Hairstyles for girls with a tiara

Even the youngest young lady wants to look beautiful during special moments, for example, at the graduation in kindergarten or on New Year's. A win-win solution would be to give your child a princess hairstyle with a tiara.

Features of hairstyles with a crown
Children's hairstyles for girls with a diadem should be created taking into account certain conditions. Even before starting work, the hair must be thoroughly combed, untangling all possible knots or tangles. Ideally, hair should be treated with a light styling product with an understandable and harmless composition. It will not be possible to do without gel or mousse at all, since usually children's parties are very active, and a hairstyle that is not fixed additionally can quickly fall apart.
If the baby's hair has to be curled with a curling iron or thermally treated with other devices, you will additionally have to use moisturizing and protecting products.

Before you start doing your hair, it is important to review the video several times or read the instructions, remember the sequence of actions, and then proceed to the implementation on the child. If possible, it is a good idea to rehearse the image on a large doll head. The choice of hair accessories should be thoughtful. It is recommended to minimize the use of invisible ones that can give the girl unpleasant sensations, as well as to pick up elastic bands that do not cling to the strands. The first time you should do your hair at home in calm conditions.

Thanks to such training, it will be possible not only to make sure that the chosen hairstyle is successful, but also to calculate the exact number of elastic bands, hairpins and hairpins used.
The finished hairstyle should be simple but attractive looking. Both simplicity in execution and ease of "disassembling" the image and further combing the hair are very important. You should not choose an overly complex weaving or styling - it is better to limit yourself to a simple design, but add unusual accessories, for example, screw-in hairpins with shiny stones. As for the tiara itself, it can be made in the format of a rim, crown or crest, look laconic or be richly decorated with rhinestones and beads.

Hairstyle options
When creating hairstyles with a tiara, the accessory itself is worn last and is an appropriate addition. Most suitable for the crown are rollers twisted from side curls, capable of holding a jewelry or "malvinka". The horizontal crown is more combined with ponytails and its variations, and the vertical one - with the “waterfall” styling, when only the upper part of the hair is braided. The larger the crown, the easier the styling should be.

Long hair
The simplest styling option with a tiara is loose, easily curled curls. Soft curls are beautiful on their own, so by twirling the strands, it will be enough just to place the jewelry on the head. It is quite common to add a classic beam with a diadem. Such a hairstyle, by the way, is suitable for a very active girl, since it will not fall apart even from dancing and jumping. To implement it you will need:
- comb;
- hairpins and invisibility;
- scrunchy.

First of all, a high tail is assembled at the crown of the head, which is then braided into a braid. The braided hair should be wrapped around the elastic, pulling the tip inside the bun. To form a larger volume, several links can be released.

The finished structure is secured with hairpins and hairpins. If there is a desire to make the image less formal, then you can release it in a lock on the face on both sides and curl them.

In the case of other high stacking of tools, you will need:
- invisible;
- hairpins;
- elastic;
- fixing agent;
- curling iron.

A small strand at the top of the head is collected in a tail, which is then fluffed along its entire length. If everything is done correctly, then a roller is formed, which will become the basis for further installation. Next, a lock of hair is selected next to the bangs and combed a little, after which it is fixed over the roller with the help of invisible ones. The same happens with other hairs. The finished hairstyle is filled with varnish, and a diadem is put on over it. It is worth mentioning that the existing bangs can be left unchanged or slightly curled.

By purchasing a ready-made roller in the store, the hair of the little princess will be able to be collected into a "babette". It is preliminarily recommended to add extra volume to the hair with a comb on the back of the head.
Almost any interesting braid will go well with the crown. For example, it can be a "waterfall", a spikelet all over the head, or a reverse French braid. It will turn out beautifully if you first divide the hair asymmetrically, separating part of the hair from the left ear and along the entire length to the right. From left to right, a spikelet is woven along the line of the crown, gradually transforming into an ordinary braid.

To make a beautiful weaving using spikelets, you will need:
- a pair of rubber bands;
- invisible;
- fixing varnish.

After combing your hair, you need to part it and divide the entire shock into two equal parts. Each spikelet is woven, which can also be made inside out. Two spikelets are fastened at the back of the head with an arc and fixed with varnish.

A girl with a bright character will suit a high ponytail with a voluminous base. When making any high styling, you should first level the hair, slightly lift it from behind and do not forget about the fleece on the crown. Hair looks doubly beautiful with neatly trimmed ends, emphasizing a clear cut of the haircut.An interesting variation of the high styling is considered to be a combination of ponytails in the forehead and on the crown.

The embodiment of another option begins with the fact that a couple of strands are separated on the forehead, and the rest of the hair is collected in a high ponytail. Each remaining strand is divided into two parts and transformed into rings. The latter are fixed with invisible pins or small hairpins and are neatly placed in a circle. From the hair remaining in the tail, it is necessary to twist two rollers in the same way and weave them together. All rings are neatly placed around the head and must be fixed.

For short hair
Hairstyles with tiaras are also chosen for the smallest, but the situation in this case is complicated by the short hair length. The question will have to be solved with imagination: comb all the strands back, make a "feather" styling, voluminous fleece or light curls. After all, you can do a standard curl and fluff it up well. It is not recommended to use curlers in this case, it is better to cut soft cloth rags and make papillotes out of them.

In this case, curling occurs in the evening after shampooing - curls are made directly onto wet hair.
By the way, short hair is easier to style if you wash your hair in the evening. It is recommended to choose a special varnish for fixing, which is characterized by a safe composition and the presence of glitter. For a small tiara-comb, a flagellated hairstyle is suitable. The bangs or just the front strands are divided into eight parts, after which they are twisted and fixed towards the crown. In the second case, the entire volume is first divided by a straight parting, and eight strands are separated from one side from the parting. Adjacent strands in length of 3 or 4 centimeters must be twisted in different directions, and then connected together with an elastic band.

For information on how to do a hairstyle with a tiara for a girl, see the next video.