Hairstyles with bows for girls

Any solemn event for a girl is a reason to make a beautiful and stylish hairstyle that will make her beautiful, smart and stand out. Bows are considered classics of the genre in this sense, and hairstyles can be very different - as far as fantasy is enough. Modern stylists have prepared many interesting hairstyles with bows for little girls and older young beauties.

In the days of our mothers, in any store you could buy satin and silk bows of various shades, today you can find such bows in the sewing goods departments, but hairpins in the form of bows are offered in a wide range. If you wish, you can make bows with your own hands from any available material left over after making clothes, most often they use lace, any synthetic fabric, natural and artificial leather, as well as other materials.

A headband with a bow made of artificial curls or a hoop with bows made of gems looks very effective - such decorations are optimal for the most solemn events.

In addition to ribbons and hairpins, you will need additional accessories to create a spectacular hairstyle:
- invisible;
- hairpins;
- comb;
- hairdryer;
- styling products.

Hairstyles with bows on the "ruler"
The easiest option for a formal hairstyle for September 1 is ponytails with large bows. If the girl is the owner of a long thick head of hair, then you can collect the hair in one ponytail and fix it with an elastic band, and put a bow on top.
If a girl's hair is thinner and less frequent, then it is better to give preference to two tails - the algorithm is the same here.In a matter of minutes, you get a very simple, but at the same time interesting and playful hairstyle.

With braids
Perhaps one of the most popular hairstyles for the school line is a braid with a ribbon, as well as its various variations - you can change the number of braids and diversify the options for their weaving, for example, a very popular option, which is popularly known as "fish tail"... It is not difficult to build it.
Part your head evenly. Divide the curls into 2 identical parts and select one thin strand from each. Both strands must be crossed with strands from their part, and then crossed with each other. On one side, select a thin strand again and cross it with the upper strand of the resulting braid. Alternating the sides in a similar way, the braid is braided and fixed with an elastic band. A small bow with a hair clip is attached near the base.

If you have the ability to weave, then you can make a more complex braid, for example, openwork - these days they are at the top of popularity. The weaving technique is pretty simple. The hair is separated with a side parting, then one strand is selected next to it and divided into 3 equal parts. Weaving is carried out using the reverse spikelet technique, alternately shifting the strands from below, while from one edge the strands are taken along the growth line, and from the other - first from the parting, and only then from all the remaining hair.
During weaving, it is imperative to pull out thin strands previously woven into the braid so that they form an openwork volume.
A small bow is attached at the end of the braid.

An excellent option would be styling based on two reverse French braids. To do this, first divide all the hair into two parts with a straight parting, then pull out a small strand from one side and begin to weave a standard French braid, but at the same time the strands are placed not from above, as usual, but from below.
When the braid is completely ready, it is fixed from below with an elastic band, and then whole strands are pulled out, forming a volumetric effect.
The same manipulations are repeated with the second part, put on a large bow on top - your hairstyle is completely ready.

With loose curls
If the girl's hair is not long enough for a tail and weaving braids, or you simply intend to leave the curls loose, then you can pay attention to such an interesting option as Malvinka.
To begin with, make an even straight parting on the head. On both sides, they are separated in a thin strand from the upper part of the shock, fixed with elastic bands or hairpins. A miniature bow is pinned on top. This hairstyle looks especially impressive if the hair is curled a little.
Malvinka can also be done using braiding - in this case, before securing the hair at the back, braid a small pigtail on both sides.

With bundles
Bows look very original with bundles, such hairstyles are fashionable and at the same time quite original, moreover, it is not difficult to make them.
To begin with, the hair is twisted with tongs to about the middle, after which the most ordinary tail is made so that the last time the hair is not completely threaded into the elastic band. The resulting loop is straightened, and the tip is wrapped around the base of the bundle. The hairstyle is fixed with invisible ones and a bow is attached.

Ideas for every day
There is an opinion that hairstyles with bows are a relic of the Soviet past, relevant only to the school lineup in September. This is far from the case, there is a huge variety of hairstyles with accessories of different colors and shapes, thanks to which a girl looks simple any day, but at the same time stylish.
Such accessories also look spectacular on schoolgirls 11-15 years old, they give their image some playfulness and carelessness.
Bows of any size look great on tied and loose curls, and they can be either straight or curled in curls.

Braid styling
This method is optimal for a hot summer day, the hairstyle is quite fun and at the same time simple to perform.
Hair needs to be washed, dried and gently combed curls. On both sides, just above the line of the temples, narrow strands should be separated, braided into pigtails, secured with an elastic band from below, and then weave the most ordinary spikelet. The end of the braid is fixed at the back of the head with a thin elastic band. Together with the resulting spikelet, side braids are collected, after which they are collected in one common tail in the back of the head and a soft bundle is formed, they are fixed with hairpins and a bow is attached just above the bundle.

This is a truly legendary hairstyle, usually it is done for some solemn occasion, it is not suitable as a daily routine for children. It is necessary to act as follows. Hair is collected from the top in a high ponytail. The strands are divided into two parts of different thicknesses. A large mass of hair is combed, a lush bun is formed and fixed in a bun, and not combed ones are laid on top of the entire structure and fixed with hairpins.
The bow can be attached to the front, side or back of the babette.

In conclusion, we note that today in stores you can find the widest selection of bows in different shades - you can buy traditional white, or you can stay at color options.
If you want your child to look classic, then you should dwell on white, milk and beige bows, and if you like variety, then give preference to colored ones.
See the next video for a few more hairstyles.