed with clamps so as not to interfere, and weaving begins. A lock and a pair of thin curls on the side are isolated from the upper tail, from which weaving begins; on every third weave, one more strand is added and so all the actions are repeated until the middle of the occipital region, where they are fastened with an elastic band.

In the same way, they braid a braid from the opposite side, connect the ends of both braids, braid with an ordinary pigtail, wrap and fasten with hairpins.
A hair bow looks very impressive. At the very first glance, it may seem that it is too difficult to arrange this hairstyle - this is not so, even a dad can cope with it, and it takes no more than 10 minutes to create it. Everything is elementary here: the hair is carefully combed and folded into a high ponytail at the back of the head, after which it is fixed with an elastic band, so that during the last twist, the tip is not completely pulled out. Thus, a loop and a tail are formed. The loop is divided into two halves and slightly bent towards the head, fixing it with invisible ones. The tail is brought out to the front side and the center of the "bow" is wrapped around it, the tips are removed with the help of hairpins. This hairstyle does not require any additional decors - it is attractive and original in itself.

A lot of spectacular hairstyles for special occasions can be created from the most ordinary bun. It may seem to some that a bun is a rather everyday option, but in fact, an ordinary bun can be transformed into a stylish hairstyle in a matter of seconds by adding one small detail.

Side beam
This is the simplest styling, which looks quite playful, and it is really possible to do it not only on long, but also on medium curls.
The main trick here is that the bundle is placed not in the center, but on the side.
- To begin with, the hair is thoroughly combed and a couple of thin strands are separated from the center of the head, which begin to twist downward.
- In the course of twisting, loose curls are woven. As a result, a very beautiful tourniquet is obtained, it is woven to the other side of the head, collected in a tail and fixed with an elastic band.
- The hair from the “tail” is twisted into a tight rope - if all the manipulations are carried out correctly, the hair will fold into a bun by itself, the hairstyles are fixed with hairpins and smoothed.

Bundle with flagella
This hairstyle is a little more difficult to perform, but if you have a certain skill, you can put it together in no more than 10-15 minutes. The execution algorithm in stages looks like this.
- First you need to determine how many bundles you can twist around the circumference of the head, and then divide into strands and fix each with a "crab" or clamp. Keep in mind that the thicker the girl's hair, the more harness you can make.
- Each section must be arranged in a tight tourniquet so that it reaches approximately to the crown of the head, after which it is fixed with a soft elastic band to match the hair color, there is no need to hide the tail.
- The hair is folded into a high ponytail and fastened with a very tight elastic band, and a bun is created from the ends. Be sure to try to hide the elastic bands with which the tails were held at the top of the head.You can curl all the curls into a bun, or you can leave a part falling on your back - in this case, you need to curl the tips a little with a curling iron.

Classic beam
For a young princess with long or medium curls, it is best to arrange a traditional classic bun. To complete it, you will need a foam roller, and if it is not at hand, you can use an old thick sock, preferably a terry one.
- The hair must be gathered high into a horsehair, fixed with an elastic band, and then put on a foam rubber roller to match the shade of the hair, it is pulled as close as possible to the base of the tail.
- The strands are evenly distributed around the circumference of the roller so that the foam rubber does not shine through, and a silicone rubber band is put on top. The remaining protruding ends are tucked under the bundle and wrapped with tape.
The result is a very stylish styling that also holds well, so the styling is optimal for girls taking part in various festive events.

Bundle with a braid
After you fully master the creation of a classic bun, you can experiment a little with its design and styling curls. Such a bun with a beautiful pigtail looks very impressive - the image turns out to be gentle and effective.
- To begin with, they collect one high tail and put on a foam rubber roller, but, unlike the classic version, here you need to leave one strand from the bottom. The strands should be carefully distributed over the roller into the upper and lower sections.
- You need to separate a small part from the lower strand, and then grab the curl left from below under the roller and start weaving the braids. Having made a couple of bindings, you need to add a strand on top; then again they intertwine twice and again introduce a new strand.
- This is how the entire braid is weaved around the circumference of the shoulder, and when the weave reaches the very end and the strands are over, they make a classic braid for the remainder of the hair length and wrap it around the bundle, securing it with hairpins and an elastic band. A similar hairstyle is complemented with a bow-shaped accessory.

We take into account the age
Hairstyles for girls largely depend on their age.
A baby 2-3 years old, for example, is quite difficult to keep in one place - a young fashionista will turn in all directions, jumping up and going about her business while styling. At this age, the hairstyle is rather necessary for the mother, and not for the baby herself, which is why the creation of the hairstyle, as a rule, is accompanied by burning tears, which the mother will have to endure, putting the curls in order. Therefore, for girls of the youngest question, it is worth doing the simplest and fastest styling.for example, with ponytails - you can make two, three, four or more mischievous ponytails.
Just keep in mind that in this case it is better to use soft elastic bands, otherwise you can damage the delicate hair of the crumbs.
At the age of 2 or 3 years, they often resort to decorative headbands: on the one hand, they remove the hair from the face, on the other, they look very attractive. Such accessories are often decorated with large flowers or bows.

By the age of 6-7, when girls become schoolgirls, most of them let go of their long hair. There are many styling options - a variety of tails, braids, made in different techniques or "malvinki". Loose strands with a hoop also look very impressive, however, this option is more appropriate for parties and holidays.

By the age of 11, young beauties turn into adolescents - at this age the girl wants to look more adult and devotes the lion's share of her time to finding her own style: they experiment with clothes, master new hairstyles and haircuts. During this period, the tastes of children undergo constant changes: today the girl wants to look like a princess, and tomorrow she wants to look like an ultra-fashionable dandy. That's why adolescent hairstyles should include the possibility of several styling in different styles. And, of course, styling should be simple - future girls do not have the skills to create a stylish image, and there is no time for this: school, circles, sections and tutors take the whole day, so the hairstyle should be simple and uncomplicated.
In addition, intricate forms do not suit schoolgirls - at this age, natural beauty is good.

For teenage girls, the following options are more appropriate.
- Cascade - optimal haircut for owners of thin, weakened hair. This design makes the hair more lush and voluminous, while the hair is easily and easily gathered in a bun or a fashionable ponytail.

Beautiful examples
- Straight haircut - this is the best option for lovers to change their image every day: here you can portray a daring rebel with a ponytail, a shy charmer with fluffy curls, and a diligent student with tight braids.

- Fox's tail - this hairstyle involves the design of a triangular edge. In this case, the bulk of the hair is cut in a cascade. This is a very effective haircut, but the girl will have to devote time to styling it.

- Teenage Hairstyles with Bangs optimal for schoolgirls, by the way, it is the bangs that provide a lot of opportunities to experiment with the image: the hairstyle can be styled straight, sideways or even pinned up - this is exactly what any girl needs after 10 years.

Any mother knows how to make interesting, but simple hairstyles for young women of fashion in just 5 minutes.

At home, you can create quite stylish styling that will decorate a girl at a performance, holiday or other festive event.

For information on what simple hairstyles for girls are for every day, see the next video.