Ways of weaving braids for girls: simple hairstyles

For every modern woman, memories of childhood and school years are the most reverent. At that time, there was no need to follow fashion trends, spend a long time near the mirror, select shades of cosmetics to create daytime and evening make-up and create exquisite hairstyles.
This period of adolescence is entirely focused on wearing braids. The hairstyle is uncomplicated in execution, and most importantly, it is very convenient in everyday life. Since then, the braids have not lost their influence and have even gone through some modernization.

No modern mother will send her child to school or kindergarten with conventional hair braids. Various decorations, hairpins, ribbons, elastic bands will definitely be added. In addition, a huge variety of braiding techniques have emerged, for example, the French technique, braiding around the edge of the head. The most difficult option is to compose a braid from four strands.
No matter how difficult the execution of the hairstyle is, any mother will try to give her all one hundred percent so that her daughter is the most beautiful and at the same time does not feel any discomfort.

Hairstyles for school
For a long time, the braid has been considered the most common and easy-to-use hairstyle for little girls. But in the modern concept of fashion, it is no longer possible to surprise anyone with the usual weaving of a spikelet. Therefore, you have to make some changes, supplement the hairstyle with various elements, for example, hairpins or bows.
Today, such pigtails as a French waterfall with tiered weaves and hair tied up in a bun, limited to fine spikes. On the one hand, performing such hairstyles may seem impossible for an ordinary person, but in fact, not everything is as complicated as it seems.

Before you start weaving braids, especially for the first time, you should familiarize yourself with the basics of technology.
- Before you start styling the strands, you need to comb your hair. Even a small knot can damage styling, especially when doing the French weaving technique.
- In the process of weaving spikelets, it is not necessary to tighten the strands very much. The girl will have to walk with this styling during the day. With a strong tightening of the strands of the pigtail, the child may begin a migraine, which will cause a feeling of discomfort and will lose interest in gaining new knowledge.
- When weaving braids, it is very important to ensure that the ends of the hair do not stick out from different sides of the finished spikelet. The main task of creating a hairstyle is not only to weave a beautiful braid, but also to make it neat. If, nevertheless, the effect of protruding hairs occurs before braiding, you should moisten the curls with conditioner or mousse. It is enough to lightly sprinkle with water for obedient and pliable hair.

- Quite often, in the morning, there is absolutely no time to create complex weaves on a child's head. That is why it is necessary to study in advance a few simple, but rather unusual options for hairstyles with a braid. The initial performance should be carried out the night before, so that in the morning you understand where to start and how to finish quickly.
- Girls wear their parent-styled hairstyles all day long. Active play, childish play and exercise can negatively affect the neatness of styling. Therefore, in order to fix the hair and additionally decorate the braid, it is necessary to use various hairpins, hairpins, invisibility, elastic bands. It is important to note that the fasteners for children's hair must be made of plastic material.
Metal, in its structure, negatively affects the health of the scalp of the child's head. And for safety reasons, plastic is a more reliable material.

It is important to know that any braided hairstyle has a wide range of benefits.
- Classic styling options used for daily wear can be applied to a look created for a serious event or a holiday party.
- The braid looks very elegant and neat in its structure. In addition, it does not interfere in any way with sports.
- Modern girls who lead an active lifestyle will appreciate braided braids, since curls gathered in an ear do not cause discomfort.
- Any mother who wants to emphasize the individuality of her little daughter can master the braiding technique.
- Today there is a huge selection of options for weaving braids, thanks to which the extraordinary image of a little girl is emphasized. Moreover, each separate type of styling is used for going to school or for a matinee in kindergarten.
- Pigtail is a unique hairstyle. It matches perfectly with any child's appearance.

If you find an approach and learn how to weave braids, you can create unusual and bright hairstyles for every day from an ordinary spikelet. On the one hand, it is clear that the art of braiding is a complex and rather difficult science.
But if you think about it, then this kind of art is available to everyone - not only mom, but also to the young dad.

Before you start creating your own hairstyle, you should prepare some tools that should be at hand.
- Comb. It is best to use models with small teeth and a sharp tip for easy separation of strands. In addition, you should stock up on a regular brush to comb your hair along the entire length.

