Choosing a hairstyle for girls with long hair

Long hair adorns the girl, making her look like a princess. To achieve the desired effect, you need to choose a suitable hairstyle, since there are a lot of options. Styling should be pleasant to the child himself, and also be practical.

Choice depending on the occasion
Hairstyles for girls come in for daily wear or holiday wear. For each of the options, certain requirements are imposed, taking into account the age of the girl, the characteristics of the hair itself and the environment in which the hairstyle will be worn.

Styling for every day requires a special approach, taking into account the fact that in the morning, when the child is going to school or kindergarten, there is absolutely no time for delights. The hairstyle must meet a number of requirements:
- to be a girl's face;
- take away the minimum amount of time to create;
- hold on well and not fall apart during the day, even if the child changes clothes;
- do not pull hair;
- be comfortable while eating and studying at school (in kindergarten);
- it is easy to return to the original look when you take off your hat or brush your hair in another way.

If the girl is under the supervision of her mother or grandmother all day, it is not difficult to straighten her hair that gets into her eyes or is disheveled. If a child is in a team of 20 people under the guidance of a single teacher, an alien adult will clearly not correct each girl's hair.
At the same time, if you are careless about how to pick up your hair, you can achieve vision problems in your baby.

The requirements for festive hairstyles are not much different from the requirements for everyday ones. The younger the girl, the more important it is to comply with the conditions of wear and comfort. A feature of elegant styling can be called the possible increased complexity of execution, the use of bright decorations and styling products.
If a girl of kindergarten age likes beautifully styled braids or buns, then schoolgirls also want the hairstyles to be fashionable.

Taking into account the age
When creating a "composition" of long hair, you need to consider on whose head it will flaunt. If the baby is only 3 years old, 5 or 6 years old, the "adult" styling, loaded with a large number of elements, will look inappropriate, conflicting with childish spontaneity. A ten-year-old girl with a "house on her head", like a forty-year-old woman, looks vulgar.

It is believed that children's hairstyles are designed to be worn for 12 hours, no more. They should be performed on the head of little girls so that the curls do not experience stress from the effects of hairdressing tools and various fixing agents.

Hairstyles for girls for long hair can be created with braids, ponytails, buns. Even the loosened strands can be combed and styled beautifully in order to achieve the creation of a certain image.

Braided hair is the most practical. Having an original look, they do not disintegrate and practically do not flutter, which is important when it comes to restless children. There are many types of weaving, from very simple to complex.

To master some of the methods, you need to study the schemes and make your own hands remember the sequence of movements.
- In kindergarten or school, you can make comfortable simple hairstyles using ordinary hair ties. The strands are combed well, collected in a tail and fixed at the back of the head. Choose the central part of the hair and weave a braid from it. Then it is wrapped around the rest of the hair several times along the length and fixed at the end with a second elastic band. This hairstyle can be modified by twisting the base of the tail from the central part of the ponytail, and then securing it with hairpins.

- You can braid a braid from twisted strands. To do this, divide the hair into two parts with a vertical parting. Without letting go of your hands, twist them several times to get weak bundles. One part must be twisted clockwise, and the other counterclockwise. Now twist the bundles together and fix with an elastic band. To prevent the strands from getting tousled, spray the hair with varnish.

- You can make original braids of four strands. Comb your hair well and moisturize a little. Divide in two. Dismantle each half into four identical strands. Take the last one and put it on the nearest one, the third one - on top of the previous one, the last one - under the very first one, thus reaching the end and fixing them. Also weave a second braid. It is advisable not to tighten the hair so that the texture is clearly visible.
Following this principle, you can weave one braid from a different number of strands - up to 12. Such hairstyles from a large number of components resemble something like a net and can serve as a wonderful head decoration.

- Long hair makes beautiful weaving in a circle, starting from the crown. This hairstyle is called "Snail". The strands are woven into the braid gradually. The hairstyle takes on a finished look when all the hair is in a braid, and the hair itself is beautifully fixed with hairpins.

