Choosing a hairstyle for school for a girl with short hair

All children spend a lot of time at school. And every day there is a question about the hairstyle. Mothers try to tidy up their babies' "naughty hair" every day, but this is not so easy to do. After all, now the youngest girls want to look no worse than the "stars".

There are certain requirements that apply to the appearance of all students in the school. Neat hairstyles are also part of the image of an exemplary schoolgirl. Hair length can be arbitrary. The main thing is that the hairstyle looks not only beautiful, but also neat. In addition, hair should not get in the way during lessons. This is necessary so that children are not distracted from their studies.
Make sure your hair is clean.
You can decorate them with accessories, for example, using bows, hairpins or ordinary elastic bands.

Features of the hairstyle
School hairstyles are also quite varied. They can be both everyday and festive.
September 1
On this day, every girl, be it a first grader or a graduate, wants to stand out, look special. And here all kinds of bows, hairpins and other accessories are used.
In addition, on this day, each of the girls can do any hairstyle. The main thing is that it fits the created image. For such a holiday, you can spend a little more time on your hair.

You won't be able to style your hair in a special way every day. After all, there is very little time for this. However, even in a few minutes, you can create a neat and stylish hairstyle from short hair. It is just necessary that the student likes her, and does not attract attention to herself.

To graduation party
Graduation is also a special day. It takes a lot of time to create an image. After all, the hairstyle should be combined with everything and emphasize the attractiveness of the girl.
Even with short hair, beautiful styling can be achieved. The hairstyle will still look stylish. As a last resort, you can supplement it with artificial strands, or even use a hairpiece.

If your short hair is perfectly straight, then you can choose a hairstyle "a la Twiggy". Its creation will not take long. In addition, you can even make it at home. All you need is hairspray and a comb.

For those who have naturally curly hair, you can do a “wet curls” hairstyle, which is also easy to do at home.

And, of course, in salons, specialists can make truly real masterpieces even from short hair.

Choice based on age
The choice of hairstyles for girls largely depends on how old they are. For the smallest schoolgirls under 10 years old, it is necessary to do such a styling so that it can hold on well. Indeed, at this age they are very mobile, they love to jump and run with their peers. Therefore, it is better to make the hairstyle with braids tighter, then it will be able to hold out a little longer.
However, you should not use any varnishes or other chemicals.

Children's styling for girls from 12 years old can be made more complex. It can be both a variety of tails and braids, which will not only look beautiful, but also will not interfere with the child's work or drawing.

Many high school girls are already doing their own hairstyles and do them no worse than the masters in the salons. Therefore, they have much more opportunities for creativity. The only limitation is the hairstyle must still fit the dress code.

How to do it?
Hairstyles for school for short hair can be both simple and more complex. Styles such as "Malvina", "shell", a small braid that can be braided in different ways, an elongated square, and so on are perfect for them. Some can be done in as little as 5 minutes, but others take a little longer. All of them must be considered in stages. First, let's take a look at light hairstyles.

Laying "visor"
To create such a hairstyle, you can use only a thin elastic band, as well as a rope. To make it more convenient, you need to attach a paper clip to the end of the rope. After that, you need to separate a small curl at the very forehead and wrap it with a rope at the roots, and then tie it in a knot. Next, you need to stretch the rope through each curl and secure with a knot. Passing each next curl, you need to know that it should be larger each time. And so on until the "visor" is at the very ear. At the end, the rope can be secured with a paper clip, and the rest of the hair can be loosened and combed very carefully.

Braiding for short hair
This option is also suitable for those with short hair. This hairstyle looks pretty pretty and is done very quickly.
First you need to carefully comb your hair, dividing it into two sides. After that, you need to start weaving a spikelet starting from the bangs. The curls that are on the sides can also be woven into a spikelet.
You can decorate this hairstyle with a small bow.

This type of styling can be both very simple and more complex. They all look beautiful and neat.

Simple tail
This option is suitable for girls with short hair. To do this, they must be divided into two parts, making an even parting. On each side, you need to leave a small curl so that you can hide the elastic bands behind them. Next, with the help of elastic bands, you need to fix the ponytails, and then wrap them with the left curls. You can fasten the strands with small hairpins or ordinary invisible hairpins.

Ponytail inside out
It also gets done quickly. To do this, you need a regular comb and your favorite elastic band. The first thing to do is to collect a regular tail at the bottom, securing it with an elastic band.Then you can make a small hole in the middle of the tail just above the elastic. Next, you need to stretch your hair through this hole. This should be done from top to bottom.

Even a mother can do such a styling for her child. To do this, you need to divide the girl's hair into equal parts according to the number of ponytails needed. After that, they must be lifted and tightened with an ordinary tourniquet to the very stop, and then fixed with elastic bands.

Such hairstyles can be done on both straight and curly hair. Both will look pretty. In either case, you need to remove the front curls back and curl them into beautiful strands. Alternatively, you can tie a narrow ribbon along your head and tie it with a small bow.

This styling can be done in a few minutes. You just need to comb your hair back and tie it in a ponytail. This must be done not at the very roots, but slightly below. Next, the tail must be wrapped inward. Then roll it into a roller. Then attach with small hairpins.

Can be styled to one side. This "waterfall" is perfect for high school students, especially those who want to look older. To do this, you only need a comb and elastic bands: decorative and silicone. First you need to comb your hair thoroughly and then choose one curl. It can be on the right or left. It must be divided into three identical strands, and start to weave a braid.
Making the second crossing, you need to weave the upper strand, which is located above the braid, and the next time - the lower one. This should be done until the braid is woven to the opposite side. Then it must be secured with an elastic band, and decorated with a beautiful hairpin or bow on top.
Such a "waterfall" can be done on either side or just around the head.

For short hair, you can simply do a curly hair style. To do this, you need to divide the hair into an equal number of strands and curl them with a conical curling iron. When the last curl is curled, they must be thrown back and each of them spread with your hand. You can decorate such a hairstyle with a beautiful ribbon or headband.

How to decorate?
No matter how beautiful a hairstyle turns out, in the end it can always be supplemented with various accessories. Small and large bows, hairpins, which can be simple or with different images, are suitable for this. And also it can be multi-colored ribbons, elastic bands, artificial flowers or headbands. In addition, you can use beads or rhinestones.

Beautiful examples
Cool hairstyles can be done for both very young girls and high school girls. Well-tied neat braids are suitable for babies. To prevent the hairstyle from looking too simple and annoying, you can try to "cross" them. It turns out original and cute.

If there is little time in the morning, you can limit yourself to simple styling with curls fixed behind. Here you only need a couple of hairpins or elastic bands. If you want your short hair not to interfere in the classroom, you can lift it up and braid a "wreath" - a circular braid that is fixed with invisible hairpins or bright hairpins.

In general, even the owners of short hair have nothing to complain about. They also have a very large selection of beautiful hairstyles and styling. The main thing is to have good imagination and dexterous hands.
In the video, see 9 master classes on hairstyles that are suitable for schoolgirls.