- Fasteners. Their sizes must be selected depending on the performed hairstyle. For small spikelets, it is best to use hairpin clips, especially when creating a French weave.

- Decorations. This refers to items that can be woven into a braid or pinned over a finished hairstyle.

- Hair care cosmetic set. Various varnishes, gels, mousses, which can fix the hairstyle for a long time.

Having familiarized yourself with the basics of weaving and the necessary tools, you should start performing your first hairstyle. Training is best done on the standard weaving of classic three-strand braids.
- First you need to collect your hair in a low ponytail, comb it along the entire length, get rid of tangles and knots.
- The assembled tail must be divided into three identical parts. It is necessary to carefully carry out the separation so that the thickness of each individual strand is equivalent to the two remaining.
- The left strand is laid over the middle of the split curls. After that, the right strand lies on top of the left, which, after the initial actions, turned out to be central. Thus, the right and left strands gradually change. This is how the braiding should be carried out to the tip of the hair.
- The end of the braid must be secured with a strong elastic band. To prevent hair from crawling out in different directions during styling, they should first be moistened with plain water or moisturizing mousse.

The classical method of weaving braids, which was mentioned above, was quite widespread in the 70-80s. For schoolgirls, this was the most common hairstyle. Only the ends were decorated not just with hair bands, but with real big bows. It is worth noting that this weaving method was used not only for thick, but also thin hair.

In the modern world, weaving braids for schoolgirls is much more difficult. But if you get used to it, then even the father of the family can cope with this task.
The main thing is to follow the step-by-step instructions so as not to go astray and achieve a positive result. Then try to create this hairstyle again, but without using tips.

Modern schoolgirls today want to have more than just an unusual haircut. It is important that it is refined and at the same time does not interfere with everyday life. Therefore, it is proposed to study the technique of weaving a French braid.
- First, you need to comb a strand of hair in the frontal part of the head, then divide it into three separate strands.
- From the strands obtained, you should begin to weave the usual classic braid.
- Now you need to be careful. The beginning of weaving proceeds according to the classical technology, but after two weaves it is necessary to start adding a small curl to each strand from the sides.
- Weaving braids is necessary until the curls run out. Once the hair is completely gathered into a single ponytail, the braid should be secured, and the remaining tip should be braided like a regular classic braid.

How to braid in kindergarten?
When collecting a child for kindergarten, each mother considers all possible risks - these are removable underwear, spare socks, comfortable shoes, and, most importantly, a hairstyle that will adorn the head of a little girl during the day without causing discomfort and anxiety.

For an active child, it is very important that the curls do not dangle in different directions. An athletic girl runs, jumps, plays, and accordingly, her hair may be disheveled by lunchtime. Hair will constantly get in your eyes and get in the way. That is why it is proposed to learn how to weave a pigtail-basket. The result is two braids intertwining from the sides around the head.
- The first thing to do before creating this hairstyle is to comb the child's hair. Then, using a comb with a sharp end, divide the hair into 2 equal parts along the parting.
- On the front side, it is necessary to separate a small strand between the frontal lobe and the ear. Now you can start weaving braids using French technology.
- Weaving occurs gradually, with each spikelet weaving, it is necessary to add curls on the right and left sides. Having reached the cervical region, the braid must be secured. The spike is woven on the other side of the head in the same way.
- After the braids have met near the neck, the right ear goes to the left side, respectively, the left weave goes to the right side. For fastening, you should use bobby pins or hairpins. Fixation should occur when the braids are connected in the neck area and at the very end.

This weaving method resembles the classic version of the 70-80s with two braids on the sides. But thanks to some modernization and the introduction of additional fixing elements, such an unusual basket is obtained.
Since the hair is tightly fixed, the curls do not crumble during the game, do not come out from different sides.