The secret to beautiful weaving is not to pull the strands together as we weave. Then the hairstyle turns out to be lush and textured. At the same time, it does not create discomfort for the scalp.
- If the girl has rich hair, releasing playful strands at her temples, you can braid two braids and lay them towards each other around the head in the form of a rim. Secure with hairpins. A practical and beautiful hairstyle is ready.

- Long braids make mischievous horns. Hair can be divided into two or three sections if desired. Braid them in the parietal zone, observing symmetry in relation to the face. Wrap each around you, secure with hairpins. With such horns, you can safely run all day. Hair won't get in the way. A good option for everyday wear is a French braid or, in other words, a spikelet. Three strands are isolated at the crown, weaved as usual, and then the rest of the hair is weaved in succession to the very bottom.

The ponytail is interesting because it can be done in a matter of minutes. This hairstyle is good on its own, but it can even be dressed up. If you choose three thin strands from the tail, and braid a pigtail along the length of the tail, adding new ones along the left or right side to it, you can get a tail inside the braid. At the bottom, it remains to secure the hairstyle with an elastic band.
For a girl 10-12 years old and older, you can make a beautiful hairstyle for a school evening based on a low ponytail. Part hair from ear to ear in half. Curl the hair in the back of the head with a curling iron. Give the curls splendor, collect in a tail almost at the very neck. Then wind the hair in the parietal part and attach these curls to the tail with an elastic band, mask the elastic with a strand of hair. It turns out a lush, airy structure. Comb the hair from the temples, then separate, leaving half of the curls to go down at the temples, and attach the remaining ones slightly wrapped around you to the tail.

A good option is to do a two-ponytail hairstyle. You can fix them at one height or another using an elastic band. This hairstyle is good for every day and for a children's matinee.
Schoolgirls will love the low tail set asymmetrically closer to one ear. If you give it splendor, it will look festive.

The tail turns into a bun with a slight movement. For example, you can collect it on the crown, leaving only a couple of loose strands at the temples. Having wrapped a mass of hair around the elastic, form a lush bun, secure with hairpins. Curl the strands of the face with a curling iron and sprinkle with varnish. An elegant hairstyle is ready.

Bundles are not that difficult to arrange in a variety of stylish hair bows. They can be performed on the top of the head, and from the side, and in the back of the head. Comb the hair well, separate the parts and at the selected point make a tail out of them. At the last turn with the elastic band, do not pull the bundle out of it completely. Divide the resulting bun in two, and throw the remaining hair under the elastic over this parting, creating the center of the bow. Secure your hair with hairpins, masking the elastic and forming a bridge between the two parts of the bow.
To prevent the hair from falling apart, they should be fixed with varnish. Form large curls from the remaining free strands and, without combing, give them the intended position. Fix with varnish.

Nicely and simply, you can make a bun on the top of your head using a pair of elastic bands and hairpins. The bulk of the hair is wrapped around the tail, and a pigtail is woven from a small strand and decorated with a bun, wrapping it around the edge. It remains to hide the tip of the pigtail, fixed with an elastic band, under the bundle, and secure with hairpins.
A bundle can be made from braids alone. To do this, build the tail at the desired height, divide it into parts. Braid each one into a braid, securing it with transparent silicone rubber bands, intertwine the pigtails with each other and form a lush bun, fix it with hairpins.

For a little girl, a knot and bun hairstyle is suitable. Divide the hair in the parietal and temporal zones into six parts, fix them with colored elastic bands. In the middle of each ponytail, make loops and tighten into knots. Gather the free part of the hair into one bun and fix.
With the help of small colored elastic bands, you can make many neat ponytails from the forehead to the neck, highlighting part of the hair with two even partings in the center of the head.Then each of the tails is clearly divided in two, including the strands in 2 bundles on the sides. The hairstyle is interesting for its texture and ease of wearing. Suitable for both a little girl and a schoolgirl of 10-12 years old.