The fishtail braid has become a fairly popular hairstyle for girls of kindergarten age. As the name suggests, the execution of this hairstyle is a rather complicated process, unbearable for novice “stylists”. But everything is not so scary, the main thing is to correctly distribute the sequence of actions.
- First, you need to comb your hair along the entire length. Then collect them in a high ponytail and tighten with a silicone rubber band so that it does not stand out and does not catch the eye.
- A small strand is separated from a single ponytail and wrapped over the fixing elastic band, then fixed with an invisible one. The remnants of the collected hair must be divided into two parts.
- A thin curl is separated from the right strand of the tail and transferred to the left side. A small curl is also separated from the left strand and transferred to the right side. Weaving takes place according to this pattern. It is very important that the separated curls of the strands are the same size. At the end of the hairstyle, the tip of the tail must be fixed with an ordinary rubber band.

Holiday options
Everyone knows that every kindergarten and school attaches great importance to festive events. Any mass holiday is accompanied by matinees, at which children should appear dressed up. Each mother, having learned about such a festival, begins to prepare her daughter in advance. Comes up with an image and a decent hairstyle. For example, for the spring holidays, the ribbon cascade looks quite relevant. The main thing is that an adult has enough patience to perform this step-by-step hairstyle. Although any parent will give one hundred percent to make his child the most beautiful.
- Before you start braiding the cascade, you need to weave the ribbon into your hair. It can be neatly pinned invisibly or tied to the first strand. In general, fix it in the most convenient way. In addition, the options for fixing the tape must be considered taking into account the thickness of the woven decoration. The ribbon should be folded twice at an approximate distance to the first strand at the temple, about 3-4 cm from the line of the beginning of hair growth.
- Three strands must be separated near the forehead. They should be positioned in such a way that the woven ribbon is the third in a row from the left side. It is this strand that first enters into weaving, it is carried out under the first selected curl, then over the ribbon strand.

- The last strand is laid out on the one that preceded it, and then passes under the ribbon strand and fits under the extreme curl. Then the curl is folded into a strand with a ribbon and held under the extreme strand of the right side.
- Next, you need to grab a small part of the hair and add it to the side curl. The resulting thickened strand of hair goes under the curl with the ribbon, then under the left strand.
- It is important to note that this hair braiding technology should flow diagonally, due to which all loose hair will be gathered into a single braid.

- Almost at the very end of creating a hairstyle, weaving ends with the interception of free curls. The tip of the resulting tail must be fastened with a transparent rubber band. The remaining length of the tape is wound over the silicone fixation and tied in a bow.
This weaving method is rather complicated and it will not work to create a high-quality hairstyle the first time. But after several attempts, the result will surpass all expectations.

Quite often, when collecting their daughter for a festive event, parents purchase beautiful elegant fluffy dresses with a small neckline. These suits look especially good on girls with a graceful long neck. To emphasize this advantage, it is necessary to use not only pearl or silver jewelry. You need to choose a special hairstyle. In this case, laying the spikelet "upside down" would be the ideal option.
- First, you need to sit the child in such a way that the head is tilted slightly forward, and the hair hangs down freely.
- Loose strands must be carefully combed, slightly moistened with plain water or conditioner.
- A large section of hair is detached at the base of the neck and divided into three separate sections.

- Next, you need to start weaving a French spikelet.
- As soon as the braid reaches the level of the back of the head, and all the hair is already woven into the spikelet, you will need to carefully secure the ponytail.
- If the ends of the hair are thin, it is best to use a foam rubber "donut", with which it will turn out to create a voluminous bun. "Bagels" are divided into different types, thus it is possible to choose the most suitable size.
- This very "donut" is put on the resulting ponytail, then wrapped around the hair. The tip is hidden under the base of the "donut".

When creating this hairstyle, you can use ribbon weaving. And when fixing the "donut", use the remaining ends to tie a bow.
Unusual ideas
Each parent wants his child to always be bright and memorable, to attract the admiring glances of others. That is why every mother works out the image of her daughter every day. This applies not only to clothing, but also to hair styling.
Of course, you can make ordinary ponytails, decorate them with hairpins and elastic bands of a bright color, which will catch your eye. But these elements will not emphasize the individuality of the baby. That is why parents use different hairstyle techniques that can decorate the extraordinary image of their beloved child.