The good thing about loose hair is that it does not create any load on the scalp of the child. At the same time, managing them is not easy. If you leave them as they are, just by combing, they will interfere with the little fidget, get in the eyes and get confused. The smaller the girl is, the more you have to figure out how to fix the strands in front. A beautiful hairstyle with curls can be done by braiding the front part of the hair with a braid from one temple to another, fixing it with an elastic band and hiding the tip under the rest of the hair. Curl the rest of the hair with a curling iron, dividing it into equal parts.

In another version, the braid is laid around the head, pressing the hair with it so that it does not get tousled. This hairstyle is possible for very long strands when the size of the braid is enough for a full turn. To make a comfortable and beautiful hairstyle from long hair, a small beautiful bow is formed from the strands from the temporal regions, collected at the back of the head, leaving the bulk of the loose.

If the girl has natural curls, creating some hairstyles is greatly simplified. If the hair is straight, creating the curls themselves is a whole thing, although the result is worth it. It is necessary to curl the strands of the child into tight rings and spirals, following the rules:
- hair must first be washed with baby shampoo;
- when creating curls, the hair should be slightly damp;
- each part of the hair must be combed well before curling, starting from the ends;
- do not use a comb with frequent teeth or massage comb while working;
- it is also better to refrain from using a curling iron or iron, especially if the child is very small;
- to fix curls, you need to use products that are safe for children, for example, serum-based varnish or gelatin gel.

Safe and proven by many generations of young fashionistas means to get "curly hairstyles" is the use of rags. From the fabric, you need to make strips 2 centimeters wide and 10 centimeters long. Wrap white paper in the middle. On these pieces of paper, you can wind strands soaked in water and fix them by tying the rags with a bow. The thicker the strand, the larger the curl and the longer it will take to dry. Having twisted all the hair, the child's head needs to be tied with a scarf. Remove the papillotes after complete drying, separate the curls with your fingers. It remains to fix, for example, the upper strands with an elastic band on the crown of the head, and the festive hairstyle is ready.
You can also use curlers to create curls, but their choice must be approached very carefully. It is better to choose products that have a soft structure without a core inside. Do not use heat rollers. Curls can be beautifully matched by creating a very lush bun or weak ponytail. Thanks to curls, hairstyles are unique and airy.

Going to a holiday, you can make a girl a hairstyle with a message to the past. Thick curled curls are fixed at the temples in tails. The result is a hairstyle in the spirit of the first decade of the 20th century. If you make a young fashionista soft curls and decorate her head with a band with feathers and stones, an image is created in the spirit of the 30s of the last century.
You can do a 50s-style hairstyle - bobetta. With this styling, the girl will look adorable. In the classic version, the hair collected at the crown needs to be combed. In order not to spoil the children's hairstyle, you can use a "donut". The hair is styled around it, and this achieves the desired effect. For a retro-style hairstyle to be spectacular, you need to choose the appropriate dress for the child.

How to make an original hairstyle in 5 minutes?
Simple hairstyles are not only practical, but surprisingly beautiful as well.A flower-shaped bundle is quick to execute and at the same time very attractive. To do it, you need to use the following tools:
- comb;
- hairpins;
- hair bands.
The step-by-step creation process looks like this. Collect hair from the parietal part and from the temples in a tail at the back of the head. Divide into two equal parts. Twist into tight bundles and intertwine with each other, fix. Lay gently around the base of the tail and secure with hairpins. A beautiful textured flower is ready. The rest of the hair remains to be combed. All is ready.

An original hairstyle can be made on the basis of ponytails. To implement the plan, you will need:
- comb;
- silicone transparent rubber bands.
First you need to comb your hair. Select two strands of small thickness in the upper part. Connect them in a ponytail at the top of the head. Part the hair over the elastic with your fingers and stretch the tail into this hole. It turns out that he was turned inside out. In the area of \ u200b \ u200bthe temples, select two more strands and connect them with the tail. At the level of the new elastic, part the hair again and stretch the ponytail through it. Now it remains to collect the remaining strands, tie with an elastic band and turn the hair out again. Comb the ends. Ready.