The version "angel's heart" looks quite interesting. In principle, this hairstyle can be done for schoolgirls, but it is best to create this hairstyle for everyday wear, for example, during the holidays. It is worth noting that with such a hairstyle, every girl turns into a real angel.
- First you need to comb your hair. Moisten slightly with water if necessary.
- An even parting is made in the center of the head.
- On the right and left sides, it is necessary to retreat about 12 cm from the beginning of the hairline. The strands are divided into lines, thereby creating the upper part of the "heart". The shape of the bends can be created as you wish.

- After preparing the base of the curls, you can start weaving the first braid. That the rest of the hair did not interfere, they should be stabbed with an invisible one.
- The braids are woven according to the French spikelet technology, only the new parts of the curls are grabbed not from the sides, but from below.
- As soon as the braid has reached the back of the head, it must be secured with a transparent elastic band, after which you can start weaving the second side.
- The pigtails that meet on the back of the head must be connected into a single tail and brought to their logical conclusion in the same way by means of a triple spikelet.
- The resulting hairstyle is fastened with a beautiful hairpin or bow.In some cases, you can twist the ponytail into a bun to create a blunt-ended heart.
- To get the volume of the hairstyle, the braids along the entire length must be fluffed up a little. To do this, slightly pull on the surface strands of the spikelets.

The hairstyle looks quite bright and elegant "African braids". For their execution, additional multi-colored threads are used, which are woven into the strands. The work itself takes a very long time. And not every parent will agree to give their child such a hairstyle, although during the summer holidays you can experiment.
- First you need to comb your hair thoroughly and moisten it with water or conditioner.
- Each individual "African" pigtail is very thin in thickness. Curls are selected with a comb with a sharp end. The selection of strands begins with a parting and is braided in the direction of hair growth.

- Each strand is divided into three parts, to the first of which a colored tape is fixed. Then the braids are weaved in the classical way. The tip is fixed with a small silicone rubber band, over which the tape used in the braid is wound.
- As for the weaving pattern. Each individual spikelet is selected with the sharp end of the comb at a distance of one square centimeter. If thinner braids are required, then the size of the square should be smaller.

The weaving process for the master takes only one day, but for a beginner this period can take much longer.
To create an unusual and vivid image of your daughter, there is no need to use hairstyles presented by eminent masters. Using your imagination and the possibility of using additional elements, you can turn an ordinary French spikelet into a captivating braid, with which you can even go to the ball.

Beautiful examples
When visiting the children's corner in shopping and entertainment complexes, you can meet girls with a huge variety of types of braiding. Quite often these are separate improvisations of the parents. And yet there are styling made exclusively by the hand of the master.
- When creating this hairstyle was used French spikelet technique. The horizontal braids at the top and bottom of the head are made using the same technology. Each individual pigtail starts at the top and bottom points, spaced at the same distance. The connection of the braid into one one-piece ponytail occurs on the left side and is fixed with an original hair clip. With such a hairstyle, you can go to any festive event, for a walk or for a visit.

- Earlier it was mentioned about the hairstyle "African braids". In this case, a semblance of African weaving was used with a slight change in technology. The compilation of each individual braid begins at the base of the hair growth at the front. Thin strands are collected in a small curl and braided according to French technology with the addition of hair from the sides. In the process of weaving, each braid changes its direction in the form of an arc to meet at a single point.
Using this hairstyle is in no way combined with going to kindergarten or school, but for the summer holidays this is a very unusual and rather interesting option.

- To create this hairstyle, the basis was classic pigtails, connected in a single tail. The styling looks very elegant, the luxury and sophistication of each spikelet is felt. With this styling, you can go not only to school, but also to any festive events. The hairstyle technology itself is not complicated. Several braids are made at the same distance around the circumference. And they smoothly flow into a whole ponytail of hair. Before you start styling, the hair must be dampened or treated with conditioner.

For information on how to braid a 4-strand braid, see the video below.
Thanks for the helpful and interesting article! It is difficult to imagine beautiful little girls without original hairstyles on their heads.