To make an unusual double beam you will need:
- comb;
- hairpins;
- invisible.
Comb the hair and divide it into two "blocks" horizontally so that the upper one is slightly smaller in volume than the lower one. Twist the upper part into a bundle and, turning counterclockwise, make a bundle at the desired height. Pin with hairpins. From the remaining strands, also create a tourniquet and wrap it around the bundle. Hide the tip of the hair and fix the "composition" with invisible ones.

How to pack?
Whichever method of styling is chosen when it comes to children's hair, care must be taken to ensure that the styling products do not harm the health of the child. It is advisable to use the means specially designed for them. It should also be borne in mind that good styling will be under certain conditions:
- it will last a long time if done on clean hair;
- it is better to dry and comb your hair 10 minutes after washing;
- styling should be done in a well-lit room in front of a large mirror;
- so that the ends of the hair do not stick together, the styling products must be applied from the roots.
A variety of braids, tails and buns, as well as semi-loose hair - all these are styling options for every day or for a holiday. In this case, the strands, collected in bundles in the morning or braided in braids in a slightly moist form, in the second half of the day you can dissolve, spread with your hands, and you get an evening hairstyle.

How to decorate?
Accessories play a big role in creating hairstyles. And it's not just about invisibility and stilettos, without which it is sometimes simply impossible to lay long strands in a certain way. Such simple things as are capable of transforming the look of any girl:
- bows and ribbons;
- hairpins;
- headbands;
- ridges;
- tiaras;
- bandages;
- sequins;
- rhinestones.

When choosing one or another jewelry for the hair of a young fashionista, you need to consider how practical it is. A hair clip can be very pretty. But if it is heavy, there will be no sense from it. She will not be able to hold her hair, but she will surely interfere. When choosing an accessory in a store, this aspect must be taken into account.
Accessories for hairstyles can be made by hand at home. By folding the petals from satin ribbons in a certain way and connecting with a glue gun, the craftswomen create amazing flowers in the Japanese style. Such decorations are called kanzashi. The use of foamiran opens up great opportunities in the creation of accessories. From this material, flowers are obtained that are almost indistinguishable from natural ones. Both kanzashi and foamiran are used to decorate hairpins, headbands, hairpins. The jewelry is light and comfortable. Beautiful handcrafted gizmos that make your long hair look gorgeous.

Beautiful and interesting examples
- Braids can be braided in many different ways. This allows you to make them textured and decorate with flowers or bows from your own strands.

- The French braid is a winning hairstyle for every day and for the holiday. Complementing it with ribbons, you get an “output version” of hair styling.

- Due to the braids from the strands highlighted in the temporal zones, each time an original hairstyle is obtained. At the same time, the loose part does not interfere with movement and does not reach into the eyes.

- The braid, laid through the parietal part of the head and "hugging" the loose hairstyle in the back, is a wonderful decoration in itself. The effect is achieved due to strands neatly pulled out of braided hair, making the braid visually thicker.

- A bun of hair can make a young fashionista look elegant. To increase the size of this hairstyle element, an additional elastic band is put on the tail. Then the desired shape is created. Due to the competent arrangement of the strands on the bundle, they create a pronounced pattern of hair, attracting attention to the hairstyle. Hairpins and bows diversify it and make it even more elegant.

- Long hair allows you to create voluminous buns and curls, creating a unique composition of strands. If you use studs with embellishments, it adds completeness to the festive look.

- Even if the girl has thin hair, with the help of eggs from "Kinder Surprise" it is possible to create a fun hairstyle. It is necessary to make an unusual parting and fold the net of strands using a large number of small elastic bands. With good skill, it takes a little time to form it.

- Even a banal "lump" of hair is transformed if you use original ornaments made of ribbons of different colors. The little princess will be very happy with her hairstyle.

- An ordinary ponytail can be improved by creating a "heart" ornament on it with the help of rubber bands. You can do this hairstyle without any instructions. It is enough to look closely at the photograph.

In the next video, you will find three beautiful and quick hairstyles for a girl to